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Everything posted by daan_vb

  1. What are the seating differences between single and dual class?
  2. I remember people thinking this before 2020 released, that the vast addons would be a thing of the past compared to FSX and P3D, yet here we are. There will always be something that does it better than default 🙂
  3. I've been watching this thread intently, its like a proper whodunnit! Can't wait to find out who the murderer culprit is...
  4. If anyone wants a ton of scripts for the 777, I've uploaded them on Flightsim.to They're a bit messy but you should be able to find what you need AAO PMDG 777 Scripts for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
  5. Thanks for looking into it. I got it working like this. Its a bit basic but seems to work 1·(>L:CAMinsKnob,·number)·(WAIT:100) 0·(>L:CAMinsKnob,·number) -1·(>L:CAMinsKnob,·number)·(WAIT:100) 0·(>L:CAMinsKnob,·number) 1·(>L:CABaroKnob,·number)·(WAIT:100) 0·(>L:CABaroKnob,·number) -1·(>L:CABaroKnob,·number)·(WAIT:100) 0·(>L:CABaroKnob,·number)
  6. Thanks, unfortunately couldn't get this to work. Added in the SDK broadcast data and added the repeating script. The 777 uses the same event numbers as you described, but doesn't seem to work for left or right mouse wheel on the baro or mins I tried using this method for the IFE button and it works OK 536870912·(>K:#69649) so perhaps there's something different about rotary knobs...
  7. Has anyone had a look at the Bro and Mins knobs in the new 777 yet? In the 737 there was a nice easy rotor brake value to use but doesn't seem to be the case ion the 777. Looks like some mad code in the xml...
  8. I'm getting constant connected/unconnected and disabling my Bing data today. Driving me mad. Scenery looks awful and the World map doesn't load any imagery either. Anyone else getting this?
  9. Seems so, i'm getting this too and horrible lag
  10. lol what did they do, pick the date out of a bag? "Yeah, that'll do."
  11. Has anyone tried any of the other scalers? I've been using LS1 but was playing around with some of the others and didn't notice too much difference between any of them....
  12. Ah right, yeah I use AddonLinker but Splat looks interesting, will look into it, thanks
  13. It might look that way, but in the LSFG settings if you enable Draw FPS, it will then display your actual FPS and then Generated FPS in the top left so something like 45/130
  14. This made no difference to my FPS but it does seem to make panning much smoother
  15. So do you not use the insim FG with your 4090? Or does it double the insim FG?
  16. Can you link to the beta version please?
  17. They love this attention. I've always had the impression they have a pretty sadistic sense of humour and over-inflated ego's. Just ignore them, don't give them the air time and they'll soon come crawling back for attention, but whilst you keep moaning and showing them your dissatisfaction due to it not being released, they'll keep poking the bear.
  18. Ahhh ok, thanks. I wasted so much time on trying to get this working haha! Is it possible to just change the default icon?
  19. Is it possible to adjust the level at which VATSIM controllers/centres are displayed on the map. I have to zoom in to the map a certain distance before they appear. Is it possible to alter that zoom level to be further out at which they appear?
  20. I'm trying to use the custom aircraft icons from the GitHub, I've extracted them to C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\ABarthel but I can't get them to show up. All the Online Vatsim aircraft still look like Cessna's, when I would like them to look more like jets (or ideally a mix of both) Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated
  21. AS is using the same cloud "textures" as what is provided by MSFS but its how the clouds are generated and depicted that is what is different. I agree that perhaps the AS depicton is perhaps a little too flat at times, but its not unrealsitic to see these type of clouds, whereas MSFS weather seems to go to the other side of the spectrum and gives a lot of puffy, fluffy clouds, which are probably more visually spectacular but not necessarily realistic in all situations. There have been many critisicms of MSFS weather but its funny how now all of a sudden its the best thing ever....AS has just been released so it will only improve i'm sure
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