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About riccardo74

  • Birthday 01/03/1974

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    Treviso, LIPH
  • Interests
    Flightsim, Hamradio and Piano

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    I particularly love the medium and long haul IFR flights.

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  1. I think that the problem is related to a software that transform my pc into 2 indipendent seats positions. Pratically I have 1 PC but to it are connected 2 screen, 2 mouse and 2 keyboard that work indipendently and can run software as this PC was really 2 PC indipendent. Everey seat has its own user. Can't see any other solution.
  2. When I connect client (ipad) with server driver (PC with spacedesk software) on the ipad I have the screen connected but completely black and on desktop the Space Driver console but I can't drag and drop there anything. Where am I wrong? on iPad I have: Connected - Display OFF floating text, and black screen
  3. Thanks so much, I've tried SpaceDesk, it connect Pc to my ipad but screen is completely black on ipad. Does popup manager can be used with an ipad? not specified) and can you only resize a popup window in windowed mode? not in full screen?
  4. Hi to all, most of the time I fly with FENIX A320 and use the key command ALTRGR+mouse click to open PFD or ND. So is it possible to display a specific window (i.e. PFD or ND) on a ipad? Thanks to all in advance, Riccardo
  5. Thanks works perfectly in Navigraph (EFP and iPad) and either with LNM webserver. It's a shame that you can't use anymore Navigraph chart after expire period even if you paid for that specific charts cycle. As far as I know you can continue to use navdata but not the charts.
  6. Yes sure! 1) first of all you need the registerd version of FSUIPC 2) go to the menu and select Buttons & Switches or Key Presses as per your needs 3) suppose you want to assign to "CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+K" (a bit more complex case 🙂 ) the "LANDING LIGHT BOTH TOGGLE" (this is CODE action performed by A320 Fenix) how to do it? 4) go to Key Presses, click SET, click CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+K, then got to the end of the FSUIPC window and check the box "Select for Preset" 5) this open a new windows with MobiFlight presets (a long list of presets for various aircraft) 6) double click on it, scroll down and select Fenix -- > LIGHTS --> LANDING LIGHT BOTH TOGGLE 7) Done! 😎 Try in the sim if pressing the combination toggle the landing light in the overhead panel, should it work This works for Keypresses and Buttons and Switches Sincerely I don't know if you have to install MobiFlight ( I have been already installed before using this workaround in FSUIPC, and not for this purpose). If you see that my above workflow doesn't work you have to install it. Hope this can help,let me know Ciao, Ric
  7. Thanks so much! I suppose that this works until subscription is active, after that you can access only navdata and no more charts (of any cycle suppose) correct? So here LNM can play a good role.
  8. I have the subscription, but how can you display airport taxiway on ipad or EFB of the aircraft?
  9. Thank you very much, I didn't know! I'll try. Can you display it also on EFB of the aircraft? I don't think so.
  10. Does anyone know a lightweight app that can be connected to FS for showing the airport map to be used for taxi purpose? should be very useful to display it on a tablet or in the EFB of the aircraft (I use Fenix A320). LittleNavMap (not so lightweighted) can be connected to the sim but can't access to it from ipad or aircraft EFB. Thanks so much in advance
  11. Solved via FSUIPC, loading the specific preset for Fenix A320.
  12. Hi there, is it possible to control FCU (heading, speed) and Overhead lights and other stuff like spoiler increse/decrease via FSUIPC? I've assgined the basic commands (flaps, spoiler toggle, gear, parking brakes) but there is no way to control FCU (heading, speed) and overhead lights (taxi, runway lights). Here is the deafault keybinds https://kb.fenixsim.com/useful-default-keybinds Do you know a script that can handle the FCU and other commands and assign it to a specific keyboard shortcut? Thanks so much in advance
  13. Just bought now and tested FSUIPC on Fenix, but it's work only with standard command. For example I can't increase/decrease the spoiler, lights on overhead and heading bug. Do I need a special lua script?
  14. I'd like to increse/decrease HDG selctor assign to a specific key on my keyboarf, do I need FSUIPC 7 immage? can I control also the Fenix lights on overhead panel?
  15. Does it work as a simple shortcut keys assignment for a keyboard? and is it mandatory AOO?
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