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About jjeffreys

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  1. Let me start the rumor train!! I think it will drop on 11/19/24 as part of a Deluxe Version to MS2024 finally bringing back the default 737 to the Microsoft Franchise. This will most likely be within the release cycle of the 777 Family and will show just how close PMDG and MSFS have been working together and why the MAX has been so hush hush. Just my $.02
  2. I have a 10800K with a 3080 12gb Card. I am using the FG tweak, AutoFPS, PMDG 737-800 and SU15Beta. I have not seen the particular issue that you are seeing. I have had two CTDs with the Beta but I think those were both Beta related since they both happened while loading into the flight. I did have some issues with Jittering with the original 0.4.0 concept version, but those went away after I installed the latest RTM 0.4.0. I have V-Sync Disabled in MSFS and enabled in NVidia Control Panel at 60FPS, I have AutoFPS set to maintain 50 FPS and it is working like a charm, I have never been able to run TLOD higher than 200 but I now have the max set at 500, I am absolutely loving it!. I have done 4 flights with 0.4.0 with no issues with the App.
  3. Looking at the Wishlist for MSFS2020 got me wondering if MS/Asobo are using the release of MSFS2024 as the opportunity to provide a simulator without Meteoblue or at least a modified contract to allow for the 3rd Party WRITE Access for the Weather. Since 2024 is a new title I would assume that new contracts would have to be established and this could allow MS/Asobo to pull in the proper 3rd parties to build the code to properly provide weather systems and the supporting radar data APIs (Wishlist #01 and #04 as of 6/8/23), without having their hands tied with a contract built for MSFS2020. MODS: If this has already been stated in one of the thousands of MSFS2024 post I'm sorry, please delete...
  4. I think that FSR had an update that fixed this, currently on the latest release I do not have this issue.
  5. I also notice the same thing with the PMDG 737. It seems like at a point on short final(seems to be around 500' - 1000' AGL), even though I am Vref+5 or whatever the wind component is and -700fpm on a stable approach, the plane tends to fight my control inputs and wants to increase or decrease my VS. This results in me either trimming or adjusting power and a few seconds later I am now at -900 or -1000 and trying to correct again, but now I am below the GS and fighting to re-capture it. I know this is probably the winds changing but it seems to happen on every approach, it has gotten to a point now where I am second guessing my last few seconds and end up either floating or landing hard almost every time. It feels like there is a transition between winds aloft and winds at ground level and it just pops from one to the other, I have noticed a tail wind at 1000' then a sudden shift to a nose or cross wind (What is shown on the METAR) below that level.
  6. I know these are all on the large to medium but I am a big Delta guy and all of these need to be done ASAP since they are really missed... KDTW (I know there is a free one but...) KSLC (Haven't seen anything from PACSIM in a long time about theirs) KSEA (The Default one needs to be done correctly or at least updated) Thank you for asking the community!
  7. Edit: You beet me to it https://pmdg.com/pmdg-737-800-for-microsoft-flight-simulator/ They are playing with the Store as we speak It is now on SALE for: Was: $9,999,999.99 Now: $4,999,999.99
  8. DX11 and TAA I really want to use DX12 but I am getting the artifacts with it because of VRAM even with my 10GB RTX3080. I can see that they are moving in the right direction with DX12 but at least on my hardware and my settings, it is not good enough for me to switch. I know that it looks like people are reducing from Ultra Settings to High Settings with good results, but I do not want to sacrifice visuals at this point. As for DLSS I did not see enough improvement because I am not GPU limited and the only thing I fly is tube liners and the ghosting and blurry textures on the screens again are not worth it for me.
  9. Install MSFS on a drive that is not your C Drive. When updating MSFS it is recommended to empty your community folder (Where all of your addon reside) Use Addon Linker and use it from Day 1. https://flightsim.to/file/1572/msfs-addons-linker Addon Linker will help you keep your community folder in order. As you get more and more downloads it becomes harder to keep things in check. It also allows you to empty your community folder and then use pre-sets to load it once again. Get to know Flightsim.to it is where almost all of your freeware is located. You will need either, FSUIPC, AxisAndOhs (AAO), or Spad.next to map your hardware for complex addons, I prefer AAO but many prefer the other two. I also have FSUIPC7 but it is very hard to use for the hardware.
  10. Actually if you look at what was changed in WU2 maps, depending on which states you pick, it may be close to 6 States updated, almost nothing in the Northern Half of the country as far as updated imagery and almost nothing west of the Mississippi for elevation (It appears that the majority of the elevation fixes were related to low lying flat areas not mountainous regions). https://www.flightsimulator.com/release-notes-1-11-5-0/
  11. Hard landings or if your brakes overheat it can also blow the tires.
  12. Below is the scripts that I use for Landing Lights on and off, it also does a few other things like turn the ignition switches to continuous. You can find the K events Here https://aviation.allanville.com/misc/fsx-pmdg-737-ngx they are the same as FSX. Simply go to Script editor and create a new script and place the below scripts into it (Not the name "LAND ON" but the portion below it) save as new. Then assign it to a button/switch. LAND ON 2 (>K:#69751) (SLEEP:400) 2 (>K:#69753) (SLEEP:250) 2 (>K:#69736) (SLEEP:250) 1 (>K:#69742) 2 (>K:#69743) 2 (>K:#69744) 2 (>K:#69745) 2 (>K:#69746) (SLEEP:400) 1 (>K:#69747) (SLEEP:400) 1 (>K:#69748) LAND OFF 0 (>K:#69743) 0 (>K:#69744) 0 (>K:#69745) 0 (>K:#69746) (SLEEP:400) 0 (>K:#69747) (SLEEP:400) 0 (>K:#69748) (SLEEP:250) 1 (>K:#69751) (SLEEP:400) 1 (>K:#69753)
  13. Perfect, I will plug it in tonight, Thank you,
  14. I just picked up the Logitech Radio Panel and added it to my setup. I followed the directions in the manual for setting it up and everything works great with one exception. The QNH is displayed properly but every time I try to change the pressure it goes back to whatever the current pressure in the 737 is, it does not change the pressure in the sim. I can update it with the mouse on the panel or I can hit the "B" button but I can't use the rotary knob on the Logitech panel to change it. I have not tried any other aircraft so I am not sure if this is a PMDG issue or a me issue, this is obviously not a show stopper, just an issue that I have noted, I am using 29_b28 version, should I send you the email and use the 30_bXX version for this? Thanks, Jeremy
  15. Make sure that you are shifting IAS to MACH at around 0.74 as was stated earlier, then bump it up to around 0.77 as you get higher, then when you reach cruise set throttles to maintain around 0.80. You will continue to see your IAS depreciate but your ground speed will remain. As you climb the difference in air pressure gives you a lower IAS, that is why MACH is used. If you leave it at 290 IAS then the plane will continue to give you less VS to try to keep your speed up and you will eventually get to a point that it will no longer climb. At FL360, 290 IAS may be an overspeed, I can't remember but it will be close. I love the CRJ, I fly it almost every night, yes it sometimes has issues but it never stops me from wanting to hop back in it.
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