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Posts posted by Ericd

  1. Have you pointed the Navigraph program to your P3D install? It probably doesn't know you've installed it and isn't updating it.

    Hi Kyle


    I think I have found the problem for my out of date Navdata message int the FMC


    Under the directory /PMDG there is a NAVDATA directory.

    If I install the navdata from aerosoft I point the programm to the directory pmdg/navdata .

    Navdata pro installs the right data but makes a new directory in the PMDG/NAVDATA directory and calls it navdata. There I find the right data. ( in pmdg/navdata/navdata)

    But one level higher the old navdata still exist.

    So I have to point the aerosoft navdatapro programm to the directory PMDG. Then it is ok.

    So simpel. Why do I see this now???


    Regards and thanks for helping

  2. I have the same problem with my 737 NGX for P3d 2.5. If I look in the PMDG navdata directory I see the right navdata (Aerosoft)

    But if I start the 737NGX the FMS says navdata out of date ( or something like that.

    It look like the NGX engine don't see the right dataset.

    (and yes I fly in real time) 

  3. Nope, I've never seen that.  What are you using for weather?  Are you using P3D v2.4 or v2/5?


    Aircraft instability at cruise is almost alway weather/wind releated.

    Thanks for responding, I saved, stopped p3d and started again. And it looks like it is gone. It couldn't be the weather. It was just a clear weather theme. Used it for testing.

    I'll keep an eye on it.

  4. Hi,


    The 777 works perfect only if I get at a centain flight level, the plane start wobbling. The nos is going up and down. a little.

    After I reach the cruiselevel, the shaking up and down becomes a problem. The plane is shing up and down.

    Anyone else has this problem?


    Thanks for responding.

  5. Thanks for this post, Robert. I really don't understand the NGX and FS9 737 example to be honest, though. Those were technologically entirely different developments from what I understand, whereas the 777 for P3D is mostly just a re-license. That's where the disconnect is for me and probably others.


    At any rate, I do think your P3D pricing is starting to miss the mark for one of Prepar3D's purposes though: education. Academic products for students normally come at a discount or in a price range that students can afford, and I think you guys missed the mark here on that.


    I really appreciate your products, but they're really not a price point that is justified for me anymore.

    Hi Cory, 

    I don't know where you live, but here in the Netherlands one book for  highschool is sometimes more expensive than one PMDG product. :P Speaking about prices for education.....

    Sure it is an expensive product, but if I compare it with the price of other FSX products, and I see the depth of the simulation, I think it is worth the money.

    And the promise that it will be 64 bit convinced me even more to buy this one.

    Desperately waiting for the 737. Expensive, no doubt.





  6. I have to admit, I have never really understood the best way to setup Steve's DX10 Fixer despite having read the manual when it first came out.  With the release of version 2.6, I took the time to go through the manual step by step and setup Nvidia Inspector, FSX and the Fixer to best suit my current sim setup (i.e. the addons I have like Orbx, etc.).


    First of all I realized that my NI settings, which were up to date based on the latest "How To" document that I downloaded from the DX10 subforum at SimOuthouse, was quite different to the recommendations from Steve.  I have adjusted them according to Steve's recommendations with the exception of going with 8xSGSS vs. the 4xSGSS in the manual's example.


    After going through everything, I fired up my sim with FSDT Vancouver, Orbx scenery and the PMDG777.  


    ...I was absolutely shocked....


          - The sim was first of all exhibiting higher framerates than I had previously.  A nice surprise.

          - Shimmering.....gone.

          - AA......beautiful.

          - Lighting, shading, water, clouds.   All excellent in terms of visual quality.



    Any issues:

         - Bloom lights on AI planes are a bit big....I need to check my settings.

         - ORBX street lights are also a bit big, again I need to double check my settings and experiment with an adjustment.



    So I guess my advice is to set aside 45 minutes, work your way slowly through the manual and enjoy the results.  Hopefully you all have the same great results I have seen.


    p.s.  I will take some screenshots and post my settings, although I think you need to setup based on your specific sim rather than copy what I have.

    sounds great, but how do I find Steve's fixer

  7. Gents-


    You guys are funny.  The amount of parsing/hoping/dreaming that goes on in this thread borders on hysterical...  :unsure:

    is that allowed?.....oh yes, a new 64 bit flight simulator. ready for all the pmdg planes.


    i love that  :P

  8. I don't suppose anyone has a tutorial like this for the PMDG 737 NGX plane do they?

    If you use the tutorials from PMDG, that works perfect. Step by step, pause, read, act and pause the game again and after two or three times you've got it.

    They are great.

  9. You will see the pink localiser diamond at the bottom of the PFD to help keep you aligned with the runway. Also use light movements to correct the aircraft whilst closely following the flight director to bring you down to the runway.

    In that case you follow the instruments and not your "visuals"?

  10. I find the most difficult part of manual landing, to keep the plane perfectly (horizontal) aligned with the runway. (vertical angle is no problem)

    I was wondering if there are any spots on the panel to give a rough feeling of the horizontal angle or do you only use the instruments.

    The funny thing is, when I am appraoching it feels if the plane is a  a bit oblique (hope I translate this right)aligned to the runway but if I correct this and  get closer I notice that the horizontal angle for the approach shift away to the left or right ending up not perfectly aligned and an urgent need to correct.


    Does anyone has a tip for me what helps if flying the 747 or 777.




  11. Fly the tutorial.  Your comparison to the 737 makes me think you haven't flown that yet.  The tutorial will give you the information you need to get everything working properly.

    I did, but still must do something wrong. 

    But you're answer seems to implicate that I'm forgetting something or do something wrong what indifferent in the777. Must be a habit after flying so many times the 737.

    I follow it again.

  12. It was some time ago I flew the MD11, but if I remember well the speed (white digits) must be switch off before the autotrust works properly. ( sure i don't explain this the proper way :-) ). I have to hit the profile buttons sometimes 2 or 3 times before it works.

    I'll try it when I'm at home.


    edit: I remember again.

    Sometimes the speed indicator (the white digits) won't turn black. (you should see no digites.)

    Sometimes (very often if I remenber well) you have to push several times at the "fmsspd" button before the digits dissapear.

    This happended to me with and without using FS2Crew.


    Good luck maybe this helps.



  13. I search in the documents, but i'm not sure if it is described there.

    The fmc in the 737 calculate exactly the descent path from TD (say FL320 to FL2000).

    My 777 never calculates it right I'm endings up way to high. I can't even correct it. I fly over the runway at 5000 feet or higher instead of catching up the glideslope at 2000 ft

    Can anyone give a hint what I should do to let the FMC calculate this descent path right?





  14. Hi guys!


    Since i updated Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 my yoke has been really weird. Im using Saitek Pro Flight Yoke.


    My yoke is always to the right. its about 2 cm to the right of the center and its very hard to land so i always need to do autoland :(


    I have set up my controls in FSUIPC but it wont fix it!!!

    Im really sad about this because i really want to takeoff and land properly


    Here are some screenshots of my situation taken in PMDG 777-300. The problem isnt just working in PMDG products, its on my all planes.



    http://gyazo.com/61fdbc40041f0ec231412bd01ecaa9ef    You can see that the Elevator is abit to the right.



    Cheers all and have good week!



    Hi Jacob,


    Do you have an other joystick connected ?



  15. I was just wondering how many people will buy the 300 and what the main reason was. What extra does the 300 give you that the 200 doesn't? Is it just because it's another PMDG aircraft in your virtual hanger or does it actually provide you with a extra long hauler? Is it because certain real life airlines fly the 300 not the 200 and you don't like the fictional paints.


    I don't think I will be buying it as I already have regional flyer, a mid range European holiday destination flyer and with the PMDG 777, something to cross the Atlantic for my Disney holiday. I don't mind the fictional thing as I have already painted my airlines with a fictional paint scheme. I will be buying the 747v2 though when it is released, just because I love the jumbo.  

    of course I will, why do you ask  :P

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