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Posts posted by kiwikat

  1. I'll second the exterior sounds. Doesn't sound like any MD-80 I've ever flown on or heard at my local airport. They're by far the loudest plane at my airport (Allegiant).

    The other thing I'd like to add is performance. Unfortunately I'm not seeing the good frame rates others are. During takeoff I was getting 15-20 fps. It did improve to around 35-40 in the air, but overall it places the maddog somewhere between the FS Labs Airbus and the PMDG planes, whereas others are seeing it about even with the PMDG offerings. I'll mess with settings a little bit, but the rest of my sim is pretty reliable right now.

    I'm really impressed by the overall fidelity and solidness. You can really tell that tons and tons of hours of work went into her, both on the development and testing sides!

  2. Oh that's cute, they think people are going to pay for photoreal scenery for X-Plane. What I'd really like to see is an ORBX Global equivalent for X-Plane, replacing all of the awful default textures so the world with new HD Mesh v4 looks better. Ortho4XP is really nice but isn't feasible to cover the whole world, not to mention all the inconsistencies with ortho imagery.

    Not really excited about the P3D stuff at all. I wish they'd expand eastward with the regular region packs and cover the Midwest US and Great Lakes areas instead of rehashing existing ones.

    • Upvote 4

  3. 2 minutes ago, sanh said:

    What were you expecting them to say? U thought they gave some good info. Developers will not speculate or talk off the cuff because they know all it creates is "well you said last year...." style comments and demands as if those words were a binding contract.


    It shows why the Aces no comms approach is often then best one.

    I'll give the "no comms approach" a try here in my IT department and see how far it gets me.

    Project planning and estimating are very basic functions of any development team. While they're not perfect, Laminar does a much better job of keeping the community up to speed with X-Plane. There are dev blogs, live streams, and a pretty good presence in the community. Elsewhere, I feel like Blizzard does an excellent job keeping their communities up to speed on what's going on with their various games. Obviously most sim devs don't have anywhere near the resources of someone like Blizzard, but I still don't feel like that's a valid excuse for the relatively poor communication we see in this community.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Greggy_D said:

    Personally, I'm waiting for the Flight 1 Citation Mustang to become P3D4 compatible.

    Absolutely this. It beats the Carenado stuff with its eyes closed. Don't waste your money on anything else in the meantime. The Eaglesoft jets will almost certainly be worth it once out as well.

  5. 10 hours ago, RudiJG1 said:

    I re-installed the Turbine Duke yesterday, and the sounds are working. However, what I did was to rename the file dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll to "RASDukeTv2_Sound.gau" (no quotes). To emphasize, the re-named file has the .gau extension, NOT the .dll extension.

    THANK YOU a million times! :cool::cool::cool:

  6. As someone who recently hauled FSX out behind the shed and put it out of its misery and switched to XP11, I'm hoping this will be an opportunity to enjoy my old addons going forward. I'm aware that most, if not all will not be directly compatible, but I would expect the major developers to release updated versions of their best sellers.

    It has yet to be seen which platform is THE single way forward. Perhaps there will no longer be a singular solution as there had been for decades. My wallet weeps. :takut:

  7. 2 hours ago, Canuck said:

    Any idea on the resolution in VR? I tried it with P3D and feeling like I'm in the cockpit was overwhelming to say the least. However, the resolution (which is standard for VR in general from what I understand) was really not as pleasant and is the reason why I'm skipping VR until it's available in the same resolution that we see on a screen.

    The resolution is dictated by the VR hardware, not the simulator software. Since VR screens are way closer to the eye than traditional LCD monitors or even your phone, much, much higher DPIs are required to avoid aliasing. I would guess that not even the second generation of current VR tech is going to please most flight simmers. It is going to take a pretty sizable leap in screen tech as well as graphics processing to make people truly happy with VR in the flight simulation environment.

  8. Oh myyyy, I think I finally hit the spot. By reducing AA to 2x SSAA+FXAA from 4x SSAA+FXAA I'm able to run max # world objects and enjoy a super smooth experience with Track IR. Cities are all nice and filled out with max autogen instead of having random holes on some blocks, and forests look really nice. Setting the visibility up to 75 miles gets rid of a good chunk of the haze. This is really, really bad news for my FSX install. I'm in awe as I fly across the PNW.

    • Upvote 1

  9. Having fun with it so far. Hoping they fix the HDR so it doesn't make the clouds so dark. Getting 35-50 FPS in most circumstances with my 4790k @ 4.5, GTX 1070, and 16 GB DDR3. Finding it a little hard to understand what the platform is capable of with the default airplanes. I picked up the Carenado 206 for X10 and it works great so far. Looking forward to seeing payware planes slowly adopt the new platform so I can see what it can really do.



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  10. Stock FSX might not look much different from FS9/2004, but with addons it really shines.  I couldn't imagine going back.  As far as compatibility goes, some FS9 aircraft work with some minor graphical issues, but anything older probably won't work.  Honestly I wouldn't spend much effort on FS9 (and older) models at this time unless your budget is really, really constrained.


    If you enjoy the 310, you may want to check out the Milviz offering for FSX. http://milviz.com/flight/products/C310R/index.php


    A2A Simulations has some awesome single engine GA aircraft as well as warbirds if you're into those.



    A LOT of stuff has changed since those days though.  If you're genuinely interested in getting back into the hobby, feel free to PM me with questions and I'll help you any way I can.

  11. To start- Get the FTX Global texture pack from ORBX. 


    The MD-11 is not officially supported in FSX:SE.  The PMDG 777 is a phenomenal "modern" heavy.  It isn't the MD-11 but you may like it.  By every measure it is the best heavy available for FSX at the moment.  If your PC is also FS9-era, you probably won't be able to run it though.


    The Majestic Q400 remains one of the best aircraft addons on the market.  If you want a regional turboprop, go for it.  It is very easy on FPS compared to other similarly featured aircraft.


    The best (way better than FS9-era Flight1 planes...) GA planes available right now are the recent A2A offerings such as the 182 and Comanche, as well as the RealAir v2 Dukes and Lancair.  I'd say the A2A planes are generally better performing frame-rate wise, though they still require a bit of horsepower to run smoothly.


    The Flight1 GTN 750 is a good investment if you enjoyed the RXP GPSes.

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