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Posts posted by kiwikat

  1. 2 hours ago, Noel said:

    Wow, 3 months out and some are ready to throw it out--unreal!

    There's no "3" months about this. These issues have been going on for a year now. Months passed in the alpha where not a single developer responded to any issue posted. New releases came and went with the same basic issues that had been reported month after month, things that are still a problem today. Up until they added buggy new features to the sim post-release, I hadn't seen the public post a single issue that wasn't well reported by the alpha and beta team. The updates and Q&A sessions remain a PR stunt and there's still no developer presence in the community. They (whether it be Asobo or MS) have repeatedly demonstrated that they haven't learned a thing in the last year.

    A "ten year platform" should mean we have something to enjoy for ten years, not wait ten years for it to become a suitable replacement for the last generation of sims. As the days go on I feel less and less confident Asobo is up to the task. I welcome them to convince me otherwise, but the last year hasn't been reassuring to say the least.

    I'm left in an awkward spot where I can't get myself to use the new sim, and I can't get myself to use the old sims. Never in my 25 years of simming have I seen a release where we took such a leap backward in basic flight logic, sim functionality, and user interface. Some might say that's to be expected with a brand new platform, but to me it just feels like a lack of focus and poor attention to detail. Oh, and ignoring the thousands of people who volunteered their time and efforts to test and give feedback to ensure this didn't happen.

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  2. No CTD for "B" here. NAV no longer goes back and forth. Elevator trim seems improved, but overall control sensitivity still way too high. Adjusting the altitude in the alt picker gauge is a lot more reliable too- previously it did a bunch of weird things for me.

    I think this is now easily the best plane in the sim after this patch.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, dave2013 said:

    Someone mentioned that the climb performance seemed too powerful, but the engine thrust is actually set about right.  The thrust can range from 24,000 - 29,000 lbs depending on the engine variant used.

    That's the concerning part here. I think the whole jet flight model is borked at the moment. The thrust values are not resulting in realistic performance.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, wsmeier said:

    Having said that, I'm not a PMDG surrogate, and I'm not trying to sell this plane to anyone. If you don't see value in the new version, just don't buy it. I simply don't care whether you do or not. But for those who insist on running it down, do those considering purchasing it a favor and don't pass off your opinions as facts.

    I was literally writing the same thing when you posted. Well said. If you want the best NG for P5D, here it is. Take it or leave it.

  5. Glad I saw this thread- not sure I would have found this plane otherwise. Having a blast with it! Probably the best experience I've had with a biz jet in P3D yet.😎


    The VC (and really everything) looks better on my screen at ~4K than the product screenshots show. The flight model is exciting and demanding, yet feels great when flying by hand. The engine sound seems a tad "generic", but maybe that's how the real thing sounds. Tons of paints and GPS options- fitting for the price. Probably my new go-to for when I don't want to fly a big tube or spinny prop plane.

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  6. No CTD yet for me (fingers crossed)- about 45 minutes into my flight. FPS was about 30 FPS in VC on the ground at stock KMEM, 50% traffic, 40 FPS external. At cruise I'm getting 60 (locked) external but the same 30 in the VC- not exactly the result I was hoping for.

    30 FPS on the ground is an improvement of probably 5ish over what I was getting in P3D 4.5, so it's at least somewhat better. Not great, but better.

    (I've got beta atmosphere turned off, using Active Sky + ASCA)

  7. 7 minutes ago, Thomasso said:

    This is merely an update, not a new product. If they seriously ask v4 owners to repurchase, they're out of their minds. Especially with MSFS 2020 around the corner.

    Some companies in the flight sim world make me sick. Come on, it's a joke... $60 for what exactly? Lol.

    P3D won't receive another penny from me if it really is like this.

    I'm sure you are a P3D developer with inside knowledge of how much effort went into the product and how much effort goes into updates throughout the product's lifetime. If you only care about MSFS, P3D wasn't going to receive any more pennies from you anyways... 😵

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