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Posts posted by kiwikat

  1. One giant leap forward, 5 steps back. This one's rough.

    I was greeted by crashing to desktop no fewer than four times before the sim finally loaded into a flight.

    FPS in downtown chicago is unheard of. 70+ fps at my native resolution 3840x1600 and 100% scaling. Panning to the side or rear causes a loss of almost 20 fps and significant stuttering- turning off vsync cleared this up pretty well for me, at the cost of a little bit of tearing in some scenarios. It doesn't tear nearly as much as the previous release did with vsync off, though.

    The massive jungle trees are back. 🤬 Chicago looks like it has been abandoned for 50 years. 200 foot trees dominate the densely-packed neighborhoods to the point where you can't see all that many homes. Why can't asobo get this right? This release feels like it was branched off 3 major updates ago and a bunch of past problems are back as a result.

    What exactly did they test before pushing this out? Though I didn't participate this time, I almost guarantee people reported all sorts of these problems and asobo entirely ignored them like every test period prior.

    The download/upgrade experience was not appropriate for 2021. Speeds dropped to 3 mbps on my 400 mbps connection. Get more servers. You have the infrastructure. Stop being cheap 🤬.

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  2. I am still absolutely dumbfounded and often speechless looking over the couple posts they've made so far. It really seems too good to be true. This is either going to be the most elaborate scam in flight sim history or it will categorically be the best plane released on any platform.

    Other devs have got to be going through several pairs of pants every time info is released about this plane. If it is what they're advertising and it is released at <= $70 USD, the market will never be the same again.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Rimshot said:

    Maybe you should browse their forums more carefully. There have been a couple of remarks about MSFS development that are very promising.

    A “couple remarks” in a year about probably the biggest advance in the hobby ever? Alrighty then.

    I’m not singling out A2A here, so many other old guard airplane devs are staying silent or effectively silent too. I am starting to wonder how many aren’t going to make the transition.

    Kudos to JustFlight, PMDG, Aerosoft, and Milviz for jumping right in and keeping us updated. Not to mention the numerous smaller and/or new dev groups that have already released some gems.

  4. As stated above, 750W for a 3080 is bad news. The thing is an absolute pig. A high quality 850-1000W would be recommended.

    I'm pretty confident my system has randomly crashed a couple times due to spikes in GPU power draw and I have a pretty nice platinum corsair 850W. Part of me wants to upgrade to 1000W so I don't have to deal with it.

  5. 6 hours ago, HPG said:

    Australia 😍


    Australia as well for me. Orbx did a good job with the tech they had at the time, but those old FTX sceneries are a poor approximation of the beauty represented in MSFS. The rich, Earthy colors are just astounding! The outback has such beautiful texture, the mountains in the east are stunning. Amazing coastline all the way around. Totally out of superlatives- makes me want to visit IRL for sure.

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  6. As long as you have a healthy overclock you should be able to do pretty good at 4K. Expect 50-60 fps in most scenarios outside of major cities. I was thankful for my spot in the evga queue to finally come up after almost 9 months of waiting. Sold my 2080 FE for 800 bucks too so I only "lost" like 100 or so bucks on the upgrade.

  7. 1 hour ago, bendead said:

    That's weird, i have the same cpu, the 9900k, but with some thermal throttling at 4.2-4.4 ghz with a 2080,and the cpu is the issue on my config. 

    Using the fps counter, i have the same result as Seb. Getting 30-35 fps, with a lot of red cpu side

    So I guess SU5 will massively improve my performance

    I am running 5.0 GHz on all cores w/360mm AIO cooler. Perhaps you just aren't pushing it hard enough or have insufficient cooling? I have never been CPU limited- even with the 3080 it is more often GPU limited than CPU limited, but way way closer to balanced than it used to be with my 2080 founders edition.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ca_metal said:

    Lower resolutions will have more CPU bottleneck. How is the GPU usage on your end? @4k, I bet it's closer to 100%, right?

    I am actually about as balanced as it can get right now with my 9900K and 3080, running at 3840x1600 ultrawide. My GPU runs at 100% and I have those one or two cores on the CPU pegged as well. I am capped at 60 FPS unless I am over a large city or large, detailed airport, in which it sometimes goes as low as 40-45. I don't need a bunch more FPS, but I would certainly take whatever it'll give me, especially if it means I can leave ultra clouds enabled at all times.

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  9. Just now, Andreas Stangenes said:

    Renderscale of 40..? Who runs with that?

    Yeah... the second I saw that I started to wonder what the real increase will be for those of us running at or near 4K at 100 scaling.

    The prospect of the glass being processed separately from the main thread was the most exciting thing to me. Hopefully this'll help with the FBW airbus and the upcoming WT Garmin glass. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, spacedyemeerkat said:

    Great news about trees! But is it just the radius at more northerly/southerly latitudes that's being fixed, I wonder? The issues certainly appear to be more pronounced there but the tree radius is still pretty awful in the UK, for example, and literally nothing like it was at release or with the tree mods.

    This very much smells like a dev likely used a fixed number of degrees to determine the area of trees drawn around the aircraft, not taking into consideration that the Earth is indeed round. I also made this mistake pretty early on when I started getting into GIS stuff at work... 😳

    If that is the case, I would expect pretty noticeable improvements at the middle latitudes as well.

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