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  1. Hi Stephen, alright then, thanks for explaining. Looking forward for v3. For now I will just enjoy the beautiful weather depiction of OpusFSX without the TrackIR limits ^_^ , wonderful piece of software btw. Cheers Stefan
  2. Hi Stephen, just to clarify, I do not use any beta versions, I installed the current "purchase" version (which is 2.90.5 accordig to the homepage) without any updates. So, TrackIR head movement limits will be a new feature for the next version (or is currently only avail in beta version released after 2.90) and it is normal that the limits button does not show under configure dialog in v2.90.5? Is that correct? Thanks for the help Stefan
  3. Hi, just purchased OpusFSX and I would like to use it with TrackIR5. TrackIR Setup with Opus works just fine, smooth movements, no bumps. However, when it comes to set the TrackIR cockpit limits (for the PMDG 737NGX), I have a problem. The "TrackIR head movement limits" button just not appears in the configure dialog, so I can not setup the limits. I followed the instructions in the Live Camera Interface guide, "Enable live camera control" is ticked, "Enable TrackIR" is ticked. I use the latest version of OpusFSX. Any ideas? Thanks Stefan
  4. Good to hear Henk, looking forward for it !Cheers,Steve
  5. Great, thanks for the info !CheersSteve
  6. Hi !Just a quick question: Do I need to uninstall the button version before installing the voice edition, or can I just run the voice installer over an existing button version ?Thx in advance,CheersSteve
  7. Yep, that might be the case. It´s strange though, webpage was completely down for several hours (ISP´s message webpage unknown), and now I can access it again. However, it seem to be outdated (forum post from 4:55 are signed as posted 2 min ago...). Presumably a "pre-crash" version.Anyway, let´s hope they don´t have any serious problem...Cheers
  8. Well, since 10 min I can access http://www2.hifisim.com/ from germany.Cheers
  9. Hi !Quick question: uninstall old version first, or install the new version (redownloaded 1.02) over the existing one ("bugged 1.02")?Cheers,Stefan
  10. Hi !I intend to purchase the 744F version for Fs9 (finally, I will then have all of your superb sims !!). Q: Do I have to reinstall any update for the 744 passenger version again (e.g. sound update or any service pack) after 744 freighter install? I ask because I think some of the updates for the passenger version where released after freighter version and as far as I can recall there are some install sequence suggestions at least for the 737NG and the 744. Second question, although this might not be the right forum to ask, but maybe some knows: Regarding Fs2Crew, anything to be aware of with this install sequence ? I know, Fs2Crew is not compatible with the freighter version, but does anyone know whether there are problems to be expected for the passenger version when you install 744F on a system with 744 passenger and Fs2Crew ?Thanks !Cheers,Stefan
  11. Hi Guenter !Just a guess, but I experienced exactly the some problem with the J41 you described: throttle and condition levers didn
  12. Works perfect now !Thanks for the quick support !Cheers,Stefan
  13. Hi !Maybe it has been reported before, but I just tried to download the B1900C paintkit from your homepage and it seems to be linked to the wrong file. You get the FuelPlanner737NG.exe instead of the paintkit. Could someone please check the link ? Thanks !Cheers,Stefan
  14. Hi !First of all, since this is the first time I have to post in this forum I
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