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Everything posted by copilot767

  1. Thanks for your answer:-) Found the file you mentioned.. But didnt like the default planes- then I found a new LGSA, and its looks okay..and the UT2 also work.. But the best is LGSA ver 2..but the AFCAD not working for AI, so then I use a middle scenery- but now I have traffic at the airport:-)
  2. I dont remember:) But My AI plane disseaper, show up at another parking spot, dissapear, showing up at another spot..again and again ?
  3. Hello.. I have downloaded a freeware scenery, Creete photo scenery. I have a little problem with it. I see the AI planes, but they dont move from the parking spot, using AFX- it dont find any errors for the AFCAD. Can anybody help to check the AFCAD, then I can send the AFCAD to check it out.. Chris from Denmark
  4. Is it correct- that if have set reverse thrust at my Saitek throttle and some buttons for other functions. .my LINDA have to be running?
  5. Hello.. Have installed version 2.3 with the latest missing file. Under my install I checked DX10 Lights package, DX10 COmpatible Effects, DX10 Compatible Reflections. I have also been reading in the manual, but in doubt about the settings in LIGHTS/EFFECT. Im using shockwave lights. Do I have to make any changes in that box, do I have to convert/exclude anything , in doubt at what time I have to convert effects ??? Chris from Denmark
  6. Yes, always use packs off take- offs.. What is the time horisont for update? Thank you:-)
  7. I have many scenerys from Aerosoft, think they all worki g also in nighttime.. Only ENGM , you have to untick a little box in Fixer toolbox.
  8. Hello... Today I set my Engines to my speakers( plugged in the audiocard at the backside of the cabinet. In front of my case I have my headset plugged in a red and green plug- ear and mic. Is there a way to move fscrew sound to the headset...? Sorry- already found the answer in your forum:-)
  9. Hello... First of all, what a great product-have been using it since the release. Have always ignored this litte problem, but maybe someone can help: Everytime after take Off, after command Flaps 0, FSX freeze for 1-2 sec..and then flaps will be retracted. Its the only command that make this little problem through a flight. . Chris from Denmark:-)
  10. Thank you:-) A little detail question- is there a way to do the frequenzy selector more sensitive, when turning the knob up or down?
  11. How is it going with resolving the light panel button and blinking cursors:-)
  12. Anybody knows how dx10 is working together with the Sun glare effect tweak? Do I have to try or avoid it?
  13. How do I calculate these settings, between N inspector and dx fixer, and do I have to enable multisampling in inspector. .A bit confused, seen some different settings.. Just want to avoid shimmering.. have 3 monitors and Titan GPU.. 8 spars grid supersampling is great, but the some clouds kill my fps and then I have to downgrade to 4 spars g supers. How do I calculate these settings, between N inspector and dx fixer, and do I have to enable multisampling in inspector. .A bit confused, seen some different settings.. Just want to avoid shimmering.. have 3 monitors and Titan GPU.. 8 spars grid supersampling is great, but some clouds kill my fps and then I have to downgrade to 4x sparse grid su.
  14. Using 4 x sparse grid supersampling in nvidia insp.Right now my FIXEr is 8 csaa.... which AA shall I use in DX Fixer?. How do I determine which one I choose in FIXER, compared to the NI setting?? Chris from Denmark
  15. If using 4x sparse grid supersampling- which number AA in fixer do I have to chosse, In doubt how I read how they are matching each other?? If using 4x sparse grid supersampling- which number AA in fixer do I have to chosse, In doubt how I read how they are matching each other??
  16. Hello all :-) Have 3 monitors- and Titan GPU, but what about the future for Steves Fixer? Using 8xcsaa and 4 grid sparse sup. Think somtimes the flickering is much in the airports with runways and other stuff. Using 8x and 8 grid sparse sup. .My fps dont drop, but some clouds at the sky- makes fps drops.. think I have low settings for sky- Will there be a solution for that in the future? ? And what about OOM, think so many developers are making so many excitements scenerys, but is beeing harder and harder to the memory.. Are some companys looking for a OOM solution fot the FSX future ? Chris from Denmark:-)
  17. I know, but just to program the button so by pressing it will move through all positions and back to off, like Seatbelts- and figure to set up seatbelts in that way. Auto-On-off
  18. Wow I must say:-) Have made my own setups now And again fantastic support:-) A little detail: Like Taxi light toggle to swith between positions, I tried with no smoking, it all time only go to off , and not move. Sign_NOSMOKING_toggle ????
  19. I will try, maybe il write again:-) Do I have to assign joystick in Linda, and then disable when done with program the fcu? Just installed a buttkicker and also have to set up Trackir for my 3 monitor.. Starting looks like a real simulator
  20. I will try, maybe il write again:-) Do I have to assign joystick in Linda, and then disable when done with program the fcu? Just installed a buttkicker and also have to set up Trackir for my 3 monitor.. Starting looks like a real simulator
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