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Everything posted by copilot767

  1. Have checked a lot of reviews today of different tvs- may think all new 4k standards tvs is good for p3d?? And should I expect runways without flickering?
  2. What about the 30, 60 or 120 Hz need? 4x4x4 RGB? Type of HDMI og display port? And should it be better FPS compared to my 3 monitors? And will it really make a great visuel improvement?
  3. Hello... Thinking of buying a 4K TV minimum 46..What should I go for..Need some serious advice. Just bought a GTX 1080, 6700 OC 4.8 Only fly Aerosoft Airbus with ALL heavy add-0ns at high settings. Have 3 normal Nvidia surround monitors. I use P3D v 3.4. In p3d settings AF x16 , msaa x4. AA in P3 d is awful. Tried with super grid sparse x2 in NI. Performance is terrible. 2048 x 2048 3 monitors resolution is about 5720x1080 Right now with new GTX 1080 and only P3D settings I have no FPS drop in heavy clouds fps 30-40.. But starting with Super great sparse x2 or x4 to eliminate awful AA- the clouds will er decrease fps to 20 fps and unstable. What TV should I go exactly for - What FPS should I expect? can I still use 2048x2048 to avoid OOM in 4096x4096 In doubt when you talking about 30,60 or 120 MHz.. Also seen something about 4x4x4 RGB and what about connection HDMI or DisplayPort...? Normal I'm interested in FPS about 30.. I have GTX 1080, and what resolution should I set.. Thinking of going to 1 TV min 46 4K... instead of my 3 monitors.. So tired of awful AA in P3d.. What exactly should I go for- and what performance to expect- only fly heavy add ons???? Chris from Denmark
  4. I have the same problem in P3D. Only with FAIB AI. No tail and fuselage light at night ? Chris from Denmark
  5. Right now Im using PRO ATC and V-pilot on my client - they are connected over simconnect. Is it correct just install Wide FS in a random folder on my remote - And start Traffic optimizer from the application, then it will find it owns way to prepar 3d - where FS Wide is installed to MODULES ? Is it correct, that I dont have to write anything to any folders, that I use Traffic optimizer. Just start Wide FS -EXE, and after Traffic Optimizer ?????
  6. Hello... Been using Optimizer for a while, without problems.. Can someone help me to get get it work at my new remote computer. I already use Traffic Board , V pilot and Pro ATC at my remote - So think my simconnect work. I downloaded Traffic Optimizer at my remote and starts it from my Desktop - Then I see the program starts up- but then just blinking. Can I have forgot something ? Chris from Denmark
  7. Hello I use 0.63 in the new REX cloud settings. Is it a must to set it 0.5, if using your popcorn fix? Chris from Denmark
  8. Has been Solved... Just update VFX to latest version. Because of a conflict in panel.cfg.
  9. I Was in contact with the support today. He asked for different things, so they Will look inti the problem
  10. Hello... Never before had problems with my Wing and Engine condensation in A320. Think the problem happend when changed to VFX problem- Tried all weather themes now - Still no Wing and Engine Conden. Here is my aircraft.cfg: [EFFECTS] // A320 & A321 wake = fx_wake water = fx_spray dirt = fx_tchdrt concrete = fx_sparks //(Disabled by FSFX_AFIM_Effect)touchdown = fx_tchdwn, 1 touchdown=fsfx_AFIM_5451754250764F397544796D327254675433695854473432537159564C56646A //FSFX_AFIM_Effect contrail = fx_dummy WetEngineWash=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect WheelWetSpray=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect SnowEngineWash=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect WheelSnowSpray=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect startup=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect l_wingtipvortice=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect r_wingtipvortice=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect vaportrail_l=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect vaportrail_r=fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect [smokesystem] smoke.0 = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.1 = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, fx_dummy //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.2 = 3.00, 19.04, -3.35, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C374337336F417446704C756C4A3666744851412B5A //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.3 = 3.00, -19.04, -3.35, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C374337336F417446704C756C4A3666744851412B5A //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.4 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B343846367461334D7758786F426F6A2B55 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.5 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972496E623349712F35784F6E6F //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.6 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B343846367461334D7758786F426F6A2B55 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.7 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972496E623349712F35784F6E6F //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.8 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B343846367461396D6A575165706E564135 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.9 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972497363777170555745577935 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.10 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B343846367461396D6A575165706E564135 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.11 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972497363777170555745577935 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.12 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B3438463674612F5544396C754D5A516C55 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.13 = -16.94, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972496C62414973497447333165 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.14 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B3438463674612F5544396C754D5A516C55 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.15 = -16.94, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972496C62414973497447333165 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.16 = 7.63, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C4648413137344D72334B4A412B36536B61332B36435643677A4D773D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.17 = 7.63, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C464841313732446C75626A7A5075313876756B502F54554850414D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.18 = 7.63, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C4648413137386E7A484D4964344F7634307570324E614445416B673D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.19 = 7.63, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C46484131377A3559347030374D4838776F542F72562B38754970303D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.20 = 7.63, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C4648413137344D72334B4A412B36536B4E704B476C347435735A513D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.21 = 7.63, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C464841313732446C75626A7A507531386C645A30703779797548453D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.22 = 7.63, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C4648413137386E7A484D4964344F76346947516E323932536152633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.23 = 7.63, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E50444A6E6C46484131377A3559347030374D483877494669586E686D2B6B76633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.24 = -16.94, 0.00, 0.00, fsfx_AFIM_654D304B51716B6477336A382F684969557655645162657A634B4C4252784B75 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.25 = -6.00, -12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E55514A774752656B706659666C59736C6D4446594E366A6B3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.26 = -6.00, 12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E5551414E4A6C77746D733442306559316459736C7352696B3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.27 = -6.00, -12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E55514A774752656B706659666C51765566417231533632773D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.28 = -6.00, 12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E5551414E4A6C77746D733442306C49546469654F737574343D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.29 = -6.00, -12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E55514A774752656B706659666C4459594B544B4E556E44383D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.30 = -6.00, 12.00, 15.00, fsfx_AFIM_504739795474365A746F584555734E367A7A6E5551414E4A6C77746D73344230344442464264305A67544D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.31 = 20.90, -13.40, -3.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E6C453267676D726E664631474177732B6F4B786733 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.32 = 20.90, 13.40, -3.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C795A4E51436A444F4265745745736C354D6D6E7554 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.33 = 20.90, -13.40, -3.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E6C453267676D726E66463171454A382F673255684D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.34 = 20.90, 13.40, -3.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C795A4E51436A444F4265754932506A375575385438 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.35 = 11.50, 19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F7A6C6E4E724E4B58617862 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.36 = 11.50, -19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F7A6C6E4E724E4B58617862 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.37 = 11.50, 19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F38713175354648624E502F //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.38 = 11.50, -19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F38713175354648624E502F //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.39 = 11.50, 19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F34524A2F6C564F4E695036 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.40 = 11.50, -19.03, -8.80, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C4B6D5761362F4655502F34524A2F6C564F4E695036 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.41 = 48.12, -6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786B655852796A6F54564F6453713354736171373447453D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.42 = 48.12, 6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786866564753505435446B566C356C5744516D464639413D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.43 = 48.12, -6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786B655852796A6F54564F643770586457556530774D303D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.44 = 48.12, 6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786866564753505435446B56717A7046596272354748383D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.45 = 48.12, -6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786B655852796A6F54564F642B6A78444C65786B454A453D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.46 = 48.12, 6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786866564753505435446B56614A6A767062662B4E75633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.47 = 48.12, -6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786B655852796A6F54564F64666F3942306B503835766F3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.48 = 48.12, 6.83, -7.21, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D55316163537A336768786866564753505435446B567265442B317A56644245303D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.49 = 34.91, 0.00, -9.20, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597636516F35634D6A7A5632586C3637632B317653376472 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.50 = 34.91, 0.00, -9.20, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597636337251745635636359745456413051707A4B4A5136 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.51 = 34.91, 0.00, -9.20, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637516E5437546B3273667A41534679496A564D534470 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.52 = 34.91, 0.00, -9.20, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597635574E3556736A536F36477166743143457A61645731 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.53 = -10.00, 0.00, -7.00, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C58476F30724A6E6642493438546C5369687130724B //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.54 = -10.00, 0.00, -7.00, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C58476F30724A6E664249392F32434D38462B313262 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.55 = -10.00, 0.00, -7.00, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726C58476F30724A6E664249317463452F6F483336506D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.56 = -15.00, 0.00, -13.00, fsfx_AFIM_79357073675573573866506B6443616759566C324D365957534D636961645569 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.57 = -63.00, 0.00, 9.00, fsfx_AFIM_624F7142534E75694D384D6E76366F307458676145513D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.58 = 33.81, 0.00, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5A7171713942555741755042707263424975314D414C554674754E5A45676D5A673D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.59 = 33.81, 0.00, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5A7171713942555741755042707263424975314D414C664E774E73504A417A53733D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.60 = 33.81, 0.00, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5A7171713942555741755042707263424975314D414C627666513364756D524F453D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.61 = 33.81, 0.00, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5979767345506C385645533561554854784D57636639 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.62 = -5.51, 12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A5759426C7778513870726466704C3171317A3043457037633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.63 = -5.51, 12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A57594E527573437353744577796B6478336D717934562F633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.64 = -5.51, 12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A575945315661415551685632444767547668784E705839593D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.65 = -5.51, 12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5979767345506C38564553364534635A7477354A4D57 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.66 = -5.51, -12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A5759426C7778513870726466704C3171317A3043457037633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.67 = -5.51, -12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A57594E527573437353744577796B6478336D717934562F633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.68 = -5.51, -12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E61486765397858744A575945315661415551685632444767547668784E705839593D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.69 = -5.51, -12.45, -15.70, fsfx_AFIM_77755038474E6775336E5979767345506C38564553364534635A7477354A4D57 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.70 = 7.63, 19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E5170694D42384B5A6946312F443038324A47584868 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.71 = 7.63, -19.04, -8.29, fsfx_AFIM_3263496B6372304972726E5170694D42384B5A6946312F443038324A47584868 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.72 = 2.00, 0.00, 7.00, fsfx_AFIM_4D564A62714B5841644C574F345A54756C736D387143713331415A4244593750 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.73 = 4.00, 0.00, -11.00, fsfx_AFIM_4D564A62714B5841644C565864564135585138433731506D6363696C67342F30 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.74 = -16.00, 0.00, -1.00, fsfx_AFIM_77614261444A496B704C6B2B736878456C48515A6A31716E5655525454474E4B //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.75 = -72.00, 0.00, 1.00, fsfx_AFIM_77614261444A496B704C6E6862635774635943754264707461795968656B6757 //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.76 = -15.00, 0.00, -0.50, fsfx_AFIM_38546D73635961774C4E424C6C4A7738315555654A513D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.77 = 84.13, 0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F52534675705A4E77326F5762306E474B4B4652744E2F4D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.78 = 84.13, -0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F525A4342746E4641564167757A79434A492F764275624D3D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.79 = 84.13, 0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F52534675705A4E77326F576231626B4B4E3165586779633D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.80 = 84.13, -0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F525A4342746E464156416775725764566B764E724B74303D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.81 = 84.13, 0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F52534675705A4E77326F576241414743456844586C4C593D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.82 = 84.13, -0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F525A4342746E464156416775506276746D53684D5645593D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.83 = 84.13, 0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F52534675705A4E77326F57624B774570344E54675870493D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect smoke.84 = 84.13, -0.52, -10.93, fsfx_AFIM_4F5842326668674A597637676F67696E4377456F525A4342746E4641564167755665454357754739506F453D //FSFX_AFIM_Effect //(Disabled by FSFX_AFIM_Effect)smoke.0= 7.63, -019.04, -008.29, fx_contrail_l //(Disabled by FSFX_AFIM_Effect)smoke.1= 7.63, 019.04, -008.29, fx_contrail_l Can someone maybe see why I dont see anything, Chris from Denmark
  11. Hello Again. Tried to change display time in FCU display time, but nothing changed. Can you see the issue. -- HANDLER FOR MCP2a (Airbus) PANELS -- Updated for LINDA 2.5 -- Nov 2014 -- **************************************************************** -- -- DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE THE CONTENTS OF THIS FILE -- -- CORE LINDA FUNCTIONALITY -- -- NOTE - Compatibility with the original MCP1 is untested -- and correct operation cannot be guaranteed. -- If you experience problems with LINDA 2.xx then -- try LINDA 1.13. -- -- **************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ## MAIN ############### -- reading VRI events skip_fast = 0 -- set the delay for the reversion time for Modes (sec * 1000) DspModeResetLimit = 40000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handle all MCP controls (knobs, buttons and switches) function MCPcontrols (h, s) --_log("[MCP2a] MCPcontrols MCP2a [h= .. tostring(h) .. ", s=" .. tostring(s) .. ]") -- skip this command skip = false -- Getting first 3 chars of VRI-command to group them into functions group = string.sub(s, 1, 3) -- Getting 4th and all next chars - it's an exact command in group command = string.sub(s, 4) -- Debug _logg("[MCP2a] Handle :: [" .. group .. "] / [" .. command .. "] " .. tostring(length)) -- Detecting knob-pull commands if string.sub(command, 5) == "^" then -- pause flight info updates ipc.set("FIP", ipc.elapsedtime()) group = string.sub(command, 1, 3) -- knob_press = true switch (group, KNOBPULL, "_knob_pull", group) return end -- Detecting knob-press commands if string.sub(command, 5) == "*" then -- pause flight info updates ipc.set("FIP", ipc.elapsedtime()) group = string.sub(command, 1, 3) -- knob_press = true switch (group, KNOBPRESS, "_knob_press", group) return end -- Detecting if it is a knob-rotation fc = string.sub(command, 5) if fc == "+" or fc == "-" then ----------------------- -- KNOB ROTATION detected !!! ----------------------- -- pause flight info updates ipc.set("FIP", ipc.elapsedtime()) group = string.sub(command, 1, 3) command = string.sub(command, 4) -- skipping first fast rotate signal to prevent occasional jumps -- _log("[MCP2a] in:" .. command) if command == "++" or command == "--" then skip_fast = skip_fast + 1 if skip_fast < 2 then command = " " .. string.sub(command, 1, 1) end else skip_fast = 0 end -- _log("[MCP2a] out:" .. command) if not skip then switch (group, KNOBROTATE, "_knob_rotate", command) end return end -- Now checking and parsing any other groups left if switch(group, BUTTONS, "_buttons", command) then -- Success! Found something. Exiting happy. return end -- Everything else. Never should happen. -- _err ("Error: Command group not assigned! " .. group .. " / " .. command ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- handle interupt timer to handle all inputs and outputs function VRI_TIMER () --_log("[MCP2a] VRI Timer") if RADIOS_MSG and ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP2") > 5000 then if RADIOS_MSG_SHORT then DspRadiosShortClear () else DspRadiosMedClear () end RADIOS_MSG = false RADIOS_MSG_SHORT = false end -- clear display message fields (if not MCP2a Airbus) if not (_MCP2a() and Airbus) then if DSP_MSG1 and ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 3000 then DspClearMed1 () DSP_MSG1 = false AP_STATE = -1 end if DSP_MSG2 and ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 3000 then DspClearMed2 () DSP_MSG2 = false AP_STATE = -1 end if DSP_MSG and ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 3000 then DspClearMed () DSP_MSG = false AP_STATE = -1 end end -- Updating DME data if DME is open on radio panel dme_timer_skip = dme_timer_skip + 1 if not RADIOS_MSG and dme_timer_skip > 3 then if dme_open == 1 then Default_DME_1_init () elseif dme_open == 2 then Default_DME_2_init () end dme_timer_skip = 0 end if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 1000 then -- Updating COM data if COM is open on radio panel if com_open == 1 then Default_COM_1_init () elseif com_open == 2 then Default_COM_2_init () end -- Updating NAV data if NAV is open on radio panel if nav_open == 1 then Default_NAV_1_init () elseif nav_open == 2 then Default_NAV_2_init () end end -- Updating current AP or flight info if ipc.get("DSPmode") == 2 then -- only if no rotaries where move in last second if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 1000 then DisplayFlightInfo () end else if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("FIP") > 1000 then DisplayAutopilotInfo () end end -- Handle panel mode time outs for auto return to first mode -- Return EFIS to mode 1 if ipc.get("EFISmode") > 1 and ipc.get("EFISrestore") == 1 then -- only if no input in that mode if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("EFISalt") > DspModeResetLimit then EFIS_MODE_one () end end -- Return MCP to mode 1 if ipc.get("MCPmode") > 1 and ipc.get("MCPrestore") == 1 then -- only if no input in that mode if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("MCPalt") > DspModeResetLimit then MCP_MODE_one () end end -- Return USER to mode 1 if ipc.get("USERmode") > 1 and ipc.get("USERrestore") == 1 then -- only if no input in that mode if ipc.elapsedtime() - ipc.get("USERalt") > DspModeResetLimit then USER_MODE_one () end end end ----------- End of VRI Timer ---------------------------------- -- ########## DEFAULT CONTROL FUNCTIONS #################### -- ## RADIO CONTROLS ######## function RADIOS_FRE_press () switch ("PRESS", FRE1, "FRE") end function RADIOS_FRE_rotate (skip, skip, command) switch ("A " .. command, FRE1, "FRE", command) end -- ## EFIS KNOBS ################ function EFIS_BARO_press () if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", BARO1, "BARO") elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", BARO2, "BARO") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", BARO3, "BARO") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_BARO_rotate (skip, skip, command) -- _logg("[MCP2a] EFIS_BARO_rotate " .. command .. " / " .. BARO1_CFG_MODE) if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch (BAROmode .. " " .. command, BARO1, "BARO", command) elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch (BAROmode .. " " .. command, BARO2, "BARO", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (BAROmode .. " " .. command, BARO3, "BARO", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_NDM_press () if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", NDM1, "NDM") elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", NDM2, "NDM") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", NDM3, "NDM") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_NDM_rotate (skip, skip, command) if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch (NDMmode .. " " .. command, NDM1, "NDM", command) elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch (NDMmode .. " " .. command, NDM2, "NDM", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (NDMmode .. " " .. command, NDM3, "NDM", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_NDR_press () if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", NDR1, "NDR") elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", NDR2, "NDR") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", NDR3, "NDR") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_NDR_rotate (skip, skip, command) if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch (NDRmode .. " " .. command, NDR1, "NDR", command) elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch (NDRmode .. " " .. command, NDR2, "NDR", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (NDRmode .. " " .. command, NDR3, "NDR", command) ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end -- ## MCP KNOBS ################ function MCP_HDG_press () -- _log('[MCP2a] HDG Pressed') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", HDG1, "HDG") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", HDG2, "HDG") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", HDG3, "HDG") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_HDG_pull () --_log('[MCP2a] HDG Pulled') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PULL", HDG1, "HDG") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PULL", HDG2, "HDG") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PULL", HDG3, "HDG") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_HDG_rotate (skip, skip, command) -- trap nil HDG value if HDG == nil then return end if command == '++' then HDGfast = HDGfast + 1 if HDGfast > 2 then HDG = HDG + 10 else command = ' +' HDG = HDG + 1 end elseif command == '--' then HDGfast = HDGfast + 1 if HDGfast > 2 then HDG = HDG - 10 else command = ' -' HDG = HDG - 1 end elseif command == ' +' then HDGfast = 0 HDG = HDG + 1 elseif command == ' -' then HDGfast = 0 HDG = HDG - 1 end if HDG > 359 then HDG = HDG - 360 end if HDG < 0 then HDG = 360 + HDG end if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch (HDGmode .. " " .. command, HDG1, "HDG", HDG) elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch (HDGmode .. " " .. command, HDG2, "HDG", HDG) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (HDGmode .. " " .. command, HDG3, "HDG", HDG) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end if AutoDisplay then DspHDG(HDG) end end function MCP_ALT_press () --_log('[MCP2a] ALT Pressed') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", ALT1, "ALT") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", ALT2, "ALT") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", ALT3, "ALT") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_ALT_pull () --_log('[MCP2a] ALT Pulled') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PULL", ALT1, "ALT") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PULL", ALT2, "ALT") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PULL", ALT3, "ALT") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_ALT_rotate (skip, skip, command) --_log("[MCP2a] ALT Rotate") if command == '++' then ALTfast = ALTfast + 1 if ALTfast > 2 then ALT = ALT + 10 else command = ' +' ALT = ALT + 1 end elseif command == '--' then ALTfast = ALTfast + 1 if ALTfast > 2 then ALT = ALT - 10 else command = ' -' ALT = ALT - 1 end elseif command == ' +' then ALTfast = 0 ALT = ALT + 1 elseif command == ' -' then ALTfast = 0 ALT = ALT - 1 end if ALT > 500 then ALT = 500 end if ALT < 0 then ALT = 0 end if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch (ALTmode .. " " .. command, ALT1, "ALT", ALT) elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch (ALTmode .. " " .. command, ALT2, "ALT", ALT) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (ALTmode .. " " .. command, ALT3, "ALT", ALT) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end if AutoDisplay then DspALT(ALT) end end function MCP_SPD_press () --_log('[MCP2a] SPD Pressed') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", SPD1, "SPD") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", SPD2, "SPD") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", SPD3, "SPD") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_SPD_pull () --_log('[MCP2a] SPD Pulled') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PULL", SPD1, "SPD") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PULL", SPD2, "SPD") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PULL", SPD3, "SPD") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_SPD_rotate (skip, skip, command) if command == '++' then SPDfast = SPDfast + 1 if SPDfast > 2 then SPD = SPD + 10 else command = ' +' SPD = SPD + 1 end elseif command == '--' then SPDfast = SPDfast + 1 if SPDfast > 2 then SPD = SPD - 10 else command = ' -' SPD = SPD - 1 end elseif command == ' +' then SPDfast = 0 SPD = SPD + 1 elseif command == ' -' then SPDfast = 0 SPD = SPD - 1 end if SPD > 900 then SPD = 900 end if SPD < 0 then SPD = 0 end if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch (SPDmode .. " " .. command, SPD1, "SPD", SPD) elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch (SPDmode .. " " .. command, SPD2, "SPD", SPD) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (SPDmode .. " " .. command, SPD3, "SPD", SPD) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end if AutoDisplay then DspSPD(SPD) end end function MCP_VVS_press () --_log('[MCP2a] VVS Pressed') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PRESS", VVS1, "VVS") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PRESS", VVS2, "VVS") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PRESS", VVS3, "VVS") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_VVS_pull () --_log('[MCP2a] VVS Pulled') if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch ("PULL", VVS1, "VVS") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch ("PULL", VVS2, "VVS") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch ("PULL", VVS3, "VVS") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function MCP_VVS_rotate (skip, skip, command) if command == '++' then VVS = VVS + 5 elseif command == '--' then VVS = VVS - 5 elseif command == ' +' then VVS = VVS + 1 elseif command == ' -' then VVS = VVS - 1 end if VVS > 90 then VVS = 90 end if VVS < -90 then VVS = -90 end if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch (VVSmode .. " " .. command, VVS1, "VVS", VVS) elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch (VVSmode .. " " .. command, VVS2, "VVS", VVS) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (VVSmode .. " " .. command, VVS3, "VVS", VVS) ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end if AutoDisplay then DspVVS(VVS) end end -- ############################################################## -- -- ## BUTTONS ################ function MCP_buttons (skip, skip, s) if ipc.get("MCPmode") == 1 then switch (s, MCP1, "FCU") elseif ipc.get("MCPmode") == 2 then switch (s, MCP2, "FCU") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (s, MCP3, "FCU") ipc.set("MCPalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function EFIS_buttons (skip, skip, s) if ipc.get("EFISmode") == 1 then switch (s, EFIS1, "EFIS") elseif ipc.get("EFISmode") == 2 then switch (s, EFIS2, "EFIS") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (s, EFIS3, "EFIS") ipc.set("EFISalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function USER_buttons (skip, skip, s) local um = ipc.get("USERmode") if um == 1 then switch (s, USER1, "USER") elseif um == 2 then switch (s, USER2, "USER") ipc.set("USERalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) else switch (s, USER3, "USER") ipc.set("USERalt", ipc.elapsedtime()) end end function RADIOS_buttons (skip, skip, s) -- _log("[MCP2a] RAD: " .. s) switch (s, RADIOS, "RADIOS") end -- ## Tables init ############################################################ -- BUTTONS = { ["EFI"] = EFIS_buttons , ["FCU"] = MCP_buttons , ["USR"] = USER_buttons , ["RAD"] = RADIOS_buttons } KNOBPRESS = { ["BAR"] = EFIS_BARO_press , ["NDM"] = EFIS_NDM_press , ["NDR"] = EFIS_NDR_press , ["SPD"] = MCP_SPD_press , ["HDG"] = MCP_HDG_press , ["ALT"] = MCP_ALT_press , ["VVS"] = MCP_VVS_press , ["FRE"] = RADIOS_FRE_press } KNOBPULL = { ["SPD"] = MCP_SPD_pull , ["HDG"] = MCP_HDG_pull , ["ALT"] = MCP_ALT_pull , ["VVS"] = MCP_VVS_pull
  12. Have the correct driver. Just starting VRsim.exe and close it again. Open Fsx and turn on LAMP TOGGLE, and load it..Then it works correct. Just use it in that way, until maybe a day where I upgrade my system. At last... in Radio display, how can I increase time for showing text, example: wing light on....? Have the correct driver. Just starting VRsim.exe and close it again. Open Fsx and turn on LAMP TOGGLE, and load it..Then it works correct. Just use it in that way, until maybe a day where I upgrade my system.
  13. Had the latest driver, but it works correct if toggle on LAMP before loads Fsx, so is okay... And expect a new Sim install within a year...Think a new Windows and so on makes the difference.. At last, in Radio display, can I increase the time in display, The text shows commandoes but only for 1 sec. can I increase the time? Example: wing light on..it only shows for about 1 sec..
  14. No never pressed go flying in VRsim.exe. Just open and close it...Did you remove the post, where I could check the correct drivers? No never pressed go flying in VRsim.exe. Just open and close it...Did you remove the post, where I could check the correct drivers?
  15. Think Im getting closer to it, and something to do with the LAMP TOGGLE button at the Fcu. If I start VRsim.exe first and close it again.Starts Fsx- ladning. And Always now press LAMP TOGGLE to turn on panel light in Fcu, and then press go flying.. then LINDA loads correct to the FCU Think Im getting closer to it, and something to do with the LAMP TOGGLE button at the Fcu. If I start VRsim.exe first and close it again.Starts Fsx- ladning. And Always now press LAMP TOGGLE to turn on panel light in Fcu, and then press go flying.. then LINDA loads correct to the FCU
  16. I have pasted one more LINDA CONSOLE in #56 I have default LAMP toggle - If change it to Light PANEL toggle and save, it returns to Default LAMP toggle. My primary issue is, I have to restart FSX 2-3 times before it connects to my Airbus Second ISSUe is Light toggle disable LINDA if using LIGHT TOGGLE after about 3 min, AND it always does, even it connects correct
  17. In the console it Will not let me copy? Yes i have FCU Combo Airbus Not working file ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.944a by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=5DC50000 User Name="Chris Skov" User Addr="copilot767@gmail.com" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired System time = 17/09/2015 22:25:51 FLT path = "C:\Users\Christian Sass\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe" LogOptions=00000000 00000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok --- SIM1 Frictions access gained --- FS Controls Table located ok --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok --- All links checked okay ------------------------------------------------------------------- SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 VRI port 1 "com3" opened Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) Initialising SimConnect data requests now FSUIPC Menu entry added C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320 IAE\A320.AIR System time = 17/09/2015 22:26:41, Simulator time = 18:25:53 (01:25Z) Aircraft="Airbus A320 United Airlines N465UA" Starting everything now ... LUA.0: beginning "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" LUA.0: ended "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" AES Link established LUA.1: LUA.1: ************************** START ************************* LUA.1: [sTART] Loading... LUA.1: [sTART] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Airbus A320 United Airlines N465UA LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320 IAE\A320.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: Aerosoft Airbus LUA.0: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.0: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.0: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.0: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.0: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.0: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.0: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.0: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.0: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.0: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.0: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.0: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.0: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.0: [iNIT] User GLOBAL config loaded... LUA.0: [uSER] User's modifications script is loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] VRI MCP config loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Finalising Initialisation... LUA.0: [COMM] DSP Mode 1 LUA.0: [COMM] Checking VRI LUA.0: [COMM] Enabling VRI LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP - Connecting to MCP Panel... LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP completed - 283511524 LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - Initialising MCP... LUA.0: [COMM] Initializing MCP2a (Airbus) - Airbus Aircraft... LUA.0: [COMM] RADIOS : Empty command for :: COM1 Select LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - completed Advanced Weather Interface Enabled LUA.0: [COMM] MCP Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initialising HID devices... LUA.0: [iNIT] Loading Aerosoft Airbus joysticks config... LUA.0: [iNIT] Module: Aerosoft Airbus Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initiating Autosave true LUA.0: [iNIT] Ready to go, Captain! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! WORKING: ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.944a by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=5B250000 User Name="Chris Skov" User Addr="copilot767@gmail.com" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired System time = 17/09/2015 22:59:36 FLT path = "C:\Users\Christian Sass\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe" LogOptions=00000000 00000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok --- SIM1 Frictions access gained --- FS Controls Table located ok --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok --- All links checked okay ------------------------------------------------------------------- SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 VRI port 1 "com3" opened Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) Initialising SimConnect data requests now FSUIPC Menu entry added C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR VRI MCP2A ("MCP2 Airbus") detected on port com3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A321 CFM\A321.AIR System time = 17/09/2015 23:00:02, Simulator time = 07:59:37 (05:59Z) Aircraft="Airbus A321 NEO Thomas Cook Scandinavia NC" Starting everything now ... LUA.0: beginning "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" LUA.0: ended "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" AES Link established LUA.1: LUA.1: ************************** START ************************* LUA.1: [sTART] Loading... LUA.1: [sTART] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Airbus A321 NEO Thomas Cook Scandin LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A321 CFM\A321.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: Aerosoft Airbus LUA.0: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.0: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.0: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.0: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.0: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.0: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.0: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.0: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.0: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.0: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.0: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.0: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.0: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.0: [iNIT] User GLOBAL config loaded... LUA.0: [uSER] User's modifications script is loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] VRI MCP config loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Finalising Initialisation... LUA.0: [COMM] DSP Mode 1 LUA.0: [COMM] Checking VRI LUA.0: [COMM] Enabling VRI LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP - Connecting to MCP Panel... LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP completed - 284035812 LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - Initialising MCP... LUA.0: [COMM] Initializing MCP2a (Airbus) - Airbus Aircraft... Advanced Weather Interface Enabled LUA.0: [COMM] RADIOS : Empty command for :: COM1 Select LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - completed LUA.0: [COMM] MCP Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initialising HID devices... LUA.0: [iNIT] Loading Aerosoft Airbus joysticks config... LUA.0: [iNIT] Module: Aerosoft Airbus Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initiating Autosave true LUA.0: [iNIT] Ready to go, Captain! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: BARO inHg LUA.0: BARO hPa LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! WORKED BUT ONLY UNTIL PRESSED LIGHT TOGGLE AFTER 3 MIN, BUT CAN USE LIGHT TOGGLE IN BEGINNING LUA.1: ************************** START ************************* LUA.1: [sTART] Loading... LUA.1: [sTART] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Airbus A321 NEO Thomas Cook Scandin LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A321 CFM\A321.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: Aerosoft Airbus LUA.0: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.0: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.0: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.0: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.0: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.0: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.0: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.0: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.0: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.0: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.0: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.0: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.0: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.0: [iNIT] User GLOBAL config loaded... LUA.0: [uSER] User's modifications script is loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] VRI MCP config loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Finalising Initialisation... LUA.0: [COMM] DSP Mode 1 LUA.0: [COMM] Checking VRI LUA.0: [COMM] Enabling VRI LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP - Connecting to MCP Panel... LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP completed - 284035812 LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - Initialising MCP... LUA.0: [COMM] Initializing MCP2a (Airbus) - Airbus Aircraft... LUA.0: [COMM] RADIOS : Empty command for :: COM1 Select LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - completed LUA.0: [COMM] MCP Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initialising HID devices... LUA.0: [iNIT] Loading Aerosoft Airbus joysticks config... LUA.0: [iNIT] Module: Aerosoft Airbus Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initiating Autosave true LUA.0: [iNIT] Ready to go, Captain! LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Offsets watching list cleared! LOADS CORRECT INTO FSX BEFORE PRESSING FLY NOW : ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.944a by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=5E270000 User Name="Chris Skov" User Addr="copilot767@gmail.com" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired System time = 17/09/2015 23:15:43 FLT path = "C:\Users\Christian Sass\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\" Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe" LogOptions=00000000 00000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok --- SIM1 Frictions access gained --- FS Controls Table located ok --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok --- All links checked okay ------------------------------------------------------------------- SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 VRI port 1 "com3" opened Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) Initialising SimConnect data requests now FSUIPC Menu entry added C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR VRI MCP2A ("MCP2 Airbus") detected on port com3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320 IAE\A320.AIR AFTER PRESSING FLY NOW AND LINDA NOT LOAD INTO FCU System time = 17/09/2015 23:18:43, Simulator time = 17:15:45 (00:15Z) Aircraft="Airbus A320 United Airlines N465UA" Starting everything now ... LUA.0: beginning "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" LUA.0: ended "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua" AES Link established LUA.1: LUA.1: ************************** START ************************* LUA.1: [sTART] Loading... LUA.1: [sTART] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Airbus A320 United Airlines N465UA LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320 IAE\A320.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: Aerosoft Airbus LUA.0: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.0: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.0: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.0: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.0: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.0: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.0: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.0: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.0: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.0: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.0: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.0: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.0: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.0: [iNIT] User GLOBAL config loaded... LUA.0: [uSER] User's modifications script is loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] VRI MCP config loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Finalising Initialisation... LUA.0: [COMM] DSP Mode 1 LUA.0: [COMM] Checking VRI LUA.0: [COMM] Enabling VRI
  18. Is it correct nobody can help...Have to restart Fsx 10 times, before Linda connect to my FCU- I Really need some support for This issue?? Is it correct nobody can help...?
  19. But a very strange problem my FCU does, Had an older FCU, went down. -It worked without Any problems. Now I installed a new one I bought But not every time it load LINDA in the displays, when starting up a flight. So have to restart Fsx, and then LINDA load..And no system in when working and not working... And when loads correct, for sure after 5 minutes when pressing Light toggle-LINDA unloads in Fcu display,but Light toggle- works for the first 5 minutes without Any problems???
  20. Found some more.... In a way I have solved the issue... I have to start the VRSIM.EXE first and let it load...Then I close it. After I start FSX together with LINDA, my FCU will show up correctly. If dont run VRSIM.EXE first and close it, my FCU will not change to LINDA. Another strange thing, everytime after about 10 min- pressing LIGHT toggle- My FCU will disable LINDA, but if goes to Windows mode and open LINDA from the bottom, the LIGHT BUTTON will not disable LINDA, but always about 10 min after start.. Never had these issues with my old FCU( after 25 months it crashed so bought a new one)
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