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About sidh

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  1. Asobo has ruined the simulator. Countless topics on their forums and they don't care . I remember MSFS ground textures were crisp and sharp back when released. Even village buildings could be identified.
  2. What if I had to check it from 19000FT . What calculated figures should I take if suppose WT is 70Tons and FL190. Which isn't shown here [
  3. in P3D V3, Imaginesim VIDP is unplayable.. Extreme lags
  4. Thank you everyone! I am upgrading to Win10, :smile:
  5. Hello Everyone, Is it a good combo? I mean compatibility & performance wise? Thanks in advance
  6. Would getting 2 GTX 970 SLI be better than getting a Single GTX 980 ? Price will still be less. & Liam, Can you tell how does it perform with all the high end addons..?? are you getting 30 FPS locked ? (WITH REX4,ASN,UT,PMDG,AIRPORT ADDONS ETC) ??
  7. Thanks a lot everyone for your suggestions, So right now I have 2 options either to wait till next year or get GTX 970 with 6700K series and Z170 board but since I will be very busy with ATPL exams next year for now I might go with 6700K,OCd GTX970 and Z170 board... Is any one currently owning the 6700k here??
  8. Hello everyone, I have spent countless money on FSX in hope of getting it smooth but could not. Since new P3D V3 looks promising I have decided to upgrade my current PC which is.: I7 2600K @ 4.2 Ghz GTX 680 8GB DDR-III But with this PC that I currently have ,P3D fails to perform with High end addons like - PMDG,ASN,REX4.I get about 20 FPS and addons airports it's as less as 12-15 ) So after watching youtube videos on new RIGs where P3D V3 performs much better My new Upgrad shall be I7 4970K GTX980 (4GB) 16GB RAM However I still doubt if I upgrade , It(FPS) will not be siginificantly improved. I remember few months back when People used to say get i7 2600k series and its smooth as anything but No. Will the above requirements promise me to give @least 25-30 FPS LOCKED with All high end addons & settings to High?I cannot composite visuals . Is having a Smooth NON LAGGY sim a myth? Low FPS - Simulation experience ruined for me . Please help me out Thanks in Advance ... (People with same RIGs as above can guide me better or any one expert in it) Best regards
  9. charliearon I think I had some corrupt Day/Dusk/Night textures . That link helped me! Just reinstall REX textures:) Thanks a ton Thanks for info . above step seems to have fixed
  10. I am getting strange FSX Fatal error on start up which is related to visualfx.dll . The strange part is it occurs on starting FSX and sometime it does not occur at all but that happens very rarely! I have tons of addons installed, I want to try everything not to do re-install that would take me a lot of time, Also my FSX was nicely setup! :mellow: I don't have any corrupt logbook I have deleted/refreshed FSX.cfg I have done FSX reg repair, I am using latest FSX accel pack. GPU drivers updated(GTX680 ,I7) I did not install any new addons I am using FTXG+Vector+ASN+REX4..Rest are addons of A/C If any help or suggestion to overcome this? Please let me know will be highly appreciated Thanks in advance
  11. Thanks for reply my refresh time is 5 minutes
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