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Posts posted by sidh

  1. Be sure to check my thread before buying flythemaddog.. I have not had good experience with them.


    As far as Airsimmer goes bought it first when it was released and got it refunded the third day due to CTDs and So many other problems . Then after update v1.4 I purchased again and most problems still remained . So never going to get again. And It's hard to believe that they are still in development seems a joke like a dead horse woke up.


    go for PMDG MD11(You will not regret)

  2. Please consider there are buyers from all over the world not just CAN,EUR and US for them 100$ won't hurt much but In rest of the countries dollars are very high for there local money!


    So For me price is very important because dollar costs a lot in mine.. and there are buyers from all over the world.

  3. OrbX Regions are not the same as OrbX Global. The regions are much closer to real life. Landscape, cities, objects, autogen are all handplaced and created for the specific region.

    Global is a generic product covering the world with textures. The keyword here is "Generic".

    They could have added that region in there global product. Well worth the 99$ rather charging separately on other product. :mellow:

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