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About Raphael_Chacon

  • Birthday 11/01/1982

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  1. Update: Reinstalled LJ35A 4.3c and the RXP GTN750 zoom issue was solved. Thank you anyway... Happy Flying!
  2. Update: Reinstalled LJ35A and the zoom issue was solved. Thank you anyway, looking forward for the database figure fix. Happy Flying!
  3. Same here, Updated to but showing something different. Also the screen zoom is increades so that i can not use buttons near the corners(Ie: arrow back button): https://photos.app.goo.gl/QwKP7bt6kfUdZWNRA Looking around to solve the zoom issue.... Thanks
  4. Glad i just googled it and bump....found this answer..... Useful though ... Thank you and merry christmas to all!
  5. Yeee.... Lets see if they show up the support they use to bark about.... Im fine with using the sim load manager. At the end, its all about flying with the numbers and comparing(i love to do so) with achieved performance.... Definitely the fancy LJ Manager is something i miss before every flight, but changing or downgrading looks a bit time consuming for me..... and dont mention that there is a MSFS 2024 around the corner..... so id recommend only one thing to you all: Fly!! ✈️ dont waste your time in software traps for now... 😅
  6. Following conversation...5.4 user here..... Couldnt make it work either..... Tried everything, even prayed! 😅 I hope it can be fixed soon... 😎 Thank you....
  7. Greeeeat! I feel like updating to V6, got to practice pro IFR with RXP 430s / 530s......... 😉
  8. Greeeeat - Thank you..... !!!! Lets get the Lear to 5.4 skies then.... 😎
  9. Question, sorry.... Are Flysimware products 5.4 compatible? 😉
  10. Thank you Jay, OMG very detailed information.... I will perform a P3D5.4 fresh install and i use RXP GNS430 and GTN for real life Commercial training, so you cant imagine how important they are for me. Im reinstalling my P3D during the week and be back for GSN430 feedback for eveyone interested in... Happy flying!
  11. Hello flightsimmers, Im more concerned about the LJ35A but i bet this is something interesting for everyone upon the newly updated P3D5.4... Thanks for support,
  12. Hello guys, Prepar3D v5.4 is now available and i wonder if RXP products will work on the newly updated sim. I use the GTN and the GNS430 Happy flying!
  13. Hello guys, Is there any possibility to get Learjet updated to support the GNS530 RXP? I mean, the Learjet deserves the update for the 530 as well, right? Such as a wonderful airplane! Sad that the radar is not going to be updated, i really miss it. BTW, still insterested in the modification above, cant see the images now, and my attepmt to switch over the RXP gps was not succesful... Thanks for support...
  14. Wow very usefull information for the Leardicts.... 🙂
  15. ... keep it buggy while working a new project? The LJ35A is a masterpiece. I would suggest to focus on this "minor" fixes before going forward... :Shame On You: For the while.... See you in the air :wink:
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