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Everything posted by MortenS

  1. Same thing here, but it has nothing to do with borders. You'll get the same white lines and emblem when you use V Earth on the web if you zoom in beyond the max resolution for that area.I've found that Tileproxy runs out of memory after a given time, so I just close and restart Tileproxy now and then. This keeps everything fine.
  2. I'm also very thankfully for Christian's work. I mostly fly in areas with LOD9 or something, but still I feel it's much better than default FSX. At least if I look to the horizon. I can now see forest, cities and get a feel for how these places looks like, instead of just farms all over the world.Just looking forward to see updated maps covering more of the world.
  3. "Service Example 1" now seems to be at map_version=282.
  4. Thanks, I can't figure out the coordinate system, but if the zoom is not supported in Tileproxy, I guess there's no point in continuing.
  5. Still with the webatlas source. I now know z is the zoom from 56-12-256-512. But I still can't get it to load properly, and I'm not even sure how to configure these zoom levels. Found how to map the zoom levels, and here are the zoom values: 262144,131072,81920,40960,20480,10240,5120,2048,1024,512,256,128,56.Now the problem is that tileproxy crashes every time I start it.I also can't out what the ts1-ts8 is for in the server adress. When I change this number myself, it still loads the same tile.
  6. Don't seem any easier, and not too good resolution either I think.
  7. Would be nice, but it seems this is not the most active forum on the net ;)BTW, I tried to add this: http://www.gulesider.no/kart/;jsessionid=c...26tab%3DaddressBut with my 0 knowledge, even this was in vain.
  8. module_config="conn=20|rate=4.0|verbose=0|server=http://ts3.webatlas.no|path=/?x1=%&y1=%s&z=%&s=2&l=1|quad=ABCD|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"It won't make cache files, so it's probably far from okay. But with the demo link you provided, I found that you can change values on the numbers, and the area/zoom will change. But I can't understand the format. Best luck with s=2 though. I'm guessing this is the version. The z value can either be 128 or 256, but if I set this permanently, it will not load tiles.
  9. Well, after some testing, I can finally get it to load tiles. The only problem is that it's random tiles, and only with min zoom level.
  10. My problem is that I want to fly in Norway, but with the services added to the proxyuser.ini I only get bad quality maps. This because these use US maps. There are Norwegian maps from the same service, but with different url I guess.My problem then is that I don't understand how to change/add a proper Norwegian map service. Can anyone help? I've tried to understand the tutorial :(
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