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Everything posted by Kuax

  1. Hi there, just convert it to 32 bit, DXT1 or DXT3 bmp-texture. Take care if there's an alpha channel. You might watch the results in Image Tool
  2. As a "Dinosaur" still using FS2004 and ASE I had to realize recently that ASE's server connectivity doesn't work anymore. So no more weather downloads... I contacted Hifisim's support and had been told by Dave Opper that they had to do that: "Unfortunately due to mandatory required network efficiency updates and cost management, older products prior to AS2016 have been retired and online access to these products have had to be disabled" So I spent money for a product which partly doesn’t work anymore, although I paid for that server connectivity at the time of buying. It’s not because ASE is damaged somehow, it’s because of Hifisim's decision. That in mind I’ll think about it very conscientiously when considering buying a product of Hifisimtech in the future, a company giving their products about ten years full funktionality and cutting of a part afterwards in full awareness.
  3. For converting Textures from and to fs9: TextureManager You may convert to several file formats, resolutions and add or remove mipmaps. Mass conversions also possible.
  4. Maybe you'll find some answers here: converting-fsx-airport-scenery-for-fs9 konvertierunsbasteleien mit dem modelconverterx
  5. Just try FSUIPC for FS2004. It's free now. Or give a more detailed describtion (Manufacturer etc).
  6. Still wondering.... will there be a Sp5 without being a beta?
  7. Good day, simply question: Is ASE Sp5 still a Beta release? Are you testing yet? I'm wondering if there will be a final release sometime. Thanks Frank
  8. It's a long time ago that something revolutionary happened to fs9, cause it's time seems to be over. This project (and so the textures) looks really thrillingly and promisingly. If these are the results when using fsx textures, i wouldn't discuss any other further on - whether it works or it's possible or it might or might not be, cause you got some hard facts and these are your screenshots. They show that it apparently not just works but also accomplishs it's goal to make terrain and cities looking much more crisp than stock or adware textures. The crucial point might be if it'll work the same convincing way for all or most cities and landscapes. For sure fs9 isn't a up to date flight simulator. The only reason to me not to use fsx is that i've spent a lot of money for adware/addons and also spent a lot of time in tweaking fs9. So, since all these years - step by step, i got it the way i can accept it. If all that fs9 adware/addons out there would apply to fsx, i would perhabs think about it. I don't want to be forced to buy and buy when aiming for simming seriously just to get it a little better than fs9, cause, to my opinion, stock MS flight simulator is still rather rudimentary. So i would highly encourage you to stay tuned to that project - i'm sure, all the "old-fashioned" fs9 enthusiasts would be very grateful. If there's any manner i can support you, just drop me a line in this thread.
  9. Hello to all intending to edit sunset or sky textures You can do this on your own. But to be honest: You’ll spend a lot of time if you want to see reasonable results. I think a basic software for doing this nearly unlimited is Paint.NET – you can download it for free. Being in it you’ll have a lot of possibilities in editing sky textures. In fs9 they’re all 24 bit-textures and 32 x 32 pixels in size – so be sure to save them in the same format. The following is what I figured out by testing (so no guarantee – corrections or contributions are welcome!) Don’t forget to backup your existing files. How are they working, acting or blending together? First you’ll recognize that there’s a bundle of textures (fs9 texture folder) just for sunset: “sky_presunset1_0” to “sky_presunset1_9” “sky_presunset2_0” to “sky_presunset2_9” “sky_sunset_0” to “sky_sunset_9” “sky_postsunset1_0” to “sky_postsunset1_9” “sky_postsunset2_0” to “sky_postsunset2_9” That’s the sequence they seem to be applied in fs9 – “sky_presunset1” to “sky_postsunset2” for one sunset event, “sky_presunset1_0” to “sky_presunset1_9” for different months or sunset styles, same applies to “sky_presunset2_0” to “sky_presunset2_9” and so on… Each texture file number, e.g. “sky_presunset1_0” represents one month or two months or one sunset style and blends to “sky_presunset2_0” to “sky_sunset_0” to “sky_postsunset1_0” to “sky_postsunset2_0”. Unfortunately i didn't figure out which number refers to which month. There’s no need to occupy one sequence, e.g. “sky_sunset_0 to “sky_sunset_9” with one and the same textures (as you see it very often in available sunset textures). If you prefer only one sunset style just do that, if you prefer variation, occupy them with different textures (if you want to watch the results, put them in the fs9 texture folder, start fs9, switch to different months and adjust sunset times to get them). For testing purposes you may want to occupy them with one style (to be independently of the switched month and to be sure just to get the wanted test texture, also to test how the different season terrain textures are blending to your new sunset textures) and see how they’re working or blending together by adjusting different sunset times. Be aware that all of the very above mentioned texture files are needed to display sky textures generally. There’s no way just to put in e.g. “sky_presunset1_0”, “sky_presunset2_0”, “sky_sunset_0”, “sky_postsunset1_0” and “sky_postsunset2_0” for testing purposes, if so or if one file of the very above mentioned is missing, fs9 just displays white sky. Editing a texture file: When you watch a sky texture file in an editor, you may think that the image is too small – just enlarge it. After enlarging it you’ll think that the resolution is to coarse (32x32 pixels) but that’s enough for fs9 – even relatively hard transitions in colour and brightness from one pixel row to another or from pixel to another (as perceived in the editor) are blurring sufficiently in fs9 to get almost smooth transitions. Different pixel codes in a texture file (for reflections from ground, aircraft, clouds and water) At the very upper row of pixels you should see six pixels having different colours or tones – five pixels at the left (starting with the first pixel in that row) and one pixel at the right side (last pixel in that row). - First pixel (from left to right): colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more dark parts of terrain and aircraft - Second pixel: colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more bright parts of terrain and aircraft - Third pixel: colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more on more dark parts of clouds - Fourth pixel: colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more on more bright parts of clouds - Fifth pixel: colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more dark parts of water or water shadowing - Sixth pixel: colour and brightness applies to the reflective colour and power on more bright parts of water The colour and brightness of the lowest row of pixels is determining how the sky above the horizon is blending to terrain beyond the horizon. I think, to certain degree it also determines the reflective colour and power on terrain just beyond the horizon. To a certain degree this also applies to the second row of pixels from below. Whereas this also seems to determine how the upper part of atmosphere near the horizon blends to faraway clouds above the horizon. When giving the lowest two rows of pixels the same brightness and colour (just try a yellowish, reddish or orange coloured grey - concerning sunset colours) so that it fits to the appearance of your terrain textures, you’ll certainly get very smooth transitions between atmosphere and terrain at the horizon. Haven’t tested sunrise -, daytime – and night textures yet but I think they’ll work the same way.
  10. Hello, i don't think that this is an ASE-Problem. Having these kind of square stratus cloud patterns sometimes too and had them also before applying ASE and another well known weather and texture addon. Did these patterns just appear after installing ASE or after copying new cloud texture sets to your fs texture folder? Would be curiously too how to get rid of them.....
  11. Hi, observing this bug also. Win7 64 bit, FS2004, ASE Sp4 here. Mainly flying with offline weather and i'm able to observe that behaviour described in this topic frequently. It's a long time ago i gave up requesting for support.... Even there are more bugs, e.g.: never showing correct date and time; changing the weather file via ASE user interface doesn't work - if i'm lucky it perhabs works for the first time but after more times just nothing happens. Thank you Kyprianos Biris for telling these words "After all I don't find it apropriate to start disabling every single feature of a software just to get the visibility right. We have paid for ASE to get its advanced features, not to disable them all !" I'm totally with you!
  12. Hi, running ASE at B614 now. Having a permanent haze layer at FL360, no matter which offline-weather I’m using. For the following issues I used “2010-09-16_20Z.Wx” Too having strange wind and altimeter behaviour over South America on the way from Rionegro (SKRG) to Quito (SEQU). Flying at FL360 when altimeter display suddenly showed FL270 and afterwards even FL180. Never had any wind issues with ASE – always smooth and reliable. On that flight I had them, shifting wildly same time the altimeter gone wild. Had the impression that ASE quitted to work. So I took a look at the user interface:For the altitude issue pressure showed 2137 mb (63,1 inches) at the closest airport! Ok, thought it‘s perhabs a buggy file and downloaded it again with the same results. I’m one of the many users having cloud and haze layer popping issues since the day of purchase, nearly on every flight. Now with B614 having the impression it’s slightly better but still not acceptable. Thanks
  13. Jim,did you read what I wrote a few posts ago? I don't want to tell again and again. One last time: I already told that when downloading historical weather the correct time stamp of chosen date and time will appear, just when opening a saved weather file nothing will happen.Yes for sure, my computer clock is set to the correct date and time and after enabling automatic downloads and trying to open a saved weather file automatic download option doesn't switch off.Thanks
  14. Hi Jim,ok here's the screenshot. The date and time you see at the METAR is the stamp off last downloaded historical weather from the internet. For this session I tried to open saved historical weather from 2009-12-24_15Z.Wx and even got one more warning. You see:I nearly forgot that message. Sometimes it appears.
  15. Hi Jim,ok I got it what you are talking about. Under Textural Conditions, there is a METAR text next to the METAR showing a station and date. Date is that format: e.g. 250450Z under METAR and 242300Z under TAF, right? So under METAR one might read date and time as follows: 25th of April 5:00 GMT? Where could I pick the year? But how to read date and time information under TAF? Shouldn
  16. Hi Jim,I wrote it already. When opening saved offline weather - nothing happens. On the report portion screen date is not shown, just last update time which updates according to my last action (e.g. refresh, download etc). Date and time is just shown beyond main menue options and will just update to the date and time of downloaded historical weather, nothing happens here after opening saved offline weather.
  17. Hi Jim,yes i get a browser type window after applying the open button and I also can choose the saved weather file. I already wrote it - nothing happens. At the report screen there's no spot showing date and time just last update time but if you mean the main screen (active date and time?) I've to tell you that also there nothing happens - it's just showing the current date and time even after I opened a saved offline weather file which should have another date and time stamp.If I downloaded historical weather the active date and time spot will update to the date and time I've chosen for download.
  18. Till today I'm not clear about how to apply offline weather saved by AES. For example downloading historical weather and saving it.Then, another day, I'm going to open the file by the open button. After doing that nothing happens. Neither the report screen refreshs with the new data loaded nor it's going to apply in fs9. Also tried the refresh button after opening saved offline weather.What I'm doing wrong? How to manage saved weather to be loaded into fs9 and showing it's data at the report screen of AES?Further on what role do the time setting options play when applying / downloading weather. Concerning that and the above mentioned I also read the user manual but to my opinion it's not sufficiently enough discribed. Also couldn't find adequat information at the support forum. Thanks for helping
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