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Everything posted by Danielsen

  1. I did.. Had to pay $130 extra for it to clear customs in Denmark because of incorrect value stated on the package.
  2. I just received my Chief Pilot set this morning. I ordered it on the 5th, it was sent on the 7th. arrived in customs at Copenhagen Airport, Denmark on the 14th. Had to call them several times to check up on them, and it arrived this morning on the 30th. I was using USPS. I'm not complaining to PMDG, as I know it's not their fault. However, I'm very frustrated with the fact that customs had to open it, just because information about the content of the package was left out, either by USPS themselves or Jetpubs and I had to pay $130 extra to customs for that reason alone. When I lived in Florida I was shipping things back home with USPS a couple of times and always filled out the customs declarations, and people back home had it a few days later...Ohh well... It's here now!!
  3. Pretty cool video. At first I thought you were joking almost crashing the two planes on landing and putting that in a video, until I figured out that you was merging them haha
  4. Wow!! Thank you so much for spending your time on making this review! 4,5 hours is a long time but it looks fantastic, good pictures too! I'm so happy that I've bought this and confident I'm gonna be satisfied, but I'm still waiting for it to arrive. (Yeah I was cheap on shipping) ...
  5. I stand corrected sir! However I have one question. Would you think this will have an impact on the prize on the NGX (without discussing the prize range of course). I mean, I would rather not like to spend money on them in pdf with the NGX since I've already purchased the Chief Pilot set.But great news nonetheless
  6. I'm pretty sure Mr. Randazzo wrote somewhere else on these forums that PMDG is still negotiating with Boeing about digitalizing the manuals. However with manuals worth over $300 I hardly believe they will come with the NGX. Of course I'm sure they'll have the normal manual with the product with regards to installation, setup in FSX etc. just like the rest of thier products.
  7. Or maybe the secret project is that PMDG and Boeing are working closely together to create a completely new aircraft type for the real world industry. I think that sounds very plausible
  8. Thank you so much! I've just put my order for the Chief Pilot's set. I was up all night 'til 7am (GMT+1) waiting for you guys to release (even though it's "just" books and I wont get it tomorrow).. But the excitement was too high! This has been released at a very convenient time for me as it will aid me for reference during my ATPL studies, so thank you very much!
  9. $329.99 I think that's a fair prize! So much looking forward to get a look into the complexity of the aircraft operations and systems!
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