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Everything posted by Akila

  1. Would it work well on an older GPU (GTX 1080 Ti) or you need an RTX based card?
  2. I'll try those settings you suggested. thanks for your tip...
  3. @LRBS so that raises another question. if I set only one value as you suggested, what would be the effect on other then 0.054 Mach speed (as none are set)? and another question, I noticed that with the PMDG when flaring, it just loves to float in the air for ages like it doesn't want to come down. some times it might even climb (even when power is idle). that causes me to want and cut off the power like 50ft or even 100ft off the ground to reach near stall speed to force the plane when flaring not to be able and float forever. It even floats at 125-130kts when the Vref is around 145Kts, that is ridicules. Are those settings you suggested should mitigate that issue as well?
  4. isn't that settings when you are on the ground already? I am still in the air trying to flare to reach the ground.
  5. Vref+5 around 20-10ft above the RWY. I only do manual landing. also Autoland is not applicable as AAO input is not part of the equation (no Axis input are applied). as I stated in my initial post, with in Sim axis settings (MSFS Settings in the Simulator) there is no issues , so it is combination of AAO input and PMDG at flare.
  6. Selecting the Event does indeed mitigates the issue and solves the problem. I am trying to understand better if you don't mind explaining in details. What is the difference in MSFS between Select Simulator Axis = Elevator vs. Select Simulator event = AXIS_ELEVATOR_SET?? And If the "Event" is the desired one to use, what is the purpose of the option of selecting Select Simulator Axis for? for what type of use case? and why does it have only negative effect on PMDG and only on flare?? Another question: Is there a difference between selecting it from the "!! Flight Control axis" or from "Elevator" tree?
  7. I discovered a strange behavior with PMDG when using AAO normal axis assignment for Elevator (instead of using the built in MSFS binding). With the 737 by PMDG, the aircraft doesn't react or not predictable when you are at the point of landing where you need to flare. it just doesn't react by pulling the stick or reacts unpredictable, which makes it almost impossible to Flare the Aircraft. the strange thing it only happens during flare but not during flight. it's like the PMDG during that stage of flight doesn't read the Elevator Axis input fed by AAO correctly or PMDG uses different algorithm during flare that somehow doesn't work well with AAO Axis input. I only!! experienced this on PMDG 737. all other aircrafts, rather built-in Aircrafts or other vendors Aircrafts addons, working fine and react to flare input fine without an issue. Another point I want to express is that I tried on two separated Yoke systems. the Cessna Yoke by SAITEK and the TCA BEOING Yoke. both experienced the same. so I am sure it is not a yoke or a yoke brand. has anyone else noticed this behavior? very hard to flare the PMDG 737 when assigning the Elevator Axis through AAO?
  8. META data of the real world is not guarantied would be depicted exactly in the SIM like in the real world. I am looking for actual wind speed/direction that is in the SIM, not in a real airport.. also many airport I fly don't even have METAR data available or published. looking good. I tested it and it seems it brings exactly what I need. thanks man...
  9. @zetato if you find the cause please let me know. I also had once or twice a SIM freeze, but I always getting a CTD if I load AAO before the cockpit is loaded (only with PMDG 737). I only run AAO and vPilot. my EXE.XML is empty
  10. @787flyer yeah, that is what I kinda forced to do, to use Flight radar with Zoom in, but I found it's not so beneficial for my fights as I usually fly from smaller domestic airports in south east Asia which the airliners don't turn on their ADS-B (assuming that is what tracks the aircraft in FR24) until they on the runway, and for sure those airports don't have websites to go check.. 🙂
  11. With FSX/P3D if I press Shift + Z it shows the current wind seep and Direction, how do I do this in MSFS 2020?
  12. That is the thing, I mainly rescan because I need the Apron information for gates, etc. not so much for the flight planning
  13. yeah, but I noticed it screws things up if you use Navigraph for aerodrome information, as not always it match to what actually is installed in the SIM. i tried using it in the past and it creates more mess then help. Also Navigraph don't have all airports, it is not as fully coverage like Jeppesen. especially when we talking about smaller airports, even some of them smaller airports that have commercial flights from are not always covered by Navigraph. I guess not many, but few that I encountered with caused me to find refuge from Jeppesen. So if you enable using Navigraph for aerodrome information, you might lose any information on those airports that are not covered by Navigraph. So in practice, parking spots and aerodrome information comes from the scenery and not from Navigraph.
  14. Is there a way to do a rescan of a specific folder (e.g. community folder) instead of doing a full DB scan including the MSFS base scenery? It is more frequent to custom add/remove an airports (payware / freeware) during daily use, then Updating the SIM. doing a full scan takes good few minutes to complete when all you did was adding/removing one airport at your community folder. why should I rescan all the MSFS base scenery again when those has not changed? I know you can include / exclude a custom folder(s) to the scan in settings, but I couldn't find anywhere to instruct LNM to scan only changes to that folder. I mainly looking into "community" folder only changes / scanning
  15. Parking spots by default in LNM are not coming from the Navigraph, but from the scenery files themselves. I also validated this, by installing an Airport and after i ran a DB re-scan, parking spots changed even though I was using the same Navigraph DB.
  16. It's a nice Idea, but what I noticed that usually the tracking of a flight starts somewhere around the TAXI way or even the RWY itself and not at the gate.
  17. does LittleNavMap has the ability to display the Airport Terminal(s) number/letter (e.g. Airport that has more then 1 terminal)?
  18. LittleNavMap , doesn't really show terminal, it only shows me Parking Spots / Gates. here is an example: HKT/VTSP, aka Phuket International Airport in Thailand. it has two Terminals, Terminal 1 & 2. this is from LittleNavMap view of the Airport (not to be confused with T1 & T2 in the pic, those are the main TAXI ways in/out). Another Example, take KUL/WMKK, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA 1) in Malaysia. it has 2 terminals. LittleNavMap shows only T1 and no T2 when the matter of fact KLIA (WMKK) has two terminals that are Terminal "M" and Terminal "C", Not T1 & T2 (I added the Terminal M/C into the pic).
  19. You saying that a certain registration always gets the same gate, no matter their destination? what I understand by this is that you don't get the actual gate/stand, but just the depiction where on the map the aircraft is and then I need to open a ground chart to try and guess the closest gate to the map, is that correct?
  20. Is there any website that shows which gate a flight departed from and arrived to (historical data obviously) - mainly outside of the NA region? I couldn't find this on FlightAware nor in FR24, at least not that i could find. I did find that flightstats.com has partial information that sometimes shows the gate(s) but many times it is blank (Outside the US mainly). I want this information when flying offline for my flight planning to try and simulate the departure and arrival gates as well.
  21. Hi, Is there any website that shows which gate a flight depart from and arrived to (historical data obviously)? I couldn't find this on FlightAware nor in FR24, at least not that i found. I did find that flightstats.com has partial information that sometimes shows the gate(s) but many times it is blank. I want this information to plan (when flying offline) for my flight planning to try and simulate the departure and arrival gates as well.
  22. @JAGJR79 AAO (AxisAndOhs), at least that is what I am using to be able and use the Radio Panel. It connects it to all aircrafts automatically not only the Fenix.
  23. Haa, OK got ya. It works 🙂 You the best !!!!
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