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Everything posted by DalSingh

  1. Ok an update! I received a response from Balthasar - One of the feeds used by RT altered their payload data very slightly. Not enough of a difference to flag major issues with RT itself, but it did cause a hiccup between RT and PSXseecon. Balthasar has amended this and the issue is now resolved. I tested at major airports including KBOS-BOSTON and RJOO-OSAKA, everything seems back to normal - live traffic is flowing as usual. The amendment was all done server-side, so there is no requirement to download a new client. Big thanks to Nico and Balthasar! 😊 Yep, see above.
  2. Thanks - I have emailed him. Here's the email in case anyone else wants to let him know: balt@inside.net Thanks for the replies, good to know it's not just something weird on my rig. Hope this issue is temporary as I have very much enjoyed PSXT - great work Nico! Please keep this thread open, so I can report back from Balthasar when he replies. Thanks Dal
  3. Is anyone having issues with live traffic not being injected into P3D via PSX/RT (Latest versions)? I've been using PSX/RT since March this year, it's worked fine until very recently when I upgraded both PSX and RT clients to the latest versions. Here's a screenshot of what I mean: https://i.imgur.com/dgCcIpj.png In this example I'm located at Heathrow (EGLL)... plenty of live traffic showing on the RT client map, but PSX 'live' counter just shows 0, and as a result no injected air traffic (just static planes at gates). I have reinstalled both, problem is still there. I have a valid RT license, and even tried a demo 1hr license... it did not fix the issue. I noticed that when starting PSX, sometimes a small amount of live traffic does appear, but within 20 seconds its completely removed, and live counter goes back to zero?? PSX,RT,P3D are all on the same computer. My RT license expires in a month, I'm not going to renew it until I get this sorted - any ideas? Thanks Dal Singh
  4. Thanks for the explantion Andrea. I am aware that there is a schematic just like the one features on the power bus for APU/GEN. My mistake was not realising that changes to some of the switches take time, I was expecting an immediate fix - that alarm sound was making my ears bleed.
  5. Thank you very much trisager, thats exactly what I wanted to know. Carlos, you are exactly right! - after giving up on the switches, walking out the room and coming back the noise went away. The master light switch does illuminate and I was hoping to see an error read out. - thank you for the help! Thanks a lot Jim - that all makes much more sense now. :)
  6. Hi AllI've had a very annoying problem with my recent flights on the NGX. Whilst the aircraft is climbing above 10,000ft, an alert (buzzer) will be raised. The most frustrating thing is that no error warning is displayed so you have no idea what is causing it. Example Video: I realised it was to due with the pressurization failure from the comments on that video. The thing is, I toggled some of the switches (L/R Air Packs) and the alert would not stop, then I toggled some of the bleed air switches and the alert still persisted. I even toggled with the 'Q' sound on/off key just in case FSX was stuck in a loop but that did not fix the situation.Eventually after more toggling of the air pack/bleed switches I managed to stop the sound but I have no idea how.I am able to start the 737NGX from a Cold/Dark setup (inc engines), so I have a fair understanding of the bleed switches but the air packs I cannot get my head around. The pressuraization panel always has 10,000ft for ALTITUDE and 1500 for LAND - but usually when this alarm is active the pressurization panel is inoperable and the digits are replaced by (-) hypens.Could somone please provide me with the switch settings (Panel Above) for the following phases:COLD/DARK:ENGINE STARTUP:AFTER ENGINE STARTUP:CRUISE:I will take another look at the 737ngx checklist later today - (I'm not home right now).Thanks - I appreciate any help. Dal
  7. Assumption is the mother of all failures. There are a handful of users on here who have experienced the exact same scenario including myself. I was able to start up engine one perfectly. Engine 2 would not start up at all, I checked everything I did for Engine 1, it just didnt make sense - turned out the isolation valvue wasn't set properly.... left if its current setting engine one would always have the requires pressure to start, whereas engine 2 wouldnt.
  8. What exactly does the isolation valve isolate? - I'm not at home right now so I don't have the Manual to hand.
  9. This happened to me yesterday, you guys are spot on... check your duct pressure and bleed settings.
  10. Hi Guys I downloaded the 737ngx on Thursday and everything was fine. Because FSUPIC was autosaving my flights I ended up with a massive log of entries when it came to loading panel states... I have since disabled this features and delted all panel states beginning with 'Autosave_x' in the PMDG/737NGX/PanelState folder. I am now left with: CLDDRKSHORTLONGThis is fine, but for Short/Long the engines do not appear to be running. I am sure when I first downloaded the aircaft that there was a panel state where everything was setup including engines and the aircraft was ready for taxi (Apart from FMC route entry of course). I am wondering if this has been accidentally deleted? Could anyone please confirm that these are the only 3 default panel states that the 737ngx ships with - I'm sure there is one more panel state with the engines running - I would appreciate it if I could obtain a copy of those panel state files (I think there are 2 files per panel state). Failing that, I am waiting for AoA's flight training media to help start the 737ngx from the cold and dark setup, I will have a look at Tom's Preflight Tutorial to help me get the engines started. I would prefer the original pmdg panel state though.
  11. Pete, that's great to see that MSFS has actually benefited you in your career and more importantly saved your some money! I've heard that 'Spin Training' used to be on the syllabus for PPL - but it was banned due to being dangerous and so is not taught by the instructor in the air. Instead, theory is given on how to avoid the spin. Isn't this another example of how FS can help... the spin simulation might not be 100% accurate but I'm guessing its better then nothing?I think FS can help provide an accelerated learning for PPL - I guess the instructor I had has never seen or used Microsoft FS, he has probably heard of it and presumed its a 'video game', without realising just how much simulation there actually is.In some ways I think it might be good for me - learning from an instructor who has nothing to do with FS so that I can distinguish the difference between real world flight and simulated flight for myself.
  12. The biggest difference for me on the first real flight was indeed the need for visual awareness such as looking left and right when taxiing onto the runway.Also keeping my eyes off the instrument panel and just generally looking outside... its felt very new where as the instrument panel felt very familiar...... probably because it takes up soo much of my screen on FSX.I guess I'll keep quiet about Flight Simulators but I think its a shame not to talk more about it to the staff. My intention was that after each lesson I could ask the instructor what exactly I need to work on, and then I could go away and practice on the sim until the next lesson.I bought a copy of FSX Real World Training just for this purpose...It's a great book!Maybe I'm weird but I quite like using VORs, ADFs on GA ... I find it gives me more to do - GPS takes away the fun - Anyway, even if you choose to fly using GPS, isn't it a mandatory requirement to also have a navigational chart onboard?
  13. lol Obama mentioning East Midlands Airport sounded soo strange considering I'm 10 minutes away from it.crazy stuff.... I just don't understand how they knew there was a suspect package onboard.... makes no sense. :(
  14. Ensure you are looking out the window as often as you can during your first flights, always keep track of the horizon and try not to fixate to much on the instrument panel just yet - once I started looking outside the sickness went away for me :(
  15. thanks for the great responses so far,its great to see that flight sims are helping many in their training.I think the point about "it depends how you use the sim and what addons you have" really does define what flight simulations can actually offer.As an example, a couple of months ago I purchased the PMDG 747-400 for FSX. It was a massive learning curve, I had to go through a lot of documentation and online vidoes (AoA by PMDG) just to work out how to take off. Eventually I was able to operate the 747 fully and understand the systems.I then came across the Virgin Atlantic 747-400 crew training video - I'd heard a great deal about it and that it was very good. After watching it I was in complete disbelief.... , I had a much greater appreciation for the realism of the PMDG 747-400 - the Virgin Atlantic video discussed the glass cockpit in good detail and the PMDG 747-400 glass cockpit performs very very close to the real thing - of course I discovered in the video there is a heck of lot more to flying the aircraft in terms of takeoff planning etc, but the PMDG 747-400 has given me an excellent introduction to the cockpit workings of the real aircraft - compare this with the default 747-400 which is a bit of a joke in comparison.So addons can really enhance the realism of the sim - hence it shouldn't be judged on it standard out of the box configuration.About a month ago I purchased the cessna 152II from Carenado since I knew this was the plane I would flying in for my trial flight. I had many flights with it in FSX and when I flew the real thing is was just soo suureal, the cockpit was exactly the same layout, same colour even!! - There were small differences such as the radio stack but I instantly knew where everything was, throttle, carb heat, primer etc... The real plane handled really nicely, I got to do some banking turns which were great...There is just one thing FSX failed to simulate..... how damn small the cessna 152 cockpit is in real life....
  16. yeah I agree - my point was more aimed at the instruments rather than the actual flight simulation itself.Thanks to FS I've been able to understand a bit about navigation, how ADF. VOR/DME works etc...
  17. Hi all,Well after being an addict of Flight Simulator since FS98, I have taken the plunge to obtain my wings (PPL).I've got about 3 possible airfields where I can learn to fly so I'm testing each one at the moment.I decided to take an introductory flight at the closest airfield to me.The instructor was in his 50's and was ex RAF... he asked me if I had ever flown before and I told him "No, but I have used Flight Simulators for quite a while so I know what some of the instruments mean, certain parts of the plane" ..... he then quickly responded with "oh you won't learn anything on those....." .... I then told him "just because I've used Flight Simulator for quite a while - I am in no way stating I can fly the plane in real life, just that things like an airspeed indicator, artificial horizon seems familiar to me".... eventually we shut the doors, started the engine and took off in the Cessna 152 - it was awesome!I just thought the comment about simulators was a bit harsh, sure sims like FSX don't always get the realism right but they are very close and surely a flight sim is a massive aid when training for your PPL right? :rolleyes:Dal
  18. Again the issue is just being masked....If you go to any menu item that takes you away from the sim it will reset the traffic..... so saying "oh well it ain't realistic to change the weather you shouldn't do that" is completely irrelevant, that was just an example of going to a menu item and going away from the simulation screen, it happens with any menu item that takes you away from the sim, view map, realisim settings etc.It's a sim - I should be able to change parameters whenever I want... and not live in fear of hitting the menus that cause AI to reset (with the exception to changing date time of course).I think the best way to summarise this is, I use the menu's a lot more than others, so this issue affects me more - I owned UT1 and it was amazing, I just wish this issue could be fixed in UT2.Anyway to the OP - try the demo (if there is one) and see if it suits your needs.
  19. Apologies, that's a bad example and your quite right in that respect... ignoring the date/time/season, if I went to realisim settings, or to change the weather the whole AI would reset...Say I'm on a taxiway in a que with 5 aircraft infront of me... if I go to a menu item such as "weather" and then return back to the sim the whole AI would vanish from the taxi way... (they would return to the respective gates etc)...Personally I do find that an annoyance and terribly unrealistic - I'm hoping that in the latest service pack they may have found a way to fix the issue thats all.The issue has been described here before:See Point 2: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/269267-ultimate-traffic-2-vs-traffic-x/page__view__findpost__p__1681579
  20. Dave thanks for the response.I never really had any issues with stuttering, its simply the fact that when I invoke a menu item the traffic would disappear and restart all over again.... for example, say I'm taxing behind a UT2 737 and the I decide to change the time/season.... once I have done this and got back to the sim, that UT2 737 would of been reset back to the gate, it was incredibly frustrating.There are threads about this on the UT2 support forum and that's where I discovered its one of the side effects of UT2 new injection methods.... on that basis I wasn't prepared to go any further. I would gladly link you to these threads but since I am no longer a customer of UT2 I cannot access the forum.This was back in May 2010.... does anyone else have this problem? After being in the sim for 10+ minutes with traffic moving are you able still see the AI (midair, taxi, in motion) after coming off a menu item such as "view map", "adjust realisim", "change time/season" .... I'm not talking about seeing aircraft at gates because that is where they start.I loved UT1, and wouldn't mind UT2 if it wasn't for the traffic disappearing - if AI is no longer disappearing then they must of fixed that with the latest service packs right?
  21. Nothing wrong with mine, it was even noted in their support forum... it definitely takes a while for aircraft to take off and get them into approach...That wasn't really the deal breaker though, its the vanishing traffic when a menu item is invoked, to that is fundamentally broken.
  22. My Advice is, stay away from UT2....I used UT1 on FS2004 and it was fantastic, great looking AI aircraft, easy to use interface and most importantly of all, on screen traffic.So naturally I invested in UT2 for FSX.... and thats where the problem began....Traffic takes quite a long time to spool up, around 15-20 minutes for aircraft to actually take off and land at the airport... once the 'spool' time is over, the traffic begins to flow and all is good until you click on a menu item. If you click any menu item from the FSX tool bar, such as options, the entire traffic will reset, all on screen AI traffic will disappear and you will have to wait 15 minutes again for the traffic to restart.... it completely unrealistic and breaks the realism.Flight1's response was that they use a different method to inject AI traffic into the simulator, one downside of this new approach is that it has to redraw the AI everytime an item from the menu bar is invoked.... UT1 never had this problem. There is absolutely no way I could live with not being able to use the FSX main menu and risk losing AI traffic that takes ages to start.It's also true that you get a lot of empty airports with hardly any traffic - flight1 say they are using real schedules however.Instead I now use MyTraffic X 5.2 and what a fantastic add on it is, instant traffic, good density traffic everywhere, I am thrilled with it. The AI models do not look as good as those feautred in UT2 but when I click on an item in the FSX toolbar and come back to the sim guess what.... my AI is still there!! As for flight schedule accuracy I would say its 90% bang on based on the airports I have flown to.... and the GA is great too.Word of warning on the UT2 30 day refund:Within 2 days of owning UT2 I couldn't bare it no more, I requested an immediate refund - I had paid via PayPal, it took over a week to get my money back. They fobbed me off with support tickets telling me they had refunded me and PayPal takes a few days for refunds to come through, this is false as I trade using PayPal and refunds are done instantly if not within 24 hours... they honestly made me feel like I was being fraudulent....Any member of Flight1 reading this is welcome to PM me for more details, I have the ticket number following the farce I had to go through to get the refund.
  23. I installed FSUIPC and set 'smoothing' for the winds...... it worked! :Thinking:I had the flight already saved just before take-off, so I was able to thoroughly test it (weather settings were saved).The wind was still hard on the 747, but it was correcting itself perfectly.... using adequate/minimal banking, no random 180* turns off course...Thanks again for the suggestion and hope this helps others! :(
  24. Thank you for the responses, I will try this out.Ps. That is my full name... Dal Singh - mods can add a space if they wish.Thanks again!
  25. ... and here is a video of it..... this is exactly how it reacts: (including all the sound, bank angle, buzzer) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEpg0t2S4mU
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