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  1. Here is a product that shows how "our" Clipper should have been designed from the start. Too bad that Pilot´s did not get it right and threw the Clipper out far too early.... 😞 This plane has no problems with features that we were told to be impossible to implement with the present SDK, haha Please give us an update to include at least of few of those features too The Clipper needs more work and above all BETTER work, sorry to say. Cheers Juergen (a customer since the FS2004 version)
  2. Thank you, Jerome, for this good news. I could download and install it yesterday, but have not had a chance yet to really admire all the improvements you have added to this latest version. Your dedication and continuing support and updating activities show the enthusiasm needed for such an endeavor and I am sure that all users will be very satisfied with what we have now already after only a few weeks of "life" and the initial hick-ups we have witnessed. So, a big THANK YOU once more and a great week ahead for you and the whole team! Cheers Jürgen
  3. I can only agree and underline this first comment! Pilot´s has proven again that they not only listen to criticizm but unlike many others they take action on it, too! That is GOOD, thank you Jérôme and the whole team! Congratulations on the cooperation with Asobo and the resulting improvements and more realism for the Clippers! Sounds would indeed enhance the overall immersion feeling quite a bit and it should not be too difficult to add those I hope. Prop feathering is an essential feature in case you loose an engine, and as far as we know that happened quite often on the Clippers 😉 So, please, give us that with the next update. Keep ´em coming, please.... 🙂
  4. I did that, ut the mooring switch lost its functionality in this update. It was still working in the last one though... P.S. Congratulations and many thanks for the update and the work put into it! Every step is highly appreciated!
  5. Found everything now and switched the labels on again to make it easier.... The even show the newly assigned functions!!! (cf. pics above posted by Jerome) Thank you again, Jerome, Dai, and also Charles KS for your understanding 😉
  6. Thank you for putting this comment into this thread, as it underlines the readiness of Pilot´s to listen and deliver. That is a good sign and I am sure they will continue in that direction and honor even some of the unjustified or exaggerated criticism often based on just a quick and sloppy review rather than own experience. That extraordinary historic plane deserves all attention and caring love we and the developers can give it! 💖
  7. Thanks Jerome, I have done that actually.... I just was curious to find out if there were any and just did not find them. So it seems I am not THAT stupid after all 😉 As to those switches, I could not find them, because I have those labels switched off (HARD setting) 😞
  8. Jerome, thank for this latest update and the work you have accomplished so far. I have question though: should there not be (as in the P3D versions) a few save situations to start with, like engines running at Foynes or cold and dark at La Guardia? I cannot find anything like that and I am not sure if those exist or if I simply am to stupid to find them 🙂 Thank you for a quick reply Jürgen
  9. It would help enormously if you could add a picture of that switch and its location.... THANK YOU!
  10. VERY nice set of shots, they show the best angles in both versions I think. Unfortunately the full combination of Asobo, SamScene and RDPresets does not look so nice (problem known but still unsolved). I tried to use the reordering tool and it helps only a bit, still leaves me with some strange looking areas... Bedankt voor de mooie fotos van een buurman (6km from EBAW) Jürgen
  11. That is the kind of discussion I´d like to see, not focussing on tastes and textures for a relatively unseen interior. THANK YOU! Asobo did a decent job, true, but then their Spruce Goose for instance is a much simpler model than our Clipper in question here..... Hard to compare... But one thing is sure, the Clipper NEEDS more love and attention and it will become a more than acceptable addon over time; I am pretty sure of that
  12. Just a more general remark here: I think it is pretty useless to discuss the interior of the Clipper, be it colours, textures, seat and table heights or anything, because as Dai already pointed out, (and he did a lot of research himself including phone interviews) there is very probably nobody alive today who would be able to tell us how that interior looked like then. So let us better look at other issues or glitches that might need attention and not lose more time and energy with an issue that in the end boils down to a question of personal taste - and there are many as we know 😉 The present version flies very well, it coasts along nicely and can be steered with the water rudder (it works for sure, but does not move visibly at this time 😞 ), it can be moored and enjoyed in the air and on the water surface... Thank you Pilot´s for such a nice product which deserves your and our love and attention for further improvements! -Jürgen
  13. They have indeed! I have checked a few things and can only agree. The addition of parking positions was a good idea, too As you can see here, I started at Horta, clicked the mooring light switch and see this.... Note the addition of all flap positions at the lower right! 🙂
  14. Thank you Andy for sharing your "secret".... I was not aware that the drone camera could penetrate walls etc and never even tried, because I assumed that it could not. Learnt something new again (I am past 75 already, but it it never too late, right 🙂 ) Just a more general remark here: I think it is pretty useless to discuss the interior of the Clipper, be it colours, textures, seat and table heights or anything, because as Dai already pointed out, (and he did a lot of research himself including phone interviews) there is very probably nobody alive today who would be able to tell us how that interior looked like then. So let us better look at other issues or glitches that might need attention and not lose more time and energy with an issue that in the end boils down to a question of personal taste - and there are many as we know 😉 The present version flies very well, it coasts along nicely and can be steered with the water rudder (it works for sure, but does not move visibly at this time 😞 ), it can be moored and enjoyed in the air and on the water surface... Thank you Pilot´s for such a nice product which deserves your and our love and attention for further improvements! -Jürgen
  15. Fully support your view on this, Andy! And it should not be an effort of more than 15 minutes to let that popup window disappear. (I cannot imagine that they don´t have the code anymore, they just used it, so it has to be in the updated version somewhere I would think.....) So, I am pretty sure it will be gone with the next update (to be published soon we all hope...)
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