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Everything posted by atcdavey

  1. waite for eaglesoft citation, they put out a good product, wilco has falcon 7 coming out , but they always been behind in good aircraft, and controls
  2. get the milviz kingair 350i out soon, I have both kingair flight 1 and carenado , this will be steps ahead of the others
  3. nice thanks download it works well, hope it works with the new airbus coming out next week
  4. wear can we find this American voice pack to download wear can we find this American voice pack to download nice job
  5. eaglesoft is upping to more advanced buis jets as is wilco , ill give them a chance, as wilco is not for advanced flying. will see when falcon jet comes out , will give them a chance. like pmdg you get a good plane for your $
  6. If you fly aircraft that takes some skills then don't get it, eaglesoft, wilco are comming out with more advanced a/c. so Ill waite till my a/c is well worth the money
  7. best way then call your computer manufacture thell send you new disks re format your hard drive like I said . youl get a fresh fsx everything then will be new I have a game cpu its harder because I have to partion my hard drives . let me know the outcome
  8. after you hit regedit fin the sub folders hk sytem ect find software then Microsoft games them flight simulater in thear delete fsx 10.0 repeat this in the other sub folders should be 2 toltal should be hk current users hk current config look in those like I explained delete fsx 10.0 in sub folder
  9. go to control panel then to system security then in thear find restore system to original settings, format ect you will need original disk drivers explorer disk the disk that you had orinaly when you got the computer. its simple but well worth it make sure you restore to factory settings not a earlier date then youl get multiple files restored wich will cause problems
  10. yes. reload your I net disk ect, its worth it or you will have multiple fsx files, corrupt ect every time you load fsx, unless you get rid of these files , I found this is the best way fsx has no tech support anymore
  11. put that in your search box lower left, hit enter youl get bunch of boxes , hk systems ect find software Microsoft games in boxes fsx delete fsx 10 , if you have a lot of addons then the best way is to re format hard drive start from new. I have a ton of addons so I do this once a year to clean pc
  12. hi best way I re installed fsx, I re formatted hard drive. started with fresh computer, start new, or youl have error messages, you need to get rid of all fsx files, or youl have the same problem .. put regedit in your search box, and get rid of all fsx files is the other option
  13. can you send my extended download as requested atcdavey
  14. thanks for quick response on 800 series very nice, fsx 737 need 737 600 700 download url fsx thanks again
  15. hi can u update my url with new download fsx 737 700-900 thanks atcdavey
  16. sent in ext download service md11 fsx you should have it now for re download
  17. need a new download link expired md11 fsx did theticket thing no response extd download bought
  18. can you guys send me email with new download link 737 fsx i requested in tickets herd nothing david dusbiber
  19. anyone know how to fix the low oil pressure light comming on after take off. right engine looses 50 percent of power . 737 800 fsx
  20. low oil pressure light comes on fter take off right engine running at 30 percent no idea how to fix pane drops
  21. i got it thanks hotfix loaded the problem thanks again
  22. thanks do you know wear i can find the hotfix i just downloaded the 737ng 2 days ago i didnt see it support ithought i downloaded v 1.3
  23. thanks is anybody answering the support tickets, i sent 2, cant type in lic agreement or anything to activate product
  24. the small box pops up to activate code to run in fsx i put the code in the box but it wont paste i manualy put in code also wont type in box help
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