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  1. Tupolev 154 and Convair Metropolitan 😁
  2. I know, due to the situation in Europe maybe the question is bad/wrong, but I realy miss one of my favorits in flight simming (from the FSX/P3D days). The Tupolev 154! Does anyone know if there is some Tupelov 154/134 on the way? Or is all Russian airliners "not welcome" in the sim after the invasion of Ukraine? Hope its ok that I ask Best regards Pelle
  3. The view is on the floor focus on the efb, Yes the first load after latest update. How to reset the view? Regards Pelle
  4. I just have to ask, why is the camera view in FsRenorn 500 deep down on the floor when i start the aeroplane the first time? How do i get the camera view in normal position? Best regards Pelle
  5. Thank You SO much my friends! I will check all these airports out! Best Regards Pelle
  6. Hello Friends! Witch is the best/most realisitic RAF base for my new stunning JF Vulcan? Payware or freeware? any tips? Best Regards Buspelle
  7. What I miss is a Tupoelv 154 or a 134! Regarsds Pelle
  8. Quick question. How do I change between the 4K and the 8K textures? Best regards Per S.
  9. I have a ASUS i5 computer with 32gb and Nvidia 1070... I use to fly without livetraffic, no AI, no roadtraffic and level of detail etc set to 100 and no "extra stuff" Will i be good to go with the Fenix you guys think? Best regards Buspelle
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