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  1. Hello Jabloom, Thanks for your feedback too. Initially, FacePoseApp only supported OSC (on UDP), but some testers experienced the same difficulties. The problem may be, that your phone is not connected to the PC network? Does 'ping test' work? I'm glad that at least the USB communication works: it was a bit of a challenge to add it to the App 🙂, but I think it is 'a must-have' . As a bonus, your phone will stay charged 🌩️ Indeed, the tracking quality very much depends on optimal lighting conditions. I hope to get more feedback like yours, so I can convince Visage to improve it. Of course, this is only the very first release version and once you have upgraded, you can always receive updates for the App which are sure to come! Did you install all of the tracker plugins? We have had some reports about NTDLL related crashes, which seem to be caused by one of the tracker plugins. If you remove the files with "FTNoIR_Tracker_???.dll" from the installation folder (except the iOSUSB one of course) then you should be OK.
  2. Hello Vital, Thanks for your feedback. Actually, your question is one that is actually not related to FacePoseApp 🙂 FaceTrackNoIR has worked with Xplane since the very early years. I could try to explain it, but if you type 'facetracknoir x plane 11 setup' in youtube, you will find a number of tutorials on the topic! Even in the language you prefer...
  3. Hello to all AVSIM aviators, As you will all probably know, headtracking makes flying much more immersive. For that reason we have created FaceTrackNoIR some 10 years ago and I can assure you: FaceTrackNoIR is still very much alive! Technology evolves fast and this prompted us to start hobbying again and introduce another novelty: face-tracking with your smartphone. With this, you do not even need to buy a webcam and most of you already have a decent smartphone anyway The App (available for both Android and iOS) is called FacePoseApp and all information can be found on www.faceposeapp.nl You can try it for free and if you like it, upgrading the App to full functionality is very cheap (mind you: the license for the Visage tracker is rather costly).
  4. Hi sailles, Stephen, @sailles: I assume you are using FaceTrackNoIR v170? Did you use the FreeTrack 2.0 protocol, to connect to Opus via the TrackIR interface? Then the jittering must have a different reason than Stephen suggests. @Stephen: FaceTrackNoIR just mimics the exact TrackIR interface, so using FaceTrackNoIR and Opus works exactly the same as using TrackIR with Opus. So there should be no reason for conflicts (unless sailles used the FSX interface of FaceTrackNoIR, of course).
  5. Hi Cheryl, Thnx for your answer. Did not respond so fast, due to a well deserved (I think so) holiday... I did follow the mentioned procedure when I first tried it, so there must be something else wrong. Though I'm sure it is not necessary, I also renamed the TIR manifest-files. FaceTrackNoIR uses a more elegant method to access SimConnect and if you do not select SimConnect as "Game-protocol", the connection to SimConnect is "free" for Opus. Your remark that it should work with the demo is important, cause it rules out that option. The quest continues... BTW: It would be useful if someone with FSX and OpusFSX would try this too!
  6. Hi Charles, Stephen, I'm glad to see that you managed to get FreeTrack working with OpusFSX. As you may know, I am the developer of FaceTrackNoIR (let's call it the "modern version" of FreeTrack). One user of OpusFSX asked me, if it is possible to use FaceTrackNoIR with OpusFSX. Since OpusFSX 'just' uses the old TrackIR protocol, I told him that he could. However, he mailed me that it does not work for him, so I decided to try. I downloaded the demo version of OpusFSX and ran it (after starting FaceTrackNoIR and FSX). The results are in this image: http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/files/redist/temp/OpusFSX%20en%20TrackIR.png/download As you can see, FaceTrackNoIR sees that OpusFSX made contact; The DOS-box of OpusFSX shows that it has found the DLL and that it made contact with FSX; One problem: the view in FSX does not follow head-movement. Am I forgetting something? Can it work with the demo-version? @Charles: Could you try FaceTrackNoIR with OpusFSX? Wim
  7. Hi winjimon, I'm sorry to hear that the faceAPI limitations (of the non-commercial version, which FaceTrackNoIR uses) are biting you... We are working on 'our own' face-tracker, which will not have this limitation. Alas, that's not ready yet.
  8. Hi JJM, It is very good news that the tracking is working and the yellow outlines show up. That's the most difficult part for most people. The connection with EZCA is 'proven technology': it already worked in version v160 of FaceTrackNoIR. The only 'strange thing' about EZCA is, that it searches for the (dummy) TrackIR.exe process. You say that you did get movement. Was that when you tried the "SimConnect" game-protocol, instead of "FreeTrack 2.0" ? BTW: Accela will make a great difference. When you use it, please also set smoothing to "1".
  9. Hello JJ, The buttons are only enabled, by pressing the "Stop" button (see bottom of main-window). The shortkey is only meant to stop tracking temporarily, while 'in-game'. I assume that when you press Start, you see the video-widget popping up, which shows your face? Only when faceAPI detects your face (yellow outlines appear), it starts sending the head-pose. You should then see the "Man in Black" (left top-corner) move and the green numbers to the right of it change. Do you get that? Like I said, when using EZCA, use the FreeTrack 2.0 protocol, with the checkbox "Use dummy TrackIR.exe" ticked.
  10. Hi JJ, That's strange, though interesting too. So you have installed the update 'on top of' v160? When you start FaceTrackNoIR, you should be able to select an INI-file (the buttons are disabled, when the Tracker is started). With EZCA, you should select the "FreeTrack 2.0" protocol. In the Settings of this protocol, you must select "Start dummy TrackIR.exe", since EZCA checks for this. If you don't use EZCA, choose SimConnect and make sure EZCA does not start: because then two programs would manipulate the camera-position and that's not going to work... Do you run the installer and FaceTrackNoIR 'As Administrator'?
  11. Hello guys (I guess...), It's good that you are sharing settings, because they are very 'game-dependent'. It's a bit problematic to keep track of settings for over 400 games... @Spook: you are right: the manual is still a bit 'general' (and it's not finished yet). There are also some guidelines in the wiki (I know, it's not ready either). But it's also not difficult to configure FaceTrackNoIR. It's best to start using the Accela-filter and leave al it's setting 'default'. Be sure to set 'Smoothing' on the main-window to '1'. Indeed: the camera position and lighting are very important. I have my PS3Eye camera below my monitor and a lamp on top of the cabinet, in which my monitor is placed. It is important to have 'even' lighting, from above the monitor (and on your face, of course). But the new version of FaceTrackNoIR also contains an IR-tracker (similar to FreeTrack). For this tracker, it is important to have as little light as possible. We are also working on a tracker based on gyro's, accelerometers and magnetometers. This tracker (called AIC-IHT) is even less picky: it is totally non-visual, so light is irrelevant. TrackIR users who have tried to fly a LAN-party in the sunshine will know, why that's a great advantage... Wim
  12. Dear FSX and/or FS2004-users, I am happy to announce that v170 of FaceTrackNoIR was released yesterday. The new version contains a number of important improvements, which also benefit many FSX-users (as well as FS2002/2004 and MS Flight). The most important new features: A new filter called Accela, providing great stability and yet maintain response; A new curve-configurator, so response can be tweaked better than before; An IR-tracker called PointTracker. This was translated from the FreeTrack sources and is very useful for users, who already have an IR-headset; A new game-protocol called "FreeTrack 2.0", which supports all FreeTrack and TrackIR enabled games, including MS Flight. All new features are listed on the website. You are welcome to try v170, please visit the FaceTrackNoIR website Wim Vriend FaceTrackNoIR Team Holland :p0502:
  13. Dear Flight-pilots, I am happy to announce that FaceTrackNoIR v170 was released yesterday. It has some great new features (check out the website). The most 'urgent' one for Flight-users: it supports MS Flight 'out of the box'! The new game-protocol named "FreeTrack 2.0" supports all TrackIR-enabled games, so there is no fixing or anything required any more. You are welcome to try the new version, please visit the website. Kind Regards, Wim Vriend FaceTrackNoIR Team Holland. :p0502:
  14. OK, nice to know... But: maybe there are other new Flight sims I should pay attention to? What other new developments were recently released or a about to be released?
  15. Shut down development? That's a pity (I guess). So we'll just have to make-do with the manual tweaking then. Are there any new Flight-sim developments I should know about? Or has Microsoft left the market?
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