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About DellyPilot

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  1. Massive update and a huge leap forward, the chart and map integration is brilliant. Thanks
  2. Just watched the video from the expo, those dynamic cloud creation effects look fantastic!
  3. Its free speech but its way over the top.. theyve made products that have made a big difference to my simming over the years.. sure the UI is a bit annoying and they have rehashed pretty much the same product several times but they have to make money to, so whatever. Never heard of them having terrible support tbh. Any evidence out there? This new product looks pretty cool, I think people should wait and see, dynamic changes would be cool, it is an absolute pain tweaking shaders, clearing down and restarting each time. You have to be pretty much GFX programmer to do it well.
  4. Ha ha, fair enough. Smacked bottom it is then for being a normal fight sim enthusiast without infinite money. I do think its important for companies to hear constructive opinions from their customers even though they might not like what they hear. I missed the discussion first time round obviously but yea I am pretty disappointed and will definitely do everything in my power not to pay such an exorbitant amount. I've now read the EULA and yes it is quite clear that it can only be used on FSX. Great software, just doesn't make business sense though. A lost customer.
  5. I am probably going to get flame roasted, abused and moderated for saying what everyone is thinking but is there any way to run my 'extremely expensive only flown a few times because it was so poorly VAS optimised in FSX' PMDG 777 in P3Dv3? The idea of forking a wapping 135 bucks for the exact same product that I could barely even use because it didn't work properly, just to move the same product to a different sim that is better on VAS seems absolutely bonkers and unfair? If there isn't a way, why in the world would there not be at the very least a fairer upgrade price/path for existing FSX customers if not free? Actually it must be against copyright rules in some way to intentionally stop me running the software on whatever platform I like? Anti monopoly rules or something, maybe this is covered in the small print? Look, I get it that its a business etc. but surely you could make more money by not pricing and grinding your very supportive customers into the dirt like this? Very strange mentality. Signed yours 'Tom 'this is my real name you can check your records' Deloford
  6. I've a 980TI and it certainly makes a difference in terms of performance and nice visual improvements. Also the UI is better, quicker loading, joystick detection bug fix etc. Thumbs up.
  7. Anecdotal but I have a 980TI and I see a nice improvement going from 2.5 to 3.0 The lighting looks better, clouds, bloom, fog, shadows all seem to have less performance impact. Oh and the joystick detection bug is gone! Definitely worth upgrading.
  8. I agree, but marginally. The originals were much sharper on my machine before being jpg compressed. I think out of the box p3d has better antialiasing built in, but if you set it up correctly in FSX and use both DX Scenery Fixer and nvidia inspector it can get quite close, plus you still have NGX and your gigs of scenery/addons Dont get me wrong but I will change over soon, its just not for the lighting, its pretty daunting given how much I've invested in FSX and how smoothly it runs. If only they would release a 64bit version with NGX I would buy it yesterday.
  9. Nice pics but 10x better? I am pretty happy with my FSX lighting in DX10, UTX, FTX, REX, 737NGX at KLAX 40% AI + OPUS Live weather, still get 20-30fps, maxed out apart from VERY DENSE. I am interested in P3D for sure but right now its probably some way off being worth it just for fog and autogen popup (bear in mind these have lost sharpness during upload process) And over in South East England where I do most of my flying, approaching LGW from the English channel again frustrating loss of sharpness as they are compressed to jpg :( sorry a few more from london & EGLL lighting with REX4, FTX-ENG (ftx is very poor on its own using the old style shoddy dim lighting that they still haven't retro upgraded to ftx-global style!) helped with UTX road lighting. for some reason screenshots appear a touch darker than in the sim, not sure why.
  10. It works for me in DX10, and I get much better performance than DX9. Try steves shader fixes.
  11. I have I7-4470k and 780 so less powerful. I had really poor performance but now it has all come good. A combination of starting again with my fsx.cfg, getting DX10SceneryFixer, setting nvidiainspector as per the guides (apart from LODBIAS -1 ALLOW), tweaking bufferpools to a low rejectthreshold (stability and ram use reduction), highmemfix=1 and Processor Affinity = 84 (if HT is on), LOD 7.0 Honestly this whole debate about locked frames vs unlocked I think is a bit of a red herring, sure its true if you lock it at 30fps then you give your box some head room to work on tough bits when they come along and to that extent I wouldnt advise unlimited (certainly not external frame locking) but as for the OPs concerns over stuttering then something else is going wrong. I am getting no stuttering whatsoever just a nice steady reduced frame rate under load (which is only at EGLL loads of rain, Ultimate traffic etc.) with average frame rate in south of england in the 20-40fps range depending on airport and thats with everything maxed/ rain/overcast windy and PMDG I think it more likely you either have a poorly performing disk (mine is running of its own 128gb SSD) or you have something wrong in your FSX.CFG (messing with rejectparticlethreshold is a classic or BufferPools or TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT) that is causing overload of texture data/vertexes through your RAM/VRAM. Perhaps backing up your fsx.cfg and letting it create a new one (save your controls folder first or it will reset your controls dammit!) this pic is significantly compressed, the original it is a lot sharper
  12. Its working now after uninstall and reinstall. Although I still dont seem to have lighting along roads (just lights dotted around neighbourhoods). Might use UTX street lights together with FTX street lights. Doesnt seem to impact performance too much. Once again Steve I know you've heard it before but thanks for essentially making DX10 a reality, on a 760GTX it really makes a world of difference running in dx10, basically locked at 30fps with PMDG / EGKK, sliders maxed out + bloom + 32X AA. + raining + overcast. Amazing, 20 years waiting for that
  13. I have this problem with FTX EU / AU and DX10SF too. Only just realised that it could be DX10SF related, I am going to try returning shaders back to default, then like Adam did reapply fixes, will update if I can identify whats happening. Hope I can find a shader backup somewhere! Stevejp if it is any help if you slew around you notice no street lights on at all when DX10SF is enabled, but every know and then they will appear for a fraction of a second.
  14. Sorry, I did not even think about it, I have updated the description. Hopefully it might generate some extra sales for Carl and the team. Yep, not autogen, DX10, the SSD and no weather plays a big part in the FPS but in fact I improved it since by completely disabling Autogen + AI Traffic (My Traffic 2010) + all other traffic, setting water Effects to 2.x Low and a couple of other fsx.cfg tweaks. I can consistently get 17fps -23fps in central london with all other sliders to full, just wished I'd worked this out before I made the video! I did notice a weird thing too, it's actually smoother at Extremely Dense than Very or even Normal Density or at least there is no real decrease in performance, I can't explain this except that maybe FSX is almost completely CPU bound on my machine (apart from water reflection) and that the process of determining which scenery to exclude is expensive, seems unlikely though. Having said all that there a few tricks in the video like re-sampling at 1.20-1.60 times the speed, which makes the final video appear smoother. Will do, once I am approved!Thanks for your positive comments! No question, Peter Kruder is a genius.
  15. A short video I made showing off the incredible VFR London X scenery, hope you like.. (watch in 720p!)
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