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    NY, USA

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    I used to use FSX almost exclusively. But have been using X-Plane more and more, so that now it is pretty much equal time on both. Seems like X-Plane is improving steadily as new sceneries, aircraft, etc. are being made available for it, while of course FSX is no longer supported by Microsoft.

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  1. After flying for about 15 minutes the cockpit screens go dark in P3D v6. Anyone else having this problem?
  2. P3D v6 is locking up as soon as a plane starts down the runway when I have Varjo Base software installed, even if I am not using VR and don't have the app open. Anyone have a possible reason for this or have had a similar issue?
  3. I have a Varjo Aero headset, and it seems that the software for it, Varjo Base, is causing P3D v6 to freeze up even when I am not using VR or do not have the Base open. I am looking for possible reasons that this may be happening, so if you've had this experience or have a good idea what is going on, I would appreciate the feedback. I want to have the Varjo base installed because it works well in other simulators.
  4. Thanks for the response Bert. So where can I get the Reality XP GNS530? -Ed
  5. If I pop up the GNS530 display and change things and then unpop it, the unit in the panel does not show the changes I made. Anybody else experience this? -Ed
  6. Hi- I cannot enable some of my addon scenery packages in P3D v5. For one, DD's Chicago X. The check box will not check, or if it does check, it then gets unchecked again. Can anybody help with this? Thanks. -Ed
  7. Just installed P3D v5 and all my aircraft have the elevator trim locked all the way down. I can get it to momentarily go up with my trim rocker on my CH Eclipse yoke, but then it immediately goes all the way back down again. When I try using autopilot in any aircraft the plane immediately dives. I guess this is because of the elevator trim being all the way down. Does anyone know what might be going on here? -Ed
  8. I'm having a problem in which ChasePlane is negating some FSUIPC settings. In particular, I have some switches programmed through FSUIPC via iFly 737 keyboard commands for the external lighting. All works fine if ChasePlane is not open, but as soon as I open it the switches stop working. I am aware that ChasePlane interferes with some functioning of my CH yoke and have accepted that, but now this additional problem is making me wonder if the program, as good as it is for what it does, is not worth the trouble. Has anybody else out there had similar problems. I am wondering if I using FSUIPC offsets will overcome the problem, but have yet to try that. -Ed
  9. Hi- Is there any way to change the size of the control panel? I'd like to keep it on my screen, but it's a little too large and I'd like to make it smaller and less obvious. Thanks. -Ed
  10. No, I am talking about initial load time when the sim is starting up. While flying I have no problems at all with good frame rates. For whatever reason, when I changed the setting to .20 the sim loaded a lot faster. And not much difference in frame rates. Who knows?? Life, and flight simulators, are often a mystery.
  11. No traffic add ons at this point. However, I think I found the problem. I followed a suggestion from someone about raising the frame rate by setting Fiber_Frame_Fraction in the p3d.cfg file to .01. It worked, but apparently causes extremely long load times. I went back into the file and changed it to .2 and now the loading is much faster. -Ed
  12. I found the file, but don't see any section in it that refers to AI. What should I be looking for? Thanks. -Ed
  13. Hi- Having the same problem with very slow loading. Where can I find the simobjects.cfg file? Thanks. -Ed
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