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Posts posted by dtrjones

  1. On 1/20/2022 at 10:44 PM, pmb said:

    I feel a bit uneasy about that Bugfixing SU VIII. What comes after SU VIII? Right, SU IX. With new features - and new bugs? I would have preferred measures for an ongoing quality control, notably omitting trivial bugs. I've been waiting for many weeks now for the mouse working properly under VR and it still doesn't.

    Much appreciate your comments as always Michael! I was happy when they said focus would be on bug fixing, but it seams whatever they do people are not going to be happy! 😉

    On the quality control, that's a given really and Jorg has mentioned it several times in the Q&A. I absolutely agree of course but I think we have to accept this is something they need to manage in the background as I'm sure many third party developers are waiting on a number of bugs to be fixed so that wheel has to keep turning and we have to keep reporting issues...

    Put it this way, you've just walked into St Thomas Hospital in London and asked them to close the wards for 2 months because they need repainting, all the while there are 6 million people in the UK with a backlog of operations to have. Yeah that's not going to go down well! 🙂

    • Like 3

  2. On 1/20/2022 at 10:47 PM, bendead said:

    Thanks for the update,

    So what will be implemented in the SDK, weather or terrain API? Top wishes and SDK update seems to contradict each other

    Hey @bendead sorry but I'm finding your comment hard to understand. They've made it perfectly clear currently they are working on improving the weather API in Web Assembly in the SDK - it's a start.

    Wish lists are exactly that a wish list, not a contract to be held accountable and I'm sure you'd appreciate adding new API calls for both weather and terrain isn't a trvial task.

  3. 13 hours ago, bobcat999 said:

    'Our Team will now be taking a short break until the new year' - Wow - how much holiday do they get?  That will be three weeks until the next one.  It's the 17th now -  I have to work until about noon on the 24th, and I bet a lot of people do.

    I feel your dissapointment @bobcat999 but on the patch front they obviously don't have a date, but it would have been curtious to explain where they are. The news update is a bit light given we've waited so long.

    On the holiday front, why are so many folks upset? Asobo and Microsoft will have staff rolling off on there Christmas hols over the next week or so just like any other company, it doesn't mean the entire company is off from when this news update was posted.

    They probably decided they can't for any reason make any key decisions now before Christmas so will reconvience in the new year. I'm on my holidays as well, now I'm feeling guilting with these comments!

    • Like 4

  4. On 12/10/2021 at 10:27 PM, MarcG said:

    I'd usually agree with you, but it may well of made sense to simply release more than one Hotfix like they have done in the past. I'm glad they're working on it, but it seems they've made such a mess of SU7 that it's costing them a lot more time to fix than they initially thought perhaps.

    Yes true, I wonder though there has been a lot of plane releases and I'm sure many more down the pipe over Christmas and if these requiring fixes themselves are hijacking and stalling this 'hotfix' being released.

  5. 15 hours ago, MarcG said:

    3 weeks since SU7 was released, this is no longer a Hotfix but a Patch in my eyes. Most Devs I know would've dealt with this nonsense by now and communicated accordingly, either way they need to get a move on and get the Patch released, hopefully sometime this year... what's left of it!

    Rushing patches out to a deadline got us into this mess in the first place. If I was Asobo I would say in my best Harry Enfield voice to MicrosoftNOOOOOOOO, it gets done when it's ready!!!! 😀 This is looking like a good patch, it would be a shame to not fix something now which they thing is fixed or worst still break something new.

    • Like 1

  6. 10 hours ago, edpatino said:

    I cannot see a fix is under investigation for those now frequent messages about "You're switched Offline, because your bandwidth, bla bla bla...", which happens more and more after (I think) the SU5 release (Welcome Xbox users!).

    Is this a bug? Review your current bandwidth with something like Network Speed Test, are you getting what your plan tells you? Also you could maybe turn your graphics settings down to lower the network demand or ignore the warning. The message is telling you the simulator is struggling to download enough scenery to maintain detail while you are flying. Disabling rolling cache can have great benefits if you have fast bandwidth but if you don't, you really should have it enabled as scenery will progressively update and consider cache areas you frequently fly in.

  7. 8 hours ago, Nyxx said:

    This sounds like a turning point for MSFS PC users. Its sounds like we would all press the "keep this version" if we could. 

    But it could be a turning point that next year we get great updates with no....well you know what!!!!

    Yeah but you know why we've had these problems right? It's because they have hard release dates and 15 different teams and 32 branches and they try and crunch it all together at the last second with an inexperienced QA team and it all turns to jelly.

    At least with this hotfix the community is getting a decent stab at testing and there is no release date pressure.

    I'd like to see less promises and a bigger window for the release. I'd like to see earlier access for the beta and of course Asobo building out there QA teams with proper flight experience.

    Hey I guess I'd like a lot but it is nearly Christmas so, heres hoping Santa delivers!

  8. 32 minutes ago, Matchstick said:

    As well as the PR fluff above there's also a separate update on the XB/PMDG DC-6 situation.


    It appears that fixing whatever is needed "will likely take a few more months" (emphasis mine) so they will be offering refunds.

    This might go someway to explaining why PMDG are really not happy with MS/Asobo right now.

    I think you've overstated that to be honest. They found an issue with the Xbox (console) version and they've pulled that version. The PC version is still available for purchase. Of course it's right they offer refunds given they anticipate the Xbox to be out for a couple of months. It's not great for Xbox console users but if the product has fundamental issues, then pulling it from the store is the only option.

    In a recent Q&A with Asobo, Robert Randazzo talked about the relationship with Asobo and even then he mentioned the difficulty as they are developing systems within more of the framework of MSFS. So it's going to be difficult, add to that Xbox support (which they don't have to do I might add) and you have a challenging development period, but make no mistake Robert realises the fruits working on the MSFS platform and I'm sure in the long road these are just minor bumps. Nothing more.

    • Like 4

  9. 8 hours ago, bobcat999 said:

    All very strange, particularly as I had no detectable performance impact, and that was when running on an old 1080Ti at the time.

    Most people that installed it loved it as it covered up the sometimes barren and muddy landscape in the middle to far distance.

    Can I play devils advocate here 🙂 I'm with Seb on this. You can change the settings for trees, grass and bushes which affect the vegetation draw distance. My understanding from the Q&A was that Seb would consider pushing this out further.

    I'm confused why you are confused 🙂 honestly am I missing something obvious here? There is an excellent article in the forums for optimising graphical settings in MSFS.


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  10. 4 hours ago, ryanbatcund said:

    Thanks.  30 fps steady in MSFS at 4K is very very good imo.  Wonder how that would translate to VR.  Feels like we're still a few years off

    VR's in good place right now Ryan performance wise. VR Flight Sim Guy (10900K + RTX 3090) can run the new high resolution Varjo Aero pretty smoothly - most VR headsets run really well now in MSFS with only reasonable VR specs machines. I'm guessing probably the Pimax 8K X would be challenge on any system and the Pimax Reality well yeah that will take a beast of a PC!

  11. 12 hours ago, MarcG said:

    So the update is due in 2-3 weeks, yet now they're asking for experts to join the beta #facepalm. Why do they consistently leave things so late to test?

    I get what you are saying but given the turn around for these patches is every month, 2-3 weeks user testing seems pretty generous. It's really about making sure what they've delivered isn't breaking anything and performing as expected.

  12. 4 hours ago, cianpars said:

    Am I the only one who can't get the tiniest bit excited about this upgrade unless it contains something I have missed?  I certainly have no intention of air racing.

    No intention to go air racing either but I'll buy the full package to support the developers. 60 dollars I believe. Also remember just getting the air racing in the game has already improved core multiplayer experience and added numerous flight model and visual effects into the core sim (which I imagine will come with Sim Update 7) so the Reno air racing development will not be lost on the rest of us either.

    • Like 3

  13. 6 hours ago, edpatino said:

    Including the hotfix for SU6, the rest is just fancy stuff... well, I have to say..., in my opinion.

    Why are you lot so ungreatful. Lets not forget only the Microsoft product stack makes this game possible, on top of that they are dedicated to a 10 year development cycle with regular updates and news reports. It's a fantastic time in simulation right now for me personally and the updates in the GOTY edition are considerable and delivered my many different teams other than Microsoft and Asobo for completely free. Please show some respect!

    • Like 4

  14. 8 hours ago, bobcat999 said:

    "The following bugs will be fixed in Sim Update 6 (Oct. 19th)"...

    Is this a mistake?  It seems really cut down.  The original list of patch notes for the 'Flighting' seemed to scroll on and on forever.

    I must admit I read this differently. I thought they were highlighting some long term bugs from the community. Never imagined this to be an exhaustive list. They've said themselves there are plenty of fixes which go into these patches they don't report on.

    Good call out but as per usual lets see what the patch notes say. I wouldn't worry too much about this at the moment, but feel free to reply if you are correct!! 🙂

    • Like 2

  15. 20 hours ago, steve310002 said:

    Is there a hidden meaning behind the fact that every featured screenshot in this update is blatantly displaying an upside down aircraft? Is it because Sim Update 6 is going to turn our world upside down, or just our addons? Stay tuned, soon all will be revealed!!! And this post subsequently vanishes in a puff of smoke💨

    LOL Steve do you step onto a plane thinking the engines are going to fail... 🙂 this patch has some long term fixes for the community and some decent love for VR as well. All good in my book but lets hope that's all we get! 😉 ✈️

    • Like 1

  16. Looking forward to all these updates. The Junkers JU-52 unlike the interior of many DLC planes actually has a default quality cabin which will really be nice to look at. The Volocopter is probably just a simple tier 0 implementation of rotor tech, although something like this seems more suited to suplement a career mode, it's kind of wasted as a DLC purchase in my opinion...

    On the updated scenery - I bought Hong Kong City Times a while ago and when it was released I wasn't that impressed, but my word it has changed - so much busier than it was and covering such a large area. It did crash my PC though after changin weather and time of day several times which probably didn't help.

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