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Everything posted by HaraldG

  1. ... just lacking words... ... and that Tu-114... Greetings from the city with the Il-14 above!
  2. A new masterpiece by freeware developer Emmanuel Mwandosya: Melchior Ndadaye Airport in Bujumbura, Burundi. His African airport sceneries are superb:
  3. Found MFSG's RJEC Asahikawa Airport for FS9 and other sims when looking into Simmarket. A very productive developer!
  4. Hi Alby, nice to hear that you work at an European airport again. Thank you for all your effort! By the way, will the military parts be included? I hope so, due to interesting military AI traffic... Harald
  5. Just one word regarding that Winnipeg preview: Wow! Also thanks Greg for pointing us towards the sceneries by Emmanuel Mwandosya. They are quite good and close a huge gap in the FS2004 sceneries' world, especially HTKJ.
  6. No facebook member... What could I do?
  7. Telavi, Georgia, now for FS9: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=uggt_telavi_georgia_fs9.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Have fun!
  8. Greg, many thanks for your assessment! I will check my next month's flight simulator software budget... Best regards, Harald
  9. Happy new year to all... ... and thanks Greg for your finding. As Kuching is far away from my usual flight routes, I choose the light version, indeed. It looks a little "empty". But does anybody have the payware version? Is it worth buying it?
  10. I did so. These are quite good sceneries! I especially like LRCL - a nice regional airport with rural flair. Thanks Greg for your reminder!
  11. Thanks Greg for your HU about this scenery. I especially appreciate that this developer focuses on airports in the middle east. I hope he doesn't abandon FS9 and moves on to other interesting places, for instance OLBA.
  12. Hi, I uploaded an improved version with ground polygon to: https://www.avsim.su/f/fs2004-scenarii-44/ugms-aeroport-carici-tamari-mestiya-gruziya-dlya-fs9-61600.html Have fun Harald
  13. What a beautiful scenery, Greg. Many thanks! I took the freedom to request AES support for this scenery. We'll see what happens... And thanks Sascha for the info.
  14. Thanks Joseph for your heads-up. There has been a Taiping scenery (wmbi_taiping_2017.zip) uploaded by the same author at the same website one day earlier. I didn't install it yet, too.
  15. I indeed had the impression that Georgia is a playground for foreign architects (Mestia terminal was planned by an architect from Berlin), who can't build their ideas in their homeland due to more provincial taste and/or stricter building regulations.
  16. I have a AMD card, perhaps this is already the answer... Have to find the settings in the AMD configuration environment and will try, though... However, I can't say that I have a problem with shimmering textures generally. Thanks again!
  17. Hi Peter, thanks for your post. I plan to add either some ground polygon or photoscenery later, when my real world obligations let me time for it. Regarding mipmaps, at my system, I have problems with blurred textures if scenery textures have mipmaps. So I always use scenery textures without mipmaps and all textures are clear. I have no idea why my system acts this way.
  18. Hi, so I use the opportunity to announce a new freeware scenery of Mestia, Georgia, now in the library: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=Mestia&CatID=fs2004scen&Go=Search Have fun! Harald
  19. So we pollitely ask a moderator for pinning the thread. Many thanks! Harald
  20. A big Thank you Greg for this information and to TropicalSim for still supporting FS9. What about pinning this thread as information channel about new commercial FS9 sceneries? Regards, Harald
  21. Whatever you deliver, Bernd, and whenever you change your shirt, this is flying with style.
  22. Thanks HLJames for commenting! ... and then of course the lack of oxygene. These altitudes aren't made as humans' habitat.
  23. Thanks Bernd! You just shouldn't use the Mi-2, but Mi-8s seem to reach Everest base camp quite regularly.
  24. Hi, after our forum member Bernd posted stunning pictures from a flight to Lukla these days, I wanted to continue this adventure. I tried to reach Everest Base camp with a quite old, but still thrustworthy helicopter, the Mi-2. Will I see Mt. Everest? Remember: The Mi-2 has a service ceiling of slightly more than 13,000 feet, while the Everest Base Camp has an elevation of more than 17,000 ft. No good prospects... I won't bore you with the engines start procedure in the Mi-2. Up into the thin air (Lukla has some 9,300 ft) What's behind the cloud? And this is the moment I was scared of. Have to return, the heli refuses to climb further. This is even before the tongue of Khumbu glacier. Note Ama Dablam peak in the background. Returning And there it is: Behind the Nuptse wall one can see the top of Mt. Everest Nuptse wall, Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam And finally Cho Oyu in a side valley Landing at Syangboche field. Have fun, Harald
  25. Great mountain flying action, Bernd. How about your next flight going to Everest base camp. You could fly the Mi-8, and HLJames would see an Everest picture.
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