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Everything posted by tattiebogle

  1. That's exactly what it was. Thank you
  2. Using the latest axis&ohms with msfs2020 and the x-touch mini. All my previous profiles are working fine. The problem starts when I click the green plus(+) button to add a new assignment my mouse will freeze. Any ideas?
  3. Do you think in the near future you could bring the assist window into vr? If there was a pdf manual I would be able to bring that into the cockpit with me.
  4. A simple uninstall and reinstall of voxatc fixed it.
  5. Installing Amazon polly was a complete pita. Happy it works though.
  6. That's a shame as they are so cheap. Thanks for replying 👍
  7. I'm pretty sure Pilot2atc don't have an agreement with Amazon. I will do more research. Thanks for replying👍
  8. I believe they are. TTS and SAPI are mentioned on the Amazon polly website
  9. Has anyone managed to get Voxatc to recognise Amazon polly voices? Pilot2atc manages to see them but with Voxatc they are not an option in the voice configurator.
  10. Thanks Vadriver. You sent me in the right direction. All working now
  11. Anyone else having trouble getting the Panel Setup to "see" the Qualitywings 146 Collection? Tried adding the text manually to the Panel Config file but they are so many I was not sure which one I should edit. Cheers Euan
  12. Cheers guys! I took the easy way out...Bought Flyinside
  13. Thanks for replying. That's a good idea. Cheers
  14. Hi, Is there any way to get the Voxatc panel to appear in the VR headset? Prepar3d V4 Oculus Rift I know Flyinside can do but is there any other way Cheers Euan
  15. I have the same problem. At the moment on my 24" monitor I have FSX windowed. On my 22" monitor I have Plan-G running. Is it not possible to have FSX full screen without the second monitor going black so I can continue to run Plan-G? Some people seem to be having trouble understanding the OP's question.
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