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  1. and another one... seems to be an major issue. dozens have the same problem. also see here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/342558-ctd-after-loading-a-flight-with-ngx/
  2. just figured this one out:if i remove the PMDG_737NGX.DLL from the gauges folder the saved flights do load. certainly the plane has no function because of the missing dll. but it has to be an issue with that file not with any addons or kinda stuff.... ? i also tried redownloading and reinstalling in several compatibility modes, but none of that worked.... sooo .. what the f...? its the typical fsx experience. 10 % flying 90 % troubleshooting ;-)
  3. see also here:http://forum.avsim.net/topic/342558-ctd-after-loading-a-flight-with-ngx/ there's no solution for that one yet... ;( but quite a few ppl are having the same issue...
  4. see also here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/342558-ctd-after-loading-a-flight-with-ngx/ no solution yet
  5. same here, but as i figured out only when i peviously loaded it from my savegames. when starting a new flight it's just fine. maybe the textures are not loaded correctly? there is also a tiny lighting bug inside the cockpit when i load a night flight savegame. all lights load correctly but the mcp is not illuminated as soon i click once on the light bug. then it's on.
  6. hi folks! i've got exactly the same issue. when saving a game while descend or approach fsx crashes at loading this game. i do also hear the trim wheel sound before crash. same windows problem signature like nathan above. i did all the tweaking and optimizing written in the manual. even a rebuilt fsx.cfg didn't help. everything else is just running perfectly. great job btw! my system:- i5 2500k - radeon hd5770- 8 gigs ram- win 7 x64- intel ssd cache fsx:- running as admin- rex- enb mod- trackir 5 (but same issue without trackir)- some texture and airport addons thank you! greetings from EDDL.joe
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