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  1. I agree that there is room for different levels of sim planes in the market but its not just fouled plugs and circuit breakers it's accuracy of the flight model and physics, it's accuracy of how the engine operates, sounds and feels. Even with failures turned off a plane like the A2A is going to give a more realistic experience, even more so with quality controls. I wish more simmers invested in FFB controls, I have seen so many simpits with 10k plus in computer equipment and panels with a Saitek yoke... the one item you touch and feel the plane through they go cheap as possible.
  2. I am in the same boat, I bought FSX SE when it was on sale last year just for the FSL bus... I ended up buying the fixer as well but when the P3D version comes out I will switch back to that
  3. Jose, I think AS16+ASCA are the most underrated and misunderstood add ons this year, some simmers don't get how much of a improvement the effects of weather on the aircraft is in AS16. I think some of the reason for this is a lot of simmers never have flown real aircraft and or only care about the visuals when it comes to weather.
  4. Jose, I don't think it's going to be too long for the p3d version, may not be worth reinstalling FSX at this point?
  5. I can't wait for this update, you really should try this plane Jose... it really is something else
  6. I don't understand the hate for ASCA? I have it and sim looks way better to me than it did with my prior setup of REX4/ASN. The biggest improvement is near thunderstorms for me. I am seriously wondering if the hate for this product is becaus The Rex sky force video looked incredible so therefore ASCA must suck.... the skyforce video was just that a video... lets see what the real product looks like.
  7. It is free to use with the a320 you just have to install it separate... No need to buy anything extra, it's really not a big deal
  8. The FSL plane is modeled a lot deeper... You really need to experience hand flying and ground handling in this plane.
  9. it's in user\appdata\local\microsoft\fsx delete the folder and let FSX rebuild it.
  10. Yes, DX10 with the latest fixer Even Some of the early adopters think we are beta testers..... We are not beta testers and the plane is not in beta. We just were crazy enough to sit at our computer reloading the page until we got lucky enough to buy it in the 8 min window it was for sale.
  11. Just finished my flight from FSDT KLAX to Flightbeam KSFOHD and I think I got all the kinks worked out in my fresh FSX install. With AI traffic at 20 percent and most sliders to the right ( autogen on normal) With orbx global, OPENLC NA, vector, AS16, ASCA and mytraffic 6 at 20 percent I was between 25-30 FPS This is a major improvement on what I was getting out of this bird on release day 15 or so FPS at default KBOS with no traffic
  12. I think you will like it, I will be getting the P3D version as well. I have not been using FSX for over a year but after a few days I got this thing tuned pretty well. By the time the P3d version is out I should have a new 1080 video card, so I am looking forward to that.
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