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    YMML, Australia
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    Flying, Flight Simulation, Sport, Computers, Friend + Family and Plane Spotting.

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  1. I've given it a little bit of thought although it would cost a fortune as it requires new motherboard and ram. Do you think I would see similar results going from a i5 2500k @ 4.7 with a GTX 570 to a i5 6600k and a GTX 970, or is the i7 6700K and GTX 980 really that much better?
  2. Wow, really considering going for the upgrade for a 970 and a new i5. From a 570 and a 2500k I would hope otd be a big upgrade. I just want something that can handle FTX AU airports such as Melbourne, day/night, hail/shine, with a bit of traffic in the NGX? Is that too much to ask, probably is haha. Not sure about anyone else here but if I tried that on my current system it has to be optimal conditions to be able to have a smooth approach. Anyone have a similar setup and could share some results?
  3. Hello, Long time no post I guess . Recently I have taken up some real flying in the PA28 Warrior/Archer and my flight sim PC hasn't been bugging me too much so I have kind of tuned out of here . I decided to post here because i wasnt quite sure if it was a driver problem, it seems it could be a hardware problem. So anyway, the issue. USB on my computer seems to have cracked it for some reason. Anything that is plugged in on boot will work fine, until it is unplugged. You can even plug USB in and use it normally for about 30 minutes after boot maybe, but after that time anything that is taken out and put back in won't be recognized. I have tried resetting the BIOS, unplugging the PC entirely, setting the USB host to not turn off to save power, made sure all the USB controllers are recognized in the device manager but nothing has really seemed to work. virus? Well I am doing a scan as I type, but I don't believe that will be the issue. I am bamboozled here. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. Yeah thanks. I have been really busy lately and for the next few days so I may try it out soon. I tried it today and I can't seem to find anything that is running and shouldn't be there. Chrome still runs like crap and programs are putting themselves to the background. I will go through the task manager and stop everything I can.
  5. I'll be sure to try that, it sounds nice and easy Damn, I can't actually find the IE9 in the programs lust and anything I do try and uninstall just says there was an error and would you like to remove from the list.
  6. Haha, yes I occasionally use it as a phone. Mostly mobile internet, its a great device I'll give these a go and see if they clear it up. I really just notice the slow down in Google Chrome when pages seem to take quite a bit and i have to click multiple times to get it to start. I did a Norton scan and that didn't show anything abnormal.
  7. Yeah i have had a look in the task manager, I know my way pretty well with Windows. It seems slow since I got my galaxy s3 and installed kies which is the samsung version of iTunes. I have tried uninstalling but that didn't really help. I will be sure to try the startup processes again , that one passed my mind. Thanks a lot for the help though. I have been playing with Android for ages so windows and fsx has been on the back burner.
  8. Hi, First post in a while ago here goes. I have been having trouble with Windows 7 lately with what I think is a application that keeps on running in the background sort of like a virus. I have done a few scans and can't find anything. I usually have to double click apps a few times to open them especially with Google chrome. It also means that the app may become inactive like when you switch between apps on dual screen. It doesn't close or minimise it just greys out, I'm sure you know. It also slows down the internet browser and startup speeds a four bit. Any ideas on how to fix it would be great. Thanks,
  9. Hi, My Saitek Pro Flight Yoke would be getting on about 3 years old now and i have had it sent for a dodgy hat switch and a dodgy X Axis. Now my warranty is stuffed, I have a bad y rotation. basically all it does is sort of follow the level of mixture I had but in the mean time it is jumping from full to cutoff and jumping all over the place making it impossible to fly. I had a go playing around with the null zone and sensitivity but that yielded no results. Is there anything with software I can do or is it hardware?
  10. I have heard that although relatively slow and more expensive, Intel's drives are very reliable.
  11. Yes but they are basically a new airline since they restarted after they were shut down. They are the most on time Australian airline, and I guarantee CASA would not let them restart if they were still unsafe. Not saying they are the best, but you could take them to get the opportunity to see the Airshow.
  12. Tiger Airways 'll get you down for 60 bucks.
  13. It would be awesome if we could have PMDG down here, quite a few simming booths but its just not complete without PMDG there. I was there when the 787 visited YMML in May or so and was able to sit in the Captains seat, touch the whole carbon fibre exterior, see the whole landing gear, look through the engine, speak to engineers, great day. On par with the air show.
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