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  2. Hi dear, I made several test with two image between Win7 and Win 10 Pro x64, all test with system clean, only drivers. My list of addons in my FSX: PMDG ( MD 11/B737/777), MD 82 Maddog, Concorde flight labs. Sceneries installed: all Brazil, all Aerosoft, all ORBX, all Taxi 2 Gate, all Latinvfr, all Flytampa, etc ... around 800 total sceneries , 300gb of addons inside of FSX. My machine configuration: Intel 3960X @4.8 + Sli 780TI + 960gb SSD + 16Gb DDR3 2400 C9 Corsair Dominator . I have sure, like 1 + 1 is 2 .. Windows 7 work better than Windows 10. I lost around 10 FPS when was Windows 10 in same condition comparing Windows 7. Also my FSX working more instable on Windows 10, I have more than 3 crash, i don´t know why, so I decide back to Windows 7.
  3. Hi dear, I made several test with two image between Win7 and Win 10 Pro x64, all test with system clean, only drivers. My list of addons in my FSX: PMDG ( MD 11/B737/777), MD 82 Maddog, Concorde flight labs. Sceneries installed: all Brazil, all Aerosoft, all ORBX, all Taxi 2 Gate, all Latinvfr, all Flytampa, etc ... around 800 total sceneries , 300gb of addons inside of FSX. My machine configuration: Intel 3960X @4.8 + Sli 780TI + 960gb SSD + 16Gb DDR3 2400 C9 Corsair Dominator . I have sure, like 1 + 1 is 2 .. Windows 7 work better than Windows 10. I lost around 10 FPS when was Windows 10 in same condition comparing Windows 7. Also my FSX working more instable on Windows 10, I have more than 3 crash, i don´t know why, so I decide back to Windows 7.
  4. Dear all, I used Operation Center for backup all texture of my 77w, after restoring I found some issues. When I open the gear viewer (CAM) inside cockpit, all texture is back, there any way different than reinstalling to solve ? Thanks all.
  5. dnagato

    PMDG777 and ENB

    I use ENB with the 777 and have no issues too, problem with ENB only with Concord X, I need turn off the ENB to fly with Concord X Fslabs.
  6. dnagato

    Out Of Memory

    Don´t wait for miracle! Run FSX FULL with PMDG 777 or Concorde X is impossible. I´ am like many here addicted to flight simulator, I tryed many things, program, system etc... no sucess. we have two choices to chose, real airplanes with high level of details or nice scenery with high level of texture. I prefered a high level of airplane, this is more important to me. So things I use in my setting to have a stable flight: No any type of traffic. Just online if we have. Here one of the must important setting 4.0 LOD, HIGHMEMFIX APPLIED of course. Texture: 1024 when I chose Concord X or 2048 when B777X or NGX. No any type of traffic. Just online if we have. Here one of the must important setting 4.0 LOD, HIGHMEMFIX APPLIED of course. Texture: 1024 when I choice Concord X or 2048 when B777X or NGX. I tryed two times this setting using the B777X, one of than, was CYVR ( FSDRETEAM ) I had no problem. By the way, when I use Concord X, I need change the Texture from 2048 to 1024 Maybe if I will have problem in B777X memory, I will use texture to 1024, but not yet.
  7. Please, some help me, I can not install any liverie in my 777
  8. same problem here ((( I have searched the threads and I have updated the op center to latest version and now I can see the liveries but it still wont let me download. )))
  9. Dear Team, I don't know why when I try to downloader the livery I got this problem. Some one can help me please.
  10. Hi people. When I stay full ILS, we reduce speed, example, get LOC with 180knots flaps 15, gear down check then we start to reduce speed to minimal safe for landing like 138knots for example, we put in MCP the speed 138knots, autothrottle in ON, we see the throttle start to down, but why the throttle not come for idle position for incriase reduction speed for safe landing ? I repair when use fly level change the throttle work fine, como for idle position or when use VNAV they works good, the problem is only when I stay for landing usually after gear in down. N1 stay between 37% - 40%. How reduce speed easy with this problem ?
  11. Hi boys. I flew PMDG 737 in this weekend, look everything work like real airplane, But when observe the press of PSI to start engines they no come to press need to start, I close the packs L and R open bleed of APU, isolation valves put in auto position. But we don´t get PSI to start engines more the 30PSI. But when I put one in open and other in close we get 30PSI very strange for me because uselly we put close all packs L and R for start. But work fine when I use the external APU, close de bleed in get 35PSI for start the fist engine. Who can help me about this information ? One other information is, when you close de packs with APU and bleed on of APU for start engine normal, the press drop less then 10PSI but if you try the start the engine, they start normal :) how I don´t know. Other question is ... about the drag, they work ? Because spoilers in full not drop speed like normal also gear down, its very hard drop speed in this airplane. So we have 2 question : 1º about APU + why not get press more the 30 PSI with bleed APU and Packs in OFF. 2º about Drag, why this airplane not drop speed when use spilers or use gear in down position. Kind regards,Daniel Kozievitch
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