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Everything posted by data63

  1. tried the 8bit fix - also no joy... seems AS did a real good job preventing DX10 compatibility. I'll give it a pause - maybe a get an "inspiration"
  2. legacy settings: yes 8 bit: not yet - as all textures i found for the dome are 16 bit... i'll try it tomorrow thanks for that really fast answer!!
  3. HI! has there ever been a fix/solution for the crippled Millennium Dome in aerosoft's london vfr? everything in this scenery works good (as far as I can tell) - just the dome is missing it's base walls and masts. it's a pity I tried several settings in the dx10 fixer and nvidia inspector - no joy happy landings juergen
  4. hmmmm... I've got UT2 but only Aerosoft's Heathrow. I watched arriving traffic on 27R for more than 1/2 hour - there was a small hold when leaving the runway but just 1-2 seconds. maybe there is some complex taxi-layout in the UK2000 version which confuses AIC and leads to "endless" recalculations of the best route. I think there was a version (1 or 2) that used "plumbing" taxiways (different routes inbound/outbound to force ai traffic to use a specific route. Maybe AIC doesen't like that. I also found that multiple exit points to asure a plane only exits "forward" (prevent backtracking on the rwy) is something that doesen't work well with AIC taxiing (and is normally not needed as AIC tries only to exit at 90 degrees or less)
  5. do you use UT2 and MTX6 with their "default" aircraft sets? - maybe there is a difference in the models/configs as AIC reads the values from the aircraft.cfg to make some of it's taxi calculations.
  6. that button affects only the display of ground traffic - to turn off the handling you have to switch off the "enhanced" taxi mode I think this is because this way you can just activate the airports you "use" in your FS session so thas AIC doesn't have to handle world wide traffic on airports way out of your "bubble" using precious resources (espacially if you run AIC on your main FS-computer
  7. seems to be a "feature" of PacSim - I got the same problem with their Chubu scenery ;-) maybe Roland unshelves his ideas with a blacklist of such offending BGL-Files. Otherwise I can live with it
  8. calm down and use lower case :rolleyes: I also have in general good results using default setting - there are some airports where the is some strang behaviour in taxiing but it's getting better with nearly every hotfix. I had some very strange fast movements faulted by myself by being to near to ai traffic with me (slewed) own AC (they tried to evade me) - also using the "follow me" option of TrafficViewboard messes up the AI. As for incursions - the main problem here seems to be that outgoing taxi traffic is controled by FSX in ancomming is (in some slewing mode) by aiController - s it looks like they are not able to see each other. I'm quite confident Roland will get hands on this in his next version controlling in and out traffic. This is a WiP and it looks as if it is a project where user input is taken very seriously - but as FSX is such a compley animal a programmer needs detailed input of where what happens to track down an error. I'm looking forward to the next evolution! Happy landings Juergen
  9. You made 3 posts - the only thing you told is "it's inacceptable", "it doesn't work as i want it", "it makes AI worse" - maybe you could give some hint's on the situations that are causig you trouble so it may be possible to sort it out. Obviously there are some people who are able to use AIController fairly well. besides that I find your tone and attitide not very nice - especially as this is a FREE software and the programmer is very supportive sorting out problems
  10. Condition 1) is clear and makes sense ;-) maybe the parking selection concerning AC size would be better if the List of parking spots left over was sorted by size (low to high) an then scanned for parking codes fitting the AC. I'm not a programmer but maybe you could put the fitting spots in an array sorted by size (low to high and index asc) with the parking-codes in the columnes an than scan the array line by line and then column by column until a free spot is found - this way one could even priorize a spot. I often modify AFCADs in a way that remote or overflow spots are marked (e.g.) "XXX,XXX,BAW" for British Airways overflow parking. unfortunatly I can't say how hard to program or how hard on cpu/ressources such an algorythm would be so consider this only a "thought out of the blue ;-)"
  11. I couldn't resist to test in TOR - not as obvious as in SYD but gate choosing there is also "not quite right" (no offence meant) - it seems as if the "weighting" in choosing the gate is "ParkingCode" -> "Index" -> "Distance" (maybe count of nodes to reach?) and "Size" maybe it affects TOR and SYD more than others because FT has done a really nicde work with smoothing the taxiways therefore using quite a lot of nodes for taxi-routes. also on both AP there are very long ways with many bends and curves to go from runway exit to parking due to their layout - KIAH (FSDT) is also very lasrge but with long straight taxy-routes As Nizar stated above it could be helpful in analyzing this if you could give us a clue to the logic you use behind finding a parking spot
  12. I tried AI Controller at the new FT Sydney - normally the smaller planes (E190, B737) of Virgin Australia and Qantas should go to the smaller gates at the national terminal marked for them an the big irons (A330, B777, A380) should go to the 33m + spots at the international. I found that all VOZ and QFA planes arriving on 34L are going to the intl. - blocking the big gates with Embraers and 737. some of these small's are eventually assigned to a amll gate but are redirected later to a big one (there are sufficient empty gates > 33m and marked for QFA or VOZ. Loooks to me as if the "easiest / shortest" way to parking is preferred over the minimum radius requiered for the plane. YSSY ist the first airport I realised that but most other ap don't have intl. and national terminals for the same airlines so far apart
  13. I suppose that's a drawback of the "ctrl-J" jetways - as the door level of the 737 is quite low the seems t be a decision o "sinking" jetways (looking veeery odd) or the jetways too high.
  14. it was not about another addon causing the error but that there may be a problem with IP-stack overflow or somethkng like that which I experienced with that other addon causing FSX to freeze after some time without any appearent reason
  15. I asked cause I had a similar issue with fsgrw (weather addon) because of constantly abandoned a reconnected TCP connections
  16. maybe it's this: FIXED: AIMonitor sometimes stalled during scenery update. Sometimes scenery with bad internal formatting was causing AIMonitor to stall. After fix, AIMonitor will warn the user that the scenery format may be bad, but scenery decompilation will continue.
  17. why can Flightbeam do it, why can FSDT do it? T2G even announced an update... Posted 08 November 2014 - 01:48 PM Hi, i will upload the af updated as soon as posible, thanks. ---- and a way how to do it is posted at fsdeveloper (http://www.fsdevelop...taxiway.427049/) like some other people here also mentioned, it looks as if T2G supports its products just for some weeks and then moves on - as their sceneries are nor really low priced I would expect a bit more commitment for bugfixes. Also PNW is something VERY common in use and exists for some years so compatibility for such a "standard" should not be in the "we look if we can do something" drawer. I'm very reluctant to buy this scenery (as much as i'd like it) with this level of support
  18. HL, HP, RD, ... are Lakes, Streams, Roads, Railroads and other Vector data - looks like something from the "ultimate terrain" series - if you deactivate it, you're back to base scenery ;-) maybe it's enought to raise your airport above this scenery in the scenery library (landclass and vector sceneries should be a far down as possible)
  19. just a question / an idea about that sometimes strange taxi behaviour (going into the dirt and taxing direct crossings) mayby aicontroller has a problem with taxi nodes that are inserted afterwards into existiing taxiways (e.g. to smooth a corner or to force some special paths) because that new nodes (their "node ID's") don't fit into the start node / end node seqence of a taxiways and aicontroller tries to get them in some order. Just a wild guess - I hope you understand what I mean
  20. which of the 2 AFCADs included in the zip did you use? - i'd like to try it out, maybe I can recreate it
  21. can you access "\\Hannibal\Z\FSGUX\OCE\scenery" via explorer from your networked machine?
  22. that's strange, for I've got the same scenery - and no error message......
  23. did you accidentially miss the last Hotfix for Hotfix 7? - it dealt with scenery paths containing ".._scenery_" which was interpreted as ../scenery/
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