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Everything posted by davierosoft

  1. Hi all! I'm a new buyer of AAO and I already tried to study the manual and to do a script with the editor. However it is always "red" and I really don't know if I'm doing correctly. I want to add some TTS voices to be activated with the mission system of the hype h145 helicopter. The mission script may create LVARS and assign them the value I want. I want to use a single or multiple LVARS to trigger a TTS voice however it seems I'm losing something as when I enter (L:VARIABLE_BLABLABLA, number) the red light is there and giving me the error for the entire command. If I try to put the == if and so on, I always have the red light so for sure I'm doing wrong but I'm lost... I have also a question: If I want to use a single LVAR to trigger let's say 10 different phrases, not in a specific order, and only when the variable is set to it, do I need to put a repetition or goto or something? Or it will continue to run the script?
  2. Ground speed is the orizontal true speed of the plane versus ground, however on a plane is the most useless info we can have. It is used just to plan or info. Ground speed cannot reflect stall speed, you can theorically have a 0 ground speed with 200kts of air speed but 200kts of winds.
  3. I'm not more using NGX because I'm not oftn at home, however I remember that you can turn on the cabin lights when the Aircraft is connected to the ground cart, like the ground service. Maybe it is in the light section of the CDU pmdg setup page.
  4. Just to explain ground service: Ground service is not the same as speaking of ground power. Ground service is a mode of use of the ground power, a way to power only the "service" utilities for ground cleaning. This means that cockpit will be off while cabin lights and AC plugs are on. The batteries are also charged in this mode. Ground service switch is located in the forward galley panel and it is spring loaded to OFF with a magnetic latch to ON. When it is turned on and ground power is already avaiable the switch latches to ON and stays on until someone turn it off or when AC power from ground cart will be no more avaiable.
  5. If you read the manual you will find how true realistic it is. The 737 VMO limit is 340/.80 mach wichever comes first. The barber pull indicator will remain to 340KTS until around 26000 fts, then it will start to decrease as it is not more linked to Kias but Mach number. Under fl260 you will have 340kts limit (wich is less than .80 mach), above you will have .80 mach limit wich is less than 340kts. The reasons were already posted, air pressure varies with altitude, and the aircraft main indicators show CAS (calibrated air speed) aircraft velocity in the sorrounding air.
  6. I continue to tell you that works as it must for the automation that the system has. If you need to disconnect the cart to remove pressure, you are doing something NOT REAL, something that is worst that automatically turning off the air after the first engine. We are not speaking about an Aircraft system, we are talking about an external cart ant it can be either connected or not, supplying or not or even off or on. Basically, or PMDG must simulate the entire cart logic, or, it is better as it is as it works as supposed to be used in real life with all the automation needed. PMDG will look at it, I hope they will add a command to turn air off without disconnecting the cart, or it will be a BUG.
  7. Kevin, this is the only part I'm 100% with you but: Let's see some cases: 1) Normal first engine start (eng 1 or 2, is not too much important for the system simulation) Pressure is applied when cart is connected, engine is started, PRESSURE REMAINS (as you want), now, you want to start the engine with the crossbleed, you disconnect the cart and start pushback when, you realize you have a bleed problem, no pressure on it because of a failure. You did not realize it until you remove the cart wich is something wrong. 2) Starting no2) engine first, you technically can, and if you have problems somewhere, you can. The cart tube is long enaugh to be positioned to the ENG 1 side, but the tube will be still connected on the right. It is however still in a safe distance for an idle engine (more than 10ft) It is something wrong to let the pressure remain after the engine start. Bleed cannot be applied when cart is supplying air, and bleed cannot be checked until cart is not supplying air. The simplest way to solve what is for you a bug is to add a "idle/supply" or "air off/ on" on the CDU or a ground communication. But remember that it will add load to the virtual pilot when starting engine. Load that is unnecessary as it works perfectly as it is. Just to mention, there are a lot of people that try to start an engine with CTRL+E, some other are still writing about parking brake that don't go away (chokes installed), I don't think they will never try to start an engine with the ground cart.
  8. I'm pretty sure the load on the APU was lower than 66KVA because pmdg used the real manual to simulate the other things, and doing this, probably they simulated also the load limit with altitude above fl320 You can only see current draw from the APU, the power is a different thing and must be calculated.
  9. What is your APU load? APU will supply 90KVA up to 32000fts but is limited to 66KVA till 41000fts. So it can be used most of the time.
  10. Normally I am one who asks for 100% of system functionality, as in real life. So, theorically and technically speaking the dual engine start on ground cart is something that could be done in real life (also if with some risks). But, in this case we are not speaking of an onboard system, and PMDG coded a fully automated logic for air cart, we have only the connect-disconnect manual inputs. As PMDG decided to do in this way, it is correct that it stops to supply pressure at the end of the first engine start. This is also because in this way you can check duct pressure for crossengine start before disconnecting the cart. To me is pretty logical and simple to use. Adding only the support for the second engine start is useless. Adding the support for it will probably require to make a submenu in the CDU or a popup menu for ground comunication (it could be cool to have a crew-ground comunication menu) with all the necessary commands for the various operation of the cart. To me it is good as it is, pretty real and working. You're welcome!
  11. At fl300 you have enough altitude and probably speed to try a windmilling restart, as per manuals. The windmilling restart does not need air supply from pneumatic duct. engine rotation is done by the airflow. Faster you go, faster N1 and N2 will be. You need to have at least 25%N2 if I remember, however, manual will give you correct speeds and values. Ops, I didn't read the entire post... disregard my post ! You don't need to turn off bleeds on the engines if they are off, but this is not the problem. The problem is that both pneumatic and electrical can be used together up to 10000fts. You can use pneumatic (WITH NO ELECTRIC GENERATOR CONNECTED) up to 17000fts. So basically, start the APU and use its bleed to start the engine wich can be started with only battery (standby bus powered by battery). If you want to use APU to start the engines you can do with pneumatic only.
  12. The main problem is: It is UNSAFE and UNNECESSARY to start a second engine from the cart. I never seen one done in this way. I Always seen a crossbleed start. Now, if we want to have the control of the cart and it's air supply we must ask pmdg to add that feature, allowing us to make a ground personnel comunication to connect, start (and warm up the cart), add power to supply air, then idle it, disconnect, and so on... To me the system is good enough as it is. No need to spend time for cart control, just the need of connecting it to the plane in the CDU. Same as for the ground power cart wich is not only connected and ready to the plane when connected.
  13. The ground cart supplies air only on request, this means that may be connected one hour before engine starting and it supplies air only for one minute, just for the starting. Now, if the ngx cart supplies air from the connection it is normal, this because the user does not have a control of the air supply but only for cart connection. As you cannot disconnect the cart while is supplying air, at the end of the starting sequence it will turn the air off as it is in the real world. Now, if it is a bug (and why it is? Because you cannot start 2 engines with the cart? I'm pretty sure you can't do also on the real one) it is a good bug. If there is a "bug" is present when connecting the cart and the pressure will be avaiable. It must be avaiable only when requested. That is something I think pmdg made automatic, and this is a feature not a bug.
  14. If the position is entered in the CDU before one IRS is in ALIGN (so it is with ON DC light on and ALIGN light OFF) the position will only be acquired by the IRS in aligning mode. This is a classic thing when you do the things very fast. The ENTER IRS POSITION will become empty again and will ask to insert the position again for the second IRS. However, if the problem continues see the error code on the ISDU
  15. There may be a lot of reasons why they did in this way. One maybe an error reading the real manuals, or maybe it is something like a shortcut for having a close to real autopilot control wheel movement or other things... Imagine, if the autopilot needs to move the wheel double of what it does now, I don't think it looks very realistic for us. Now that the 777 is near to be released we can refresh team memory with old things included the yoke movement. They will then decide if correcting it or mantain as it is if it is a wanted thing. When it was pointed the first time, it was also pointed about flight spoiler angle that was too low with full aileron deflection. As far as I remember the spoiler problem was solved, aileron angle was good, only the wheel needs to be fixed.
  16. I already posted and probably sent a ticket in the past about the control wheel angle limit of the ngx. The real one is 90° (95 if I remember correctly) for a full aileron deflection. Your controller must be set for full surface movement, not to match the cockpit wheel. By putting in your joystick a full movement of the yoke with about half and a bit of the travel (60°), you increased the sensitivity of the yoke, mostly doubled it. ^_^
  17. To me it is a PMDG choice! The external cart is commanded by ground personnel, pressure is delivered only when required. That means that the cart will be disconnected after the engine is started as the engine will be able to start the other one in a safer way than having a cart, a tube, a technician near a running engine. The system has a connection ort, a check valve allows air to enter no other valves (except for the main system valves controlled by the cockpit) are present. Pressure will be present in one or both sides if the cart is supplying pressure. It is perfectly normal that the cart will start to supply air when pilot wants to start the engine. so, it will rise few seconds before starting, it will be disconnected after engine start switch returns to OFF. PMDG coded it correctly, simulating a normal condition, air supplied for the first engine start up procedure, then the cart is removed as it is in real life. The only way to make it more "real" is to add ground crew communication and let us manage the air cart by switching it on and off, or disconnect it.
  18. Hi! I had the same problem, it is a mistery also for pmdg as I uninstalled and re-installed the product and the problem was still there. Send a ticket to pmdg, they will answer you in a day or 2 with an attached font file, just install it as per instruction they will give you. PS: no problems with the head up display for me, but I rarely used it.
  19. Yes, you're right, but it is a mod problem. For us, normal users, the main problem in answering to this question is the lack of info.
  20. Flight performances are only tested in normal configuration, out of them, there are a lot of FSX limits that cannot be solved. 5% is in normal condition, I think error becomes 50% and over in some non normal conditions.
  21. Brian, do you mean that switching the test switch to fire the sound continues until you push 4 times the bell cutout? No one found this issue. I doubt it is a bug. Other than that, do you use the bell cutout on the panel or the master warning lights on the glareshields? In each case the sound stops only when you push them 4 times? What about the test switch? does it returns to the center position when you release it or not?
  22. It is something strange if the previous fire test was ok. The bell will be on until you release the fire test switch or you silence the test before releasing the test switch. Now, if you don't have 2 mouse, or a key assigned for the test, when you release the test switch the alarm will stop. If not, you have something wrong... Again, the test is the same of the fire test before apu start. The difference is the wheel well light, the WW detection needs 115V from AC Xfer bus, so the aircraft needs to be powered. As the fire test must be done for apu start (to check if APU fire/overheat detection are ok) then it must be re-done to check the only missing light.
  23. I think that Ryan asked for signing the post for another reason... more fuel in left tank in 15 minutes is related probably to a 10x scavenge fuel flow problem... Something that developers solved some patches ago. But we have few info about the problem. We don't have fuel quantities in the tanks, how the pumps are set, how you try to balance (you need to do more than opening crossfeed). More info are required.
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