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Everything posted by maxhades

  1. Hi Any ideas why the surface of the airport changes the surface colours(anomalis) depends on distance. FSX DX9 For example LOWL from Justsim/SODE This airport was made for fsx first but i guess some of them are not really compatible to fsx. Cheers https://youtu.be/V6aplRBab1Y Max
  2. It is not the same as FxShade what i am using? Max
  3. Hi Steve Actually i fly DX10 only with small GA Aircrafts. When i would fly with PMDG(737, 747...) i have a performance loose. Thats because of the contrails. PMDG 747 with their own contrails and 737/777 with VFX Contrails. All of them are hitting the system hard under DX10. Is there any chance to fly those beasts in DX10 without that big lost in performance and visuality? I have set to lights effect only. No heavy antialiasing settings(makes no different from 2x to 4x Grid) Whitout VC Shadow it is slight better but an overall lost in fps about -10fps. For some reason i have no probs with Majestic Dash and VFX. i7 2600k Geforce 1050TI THX Max
  4. By the way the Homer bmp file is ready to download in the orbxforum in my opened thread! Thanks again
  5. Cool. I will try tomorrow. Thanks and good night from europe! I report back tomorrow! Max
  6. You right. I have also a lot ORBX products! This is the only airfield with light problems in dx10 because of their own lightfile i guess, which is not dedected by the fixer. I have also KRDD. I will check your problem!
  7. After setting this file to OFF for a test. There is no approach light anymore but also no squares. So this file make some troubles. How can i solve this?
  8. In the effects folder there is one orbx fx file called fx_orbx_KSTS_white_approach.fx May this is the problem?
  9. I have done that. No error message and the bmp.2 file is in the effects folder if you ask! Max
  10. Hi Steve Only on this airport so far. Problems with the lights. FSX+Fixer Cheers Max
  11. Hi Keven Experim. Mode+FSX Can't save any of the advanced settings. For example. Master for mouse from 1 to 4. Next time starting the sim the setting is back to 1. And i can't save it for any preset or as default. A longtime problem for me. Sometime it works, most not. Max
  12. Now it is calibrated. Thx
  13. Acc green bar is not calibrated yet?
  14. Thanks. So i can go back to my old settings+the new lateral effect. Still waiting for a small update. Max
  15. Ok thx Keven! You right. But now the option ACC is now much more stronger and sensitive. Not bad at all but i was wondering... Max
  16. Hi Seems with the new update the turbulences are stronger in visual shaking(Gyroscopic) and full green scale in the Acc bar. Not the big problem but i have to set new parameters. Looks different now. Seems acc works like gyro and gyro like acc? Everything looks a bit strange now but not that bad. Can someone confirm that? Sim FSX Experimental AS16 Max
  17. I updated my fsuipc pay version to the latest. Since than my saved CP views and my Joystick for pan doesn't work no longer?? Max
  18. Since the latest update i have the stutters too. I was wondering whats happend. I go to the forum...and bingo. 100% no systemupdates or other changes! Same sim and system as before. I was not flying the sim for 2 weeks. Have not touched anything. Today the new update installed. First flight and stutters i never had before in the sim. Tomorrow i will test without CP for safety! Fsx/Experimental Max
  19. Sorry for the late response! -Effects wake=fx_dummy water=fx_dummy dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_PMDG_747_tchdwn_smoke, 1 //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)vaportrail_l=fx_dummy //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)vaportrail_r=fx_dummy contrail=fx_PMDG_747_contrail //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)WetEngineWash=fx_dummy //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)SnowEngineWash=fx_dummy //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)WheelWetSpray=fx_dummy //(Disabled by FSFX_PFX_Effect)WheelSnowSpray=fx_dummy vaportrail_l = fsfx_PFX_34674C5337767A6562726E38486D6958794975646E594E357576646268717151 //FSFX_PFX_Effect vaportrail_r = fsfx_PFX_34674C5337767A6562726E38486D6958794975646E594E357576646268717151 //FSFX_PFX_Effect SnowEngineWash = fsfx_PFX_3263496B6372304972726D3730684D4C74476972496C62414973497447333165 //FSFX_PFX_Effect WetEngineWash = fsfx_PFX_3263496B6372304972726B7A6C552B3438463674612F5544396C754D5A516C55 //FSFX_PFX_Effect WheelSnowSpray = fsfx_PFX_77755038474E6775336E5979767345506C38564553346F68304B333832395476 //FSFX_PFX_Effect WheelWetSpray = fsfx_PFX_77755038474E6775336E61444251543245683042306545366578725A326A6E6A //FSFX_PFX_Effect SkidPavement = fsfx_PFX_77755038474E6775336E5A6C3231714C4F656D4E4E48576F4544356C6F36676F //FSFX_PFX_Effect -Simulator FSX -Testet on some airports and on FSX Standard! Cheers Max
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