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Everything posted by BoxFlyer89

  1. I use izarc to extract rar files. Once extracted it looks like any other extracted file.
  2. How does one find a changelog for Orbx? I can't find anything other than the "update" button in Central.
  3. I assume this is a bug, and I don't have this addon, but 2 thoughts come to mind. Does moving the thrust levers more than 1 inch cause the handle to auto retract? Is there a click spot that allows you to "push" the handle back in? Both of those methods will cause the spoilers to retract in the real plane.
  4. Missing that much stuff makes me wonder if you were missing a file during the install. Might be worth redownloading P3D and doing a full uninstall and reinstall.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply Jim. This would be the file in the same location as the scenery.cfg, so ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4. I checked the encoding on the saved (and supposedly working) copy, and it's in UTF-8. However place that file into ProgramData\...etc. P3D boots to the black screen. If you delete that and let P3D load it generates a new dll.xml file and it loads just fine. So either I have to uninstall/reinstall the PMDG 737, 777, and 747 plus the Carenado aircraft to get the dll entries back or I have to hand type the entries in. If I copy and past the entries in Notepad++ it black screen boots again. What's really frustrating is I have no idea what is causing this to happen. Nothing is being changed between uses; no addons being installed or removed-it just stops working.
  6. Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone has any more insight to this issue. I'm convinced that P3Dv4 has a self-corrupting dll.xml file. I will run P3D just fine today and then tomorrow it loads to the black screen, and if I delete the dll.xml file it regenerates a new one and works just fine. Because I don't want to keep uninstalling and reinstalling my addons I've made a copy of the working dll.xml file and placed it on my desktop in the hopes I can just copy it back when P3D loads to a black screen. Now this doesn't work either despite not changing it from the one that worked. Ive tried notepad++ and taken a look at both my current one and the working one and don't see any difference in the formatting. I've tried copying over the entries from one to the other and that doesn't seem to work either. Any suggestions?
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