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Everything posted by AllFiredUp

  1. Very cool Kama2004. I need to do a serious IFR run in MS Flight. In real life, I had to leave IFR training due to finances, or lack thereof. I still have all my IFR books, but this was before 9/11. I'm sure a lot has changed since 9/11. Right now I live in SoCal. and air traffic is pretty heavy here, a bit scary for me who is used to flying around West Virginia/Kentucky/Ohio.
  2. If I'm every flying with you razorhog and I see you pitching wildly about I'll just say to myself "Razorhog is setting his radios" ;)
  3. see, now THAT is cool. That means there really is a good engine under MS Flight. Now just to see and hope that more things, possibly PRO features open up. How cool would that be?!? That is sweet! I used to live on Oahu in the 1970's. My father being in the USAF worked on O-2A Cessna's there at Wheeler Field. I used to go to a private school up near Sunset Beach. So I knew the Island pretty well. I've been to the Sugar Mill up around the North West point of Oahu. Kahuku Sugar Mill, I think. I remember in the 1970's when they used to do the burns, the ashes of them would fall on us at Wheeler. That's why I'm excited to fly around Oahu, it was one of the happiest places I lived at when I was a boy. The scenery that Flight did for it is exceptional.
  4. Ahh, Ellie, there you are, yeah it's nice to see AVSIM have this forum too. :) That is very cool! I've not done a whole lot of MP as yet as I'm pretty busy with family life when I get off work. But it would be cool to find a good group of Flight enthusiasts who are serious flyers. Not just kamikaze types or people that don't fly at all. I would really like to do some serious formation flying. Very cool! My gamertag on MSFlight or on Xbox is StratoArt I tried to use that for this forum, but for some reason it wasn't available so I used my old gaming days name for now until I can change it. Now THAT is what I'm talking about, that is TOO cool! I need to find such people. Thank you! Heimi. Yeah that light house is right on the coast near the JRF - Kalaeloa (John Rodgers Field) Airport BTW I also use SkyVector maps and airport information, Highly recommend. http://skyvector.com/airports/Hawaii
  5. I LOVE flying through the clouds in IFR. When MS Flight came out I had to try a situation I'm sure many VFR pilots would rather not get into. This was just a test of how flying through the thick fog acted on my senses. I was totally impressed with the way the movement appeared through the cloud. To my eyes, it gave the sense that I was flying faster than I really was. In real life I have a private pilot's license but not many hours at all. I was going through IFR Training back in the early 1990's but I just couldn't afford to keep it going. I keep my license updated. If I do plan to fly for real I'll go to a local FBO and get go through a BFR with an instructor. Meanwhile, I was just floored by the realism of MS Flight and the scenery and the IFR situation. It was impressive to get into the thick of it and see the airport appear and disappear in the clouds. No IFR pilot would really do this nowadays. Perhaps way back in the 1930's and 1940's it was like this when the navaids were a new thing. Honestly it was a bit hair raising. I thought I had sight of the airport beacon, only to find out that it was a LIGHTHOUSE! So the lighthouses beacons turn on in foggy weather, that is very cool. I knew it was not the airport beacon because it would be flashing green/white. Anyway. Enjoy this sampling. side note: As Flight Simmers I think it would be especially good idea to setup some serious hosted games with serious radio communication. I heard from another serious player that one can VOIP over specific frequencies. Now THAT would be realistic if there rose a dedicated group of people to do that with Flight.
  6. Man! that's so much better than clicking/dragging. Thank you.
  7. Just the other night (before the release of the update) we had a mock dogfight between the A6M's and the Mustangs. At one point there were probably 3-4 Zero's and 3-4 Mustangs. Obviously no guns but it was still fun. The host server had the atmosphere on Dusk. One thing I did notice. When in a high G turn with full rudder deflection the Zero stalls and falls really fast. So you see me doing that a few times. I did by the A6M Zero because it's my 7 year old son's favorite plane. It only cost me $4.99 because I already had 400 MS points to put towards it. My favorite plane so far is the Maule.
  8. I'd like to know that as well. I didn't see anything in the manual.
  9. Yeah I really long for TrackIR support. I have TrackIR 5 and love it!
  10. Ahaa! I see. Thanks for the correction. This would be good to know as I was really contemplating on getting the Saitek rudder pedals and yoke.
  11. I thought there were toe brakes on MS Flight. In the Manual it states: Brakes: Both X Brake: Right C Brake: Left Z http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/8/B/C8B261A6-CB18-4231-9DA8-545AFFC53D72/MS-Flight-Manual-EN.pdf https://microsoftflight.com/en-us/handbook/
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