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  1. Yes, I have the same terrain.3 folder but also terrain.1. I have Lionheart's Fairchild 24 as well as the Learjet, Epic Victory and when I get around to reinstalling it the Piper Pacer. There was some additional scenery provided with the Pacer, can't remember if it is provided with the rest of the fleet. I get an odd error when loading up the '24, it fails to find an avelina.ini file which sits in the terrain.1 folder. I can see it there so it must be looking in the wrong place. Just an annoyance really, I hit 'ok' and the plane loads up. I didn't get this error message in FSX, only now with P3D v 2.5. Regards, Mark
  2. Hi, same here. No landing gear, no VC in P3D v2. I had similar problems a while back in FSX and frankly can't remember how I fixed it, but this particular problem seems a little different. When I hit the arrows to show the sim icons nothing happens. I get a ten second countdown, that's it. regards, Mark
  3. Hi, does anyone have any opinions on how Skysong's B-25 sounds stack up against those provided with MAAM's briefing time? Just wondering if they are aimed at freeware aircraft rather than MAAM'S rather fine example. thanks, mark
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