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Connor Anderson

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Everything posted by Connor Anderson

  1. Hello, Is there any way to reduce the stutters within v2.5. I only notice them when I am in overcast weather, or whenever there are lots of clouds. I am assuming the clouds are causing the stutters, because in clear sky conditions, It's a very smooth experience. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Does anyone have any SweetFX settings they would be willing to share? Thanks in advance.
  3. Yes yes and yes. It was just released this week. I am very pleased with it.
  4. Now that a new pilot client is out. I would download and use it: http://vpilot.metacraft.com/ I am very pleased with it.
  5. This looks to me, like a suitable rig for both FSX and PREPAR3D. You should have no problem running multiple high quality add ons consecutively at good frames. As far as cases go, there are many cheap options. I believe I got mine for around $70. It's nothing fancy but suits my needs. One thing to keep in mind is size. Make sure there is plenty of space within the case for expansion, especially if you plan to over clock, some kind of additional CPU cooler will be necessary.
  6. I would also be interested in hearing a solution to this. I experienced the same issue, and could not find a fix. I recently had to transition back to SB.
  7. Hello, If there is anyone looking to do some scenery work in the United States, please PM me. I have a few international airport requests, but am unfamiliar with scenery design myself. Thanks in advance.
  8. Try running Squawkbox externally. Run it from the start menu, outside of FSX. If you are running Windows 7 or up make sure your are running it as an administrator.
  9. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experienced or noticed this besides me. The exterior textures on the NGX appear to be very jagged while the rest of the FSX world appears fine. I have AA enabled via nvidia inspector. Additionally the virtual cockpit appears to shimmer when I zoom in and out or pan around. I am referring to the edges of certain objects like the display units, and some switches. On the external model while in spot view, I notice the tires shimmer, and the cockpit window frames are very jagged, and tend to shimmer while zooming in and out. Is there any fix to this? Am I missing an obvious fix? Is it possible to apply more AA manually these objects? Thank you in advance.
  10. I have been searching for a quality 717 panel for a while. Anyone know of one?
  11. I'm searching around for new EMB settings. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? I am also running Shade for FSX. If anyone has any Shade settings that they particularly prefer, I would be glad to see them also. Thanks in advance.
  12. Is this just at a certain altitude, or is it all the time?
  13. Could someone please enlighten me on how to properly install and configure DX10 for FSX? If you can direct me to the correct files I think I could figure it out. Right now I feel like I am going in a circle and ending nowhere... Thanks. Also if this is the wrong place to post this topic please let me know. I couldn't find another spot that would be better, but I may have overlooked it.
  14. I am using Nvidia Inspector, and when I max out AA I notice that some objects and specific parts on some planes are still jagged. Is there a way to customize AA renders objects other than Inspector? Or is this just something I will have to deal with? Thanks in advance.
  15. Please PM me if you would be interested in becoming a founder of staff.... I'm open to all ideas, and haven't chose an airline yet.
  16. I know this has been brought up many times, but I cannot get it working. Could someone please list step by step how to merge the Airbus X Extended Virtual Cockpit with the Project Airbus A319 external model? Thank you very much, any help is appreciated.
  17. Okay, thank you to all, for the help. I think I have found the solution through Nvidia Inspector. I thank everyone for their responses.
  18. That is not my image, however if you look at the cockpit window frames they are very jagged. Even with my AA settings on max. Everything is smooth, but those frames. That is how my cockpit window frames look. May I ask what your AA settings are, or does AA have nothing to do with it?
  19. I was just curious to know if anyone has fixed this. I don't want to be picked on.
  20. Hi, I am tend to get a little over compulsive about little things, so I apologize if this post confuses you. If you look at the NGX straight on in spot view, you will notice that the frames around the side cockpit windows are very jagged, and on the tops and bottoms of the side windows the frames appear to shimmer. This also seems to happen with the cabin windows, but I'm now worried about them. Is there a way to get the simmering/ jagged lines on the cockpit window frames to go away? Do I have to go in and cut the frame away? I really don't know. If anyone could help, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi, I was searching around the forum for a topic like this, now that I have found it: has anyone found a solution? I am still seeing lines in some, but not all repaints. Thanks
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