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andy a

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About andy a

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  • Birthday 12/15/1940

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    Flight Simulation, Playing piano and Keyboard, Gardening

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  1. Hi Bruce, I have wondered if the fact that 40th Anniversary Edition is a bundle is causing the confusion. The uninstallation/reinstallation is a right pain. My pc was running for a day and a half due to problems with my provider, MSFS Server and Xbox problem I have had a further reply from Zendesk, and my post caused some confusion, when I made reference to a hot fix which appeared on screen and resolved the issue of strange colours and disabled OPTIONS and Profile buttons, before SU15. They said it was an Installation issue, and finished by saying, " everything working now"?.....No! that's why I'm sending another ticket. Today I came across a brief post in Microsoft Flight Simulator forum from someone with the same problem as me. The solution was to delete fs-base file. This has now got rid of the strange colours and has enabled OPTIONS and PROFILE again. Hopefully I'll get flying again without further problems. I had also posted on Flightsim.com, and got a reply from a member who kindly provided details re repairing Gaming Services. You may already know this procedure, but if not, hopefully it may help to resolve your issue. If you have a look on fFightsim.com, you'll see my post "Options and Profile are unavailable since Update 15" I hope you get it resolved. Andy
  2. Bruce, Some progress made after yet another reinstall, and many select "Verify and Repair File" via Xbox Manage cog.. Xbox is now, showing MSFS Premium DeLuxe Installed and Digital Ownership Installed. The sim opens up ok ,with the ability to choose aircraft, and , this time, I can enter an ICAO and select an airport Departure. The installation was within 7 hours, and the Start Up much quicker too. The Zendesk diagnosis of a corrupted Core Sim was possibly spot on. However, when the World Map screen appears, it reverts back to the same situation I had when SU15 was UPDATED to 1st June. I am unable to select OPTIONS or PROFILE. The view from the cockpit is of a coloured checkerboard, and an external view is of checkerboard livery. 1 week after the initial SU15, I started the sim ,and a small "click here "message appeared inside the cockpit, which got rid of the checkerboard, and restored the OPTIONS and PROFILE features. I'll now try to find out how I get this *^""^^**problem fixed. Andy
  3. I took the advice from Zendesk to reinstall, as they considered Core Sim was corrupted. (BTW, I envy some simmers, on another forum, who say the download of the latest update was Superfast 200-300 Mbits/sec. I'm lucky to get as high as 40Mbits/sec, but mostly 30-5 ). However, after a long time downloading and decompressing, My Library listed the Standard installed. The Xbox message " click here to play game" opened up the ASOBO screen..and the Installation Manager showed Update 63.77GB/58. Required Space . Available Space 581.93GB. Clicking the Update.once again after a long time, resulted in eventually being back at the ASOBO screen with 169.09GB to be updated. The thing is going in a loop. They have to get the Xbox of the installation sorted out I think. I'll trying to contact someone via Microsoft Flight Simulator forum in the hope of sorting this out.
  4. I too had the Content Manager listing DeLuxe and Premium DeLuxe as Installed and Up To Date, but they were not in the sim. Andy
  5. Yes, same Microsoft Account, and the same email Address. My Order History lists the 40th Anniversary Premium DeLuxe Bundle as Completed. There is another forum member who has also lost the DeLuxe edition, also after the last Update.
  6. Thank you for your reply.I've tried the " fiddling around" stuff you mention, without success. Even tried swearing at pc, but that didn't help either. I was involved for most of my 40years plus in the electrical trade, with fault finding, but it was a challenge which I enjoyed. However, msfs 2020 is a whole new ball game!. If you tube tutorials and Google didn't exist ,my sim hobby would've started and ended 24 years ago. This SU15 has driven me nuts!! However, what I intend to do, is request a refund for the MSFS Bundle, of Standard, Premium and Premium Deluxe. If they agree to that, I will then buy the Standard version only, At least the problems keep my 83 years old brain ticking over.🥴
  7. 19 hours now since I began re-installation! The 160Gb installation completed after15 hours, and then a screen appeared with 40 Gb Update, followed by another much smaller Update, which is now stuck on decompressing 40th anniversary points of interest, Still the only thing in my library is the Standard showing as Installed. I don't really want to go back to X-plane, as I've spent quite a lot on msfs add-ons.
  8. After getting the reply from Zendesk last night, I decided to start from scratch and redownload all the stuff. Some folks say to copy Community folder to another drive, others say it's not necessary. Reinstalling is a pain! I've had pc running since 10pm last night. Now, 10 hours later, it has reached 76% and is Decompressing fs-base -soundbanks fs patch. Progress has only been 4% in the last 2 hours, and I have the feeling it's stuck. Andy
  9. Hi again Bruce, I've just had a further reply from MSFS Zendesk Support. They reckon, as I'm only seeing a fraction of the airports, among other issues it's most likely the core sim is corrupted. The only solution is a clean installation, ensuring the manual deletion of all remaining sim files before reinstallation. I'll let you know if there is any progress. Andy
  10. Hi Bruce, thank you for your reply. Yes I know what you mean. There are forum posts saying , "Try this method to reinstall MSFS2020, it worked for me". I have tried the method recommended by MSFS. My unqualified opinion is that the present issue is concerned with the Download/Installation Process. The Standard version is OK, but the Premium and Premium Deluxe versions are not installed, in spite of being listed in my Content Manager as Installed and Up To Date. The annoying thing is that MSFS caused the problem with SU15, rectified it, and then made it worse with Update no apparent solution. Andy
  11. Did reinstalling restore your Premium Deluxe? I also have P D, and despite Premium Upgrade and Deluxe Upgrade both showing in Content Manager as being Installed and Up To Date, they are not in the Sim. My Library only shows the Standard version as installed, but not the Bundle. I submitted a ticket to Zendesk, who replied with a list of instructions, including entering data script in the Command Prompt. I followed the instructions, but to no avail. Andy
  12. Thank you for that. Actually I Googled AMD after I replied to your post, and saw the same article. I was a bit worried until I noticed it was dated a year before I got my pc....Well I hope it was fixed before then🙂 Thank you for taking time to check. Andy
  13. Yes I've experienced issues you've mentioned. Successful C&D PMDG 737-800 starts at gate 7 Belfast Aldergrove ,over the past couple have been fine, but now the aircraft is parked on the grass. Stuck nosewheel steering on pushback, but fine on runway start. At Manchester, scenery was like a desert. Sometimes ,nearing cruise alt...CTD. I've had msfs since the launch in Aug 2020, and there were issues, but I decided to stick with it due to GA and ORBX flights being great. Due to non related issues, I hadn't been simming regularly until I got my new pc a couple of months ago...and not much fun since. I had considered getting 2024 when it is launched, but there have been problems, not for everyone, with 2020 which haven't been resolved.
  14. Hi there AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8 Core CPU (4.2GHz Base Up to 5GHz Boost), My pc is tailored for MSFS2020 by a highly rated UK custom gaming builder.
  15. Thank you very much for your kind reply, and I have taken on board your point on reinstallation. My thinking was that perhaps something had gone wrong with the download. The pc which I bought a couple of months ago, exclusively for MSFS, is high spec, with 2 ssd totalling 3TB, and an Nvidia Ge Force RTX 4090. OS Windows 11. I thought therefore, possibly wrongly, that the problem must be with MSFS. The SU15 really caused problems ,where, I, and a lot of others, had weird graphics, and couldn't access OPTIONS on the Sim. Kind regards Andy
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