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About alcanallen

  • Birthday 04/29/1945

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Update on this scenery!!!!!!!!!!!!! i downloaded both the V2 and the V2 Update and it looks perfect all the textures are in their rightful buildings so perhaps you need to reinstall!
  2. Quote from previous posts.and there is talk of a update in "9dv2-1.zip"' check it out! Originally Posted by mav316 I think it had to do with running the installer without extracting the files first! I think this is what Mandeomangolf did as well to get it to work! For some reason the extracted installer with the Nine Dragons logo installed the program properly and I got the thumbs up after it completed the installation ! Thanks very much Opaplano and Mandeomangolf (dude get a shorter name lol) your assistance is much appreciated!
  3. Correcting a missing ILS in FS9 :rolleyes: At last after years i finally cracked this problem,the answer was in my utility file all along and fiddling about i found the solution in a file named................ILS_GPS_Approach_Creator_v 1.1 you need Afcad 221 to get the info and follow the instructions. Just remember to enter the Runways separately eg Rwy 6 and Rwy 24.
  4. Correcting a missing ILS in FS9 :rolleyes: At last after years i finally cracked this problem,the answer was in my utility file all along and fiddling about i found the solution in a file named................ILS_GPS_Approach_Creator_v 1.1 you need Afcad 221 to get the info and follow the instructions. Just remember to enter the Runways separately eg Rwy 6 and Rwy 24.
  5. Pleeeeze!! Iv`e been struggling for hours now to create Call signs for FS9 Edit voicepack. Two new low cost airlines in South Africa namely Skywise and Safaair Just can`t seem to get the sounds going,is anyone prepared to do these? Here`s Hoping. :rolleyes:
  6. Great scenery fellas where are thy found?
  7. Go to aircraft cfg,contact points then--- point.0=1.0, 32.83, 0.0000,-11.72, the last number decrease to lower increase to raise. Sorted Cheers!
  8. I get a OOM error when i get too clever fiddling with sceneries and once i get the offending entry sorted the sim runs as usual thus i don`t think it means your memory has exhausted itself but loading alien files causes the sim to bomb out. :p0128: That`s my finding for what it`s worth. And a prosperous new year to you all
  9. Go to the aircraft cfg look under autopilot,autopilot available check to see if it`s 1 and not 0,1 will make it useable! also check your panel and flight director and altitude hold are on.
  10. Greetings fellow sufferers! Looking at Pete Dowsons fsuipc 3.999 ''read me'' he states it`s better to fun FS 2004 IN XP3 Compatibility mode in Win 7 64 bit, iv`e been running my sim in win 7 mode and it works fine, is this instruction only when using legal fsuipc? Cheers, Alcan
  11. The whole Flight Sim is now A Dinasour but has given countless hours of pleasure so please don`t knock it!
  12. At a loss now the whole thing worked until i panned then the dreaded not responding monster appeared again and again wot now folkes?
  13. Eureka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it`s done,now to taste the pud!
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