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  1. I forgot to mention that for smaller aircraft an option is available in RC to request a shorter down wind to to turn to base. Whether this would be applicable depends on the terrain obstacles
  2. The best way to handle airports in mountainous territory is to use charts. At 40 nm out after approach assigns a runway you can request an IAP approach which disables vectors. RC will not monitor you until on final. You then navigate on your own according the the approach charts. US/FAA charts (current) are free from flightaware.com. UK charts on line free are available from: http://www.nats-uk.ead-it.com/public/index.php%3Foption=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=165&Itemid=3.html no registration required. Eurozone free on line charts are available from: http://ead-website.ead-it.com/publicuser/public/pu/login.jsp registration required. Learn their query system. If you have AIRAC database compatible flight planners and navgear get a one-off subscription to AIRAC data from either Aerosoft (NAVDATA PRO) or Navigraph's FMC package.
  3. Follow the procedures in the pinned help file. Send your original registered e-mail address and user name plus product ident code, updated e-mail address in the posted format to jd@jdtllc.com subject update user information for registration. Include a screenshot of the registration dialog if you wish. If nothing has changed then manually format as indicated the message sending to register@jdtllc.com. The format is critical.
  4. If you send jd your original e-mail address, registered user name, and any order information available you can request a download link (if you need to update your version) and also that the automated registration user database be updated so you can take advantage of the automatic keycode generator. The last RC4 release is 4.3.3845.
  5. One error is using /u for the command line. /u is uninstall. Did your confirmation state for sure it was registered? A Win 10 user might catch this post. Are you also running RC by right clicking on the rcv4.exe and selecting run as admin (even though you are logged in as an admin)?
  6. RC plays via your Win WAV slider on the Win mixer. I think it was FSX that has a way to redirect your pilot headsets to a separate output so check that.
  7. Be sure to update fsuipc and makerwys to insure it works with SE again after install. You will find the path to FSX flight plans slightly different. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/80977-updated-modules/ http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66136-useful-additional-programs/
  8. If you navigate on your own you still may need to get credit for listed waypoints. To skip them go to the extended menu at the appropriate time and choose the direct to option which will allow you to go direct from your present position to the next waypoint you choose. Just try using the common waypoints to all runways in your flight plan. Center will expect you to hit those. Please read the manual regarding the three choices of departure options. Points beyond the 30 nm boundary will fall within the center jurisdiction - no deviation available.
  9. RC ATC is coded for deparure radar finishing just after the 30 nm boundary with the last vector pointing the first waypoint after 30 nm. Your flightplan sent to RC must be in waypoint sync with your navigation system waypoints including the terminal data base. Using NOTAMS may help where commands become advisory. Waypoints STAKR and beyond must be in your flightplan sent to RC. This works here because STAKR is common to all runway departures. Note that in the departure options you choose from three options for vectors within those 30 nm such as no vectors, vectors with altitudes, or vectors with no altitudes. Since the runway is dynamically assigned, you can choose no vectors and then load into your aircraft nav gear the correct departure from its terminal database. My planner database is in sync with my aircraft terminal database data. Sections of this document can apply to any AIRC updated database flight planner. https://www.dropbox.com/s/owuz7p2ohx7y7st/fsb%20tips%20and%20update.pdf?dl=0 You can also after approach contacts you use the IAP option where you'll be responsible for navigating the last 35 nm or so. A third option is to load your entire flight plan including the approach waypoints into your aircraft nav system.
  10. You mean turned off the back course option?
  11. By default, FS9 stock airports have back courses enabled and maybe this was carried over to the UK2000 scenery. When the ILS frequency is the same on both ends of the runway you'll only get the correct one within two degrees of the extended center llne. I recommend you use Airport Design Editor, not AFCAD due to its limitations, to open the AF type file (afcad type) for the UK2K airport. You want the one that shows the runways and taxiways. Once that file is open, choose from the menu bar List Navaids. Click the line for each ILS and then in its properties disable the back course. Then save the file as a project and if no errors compile the new .bgl to replace the one you just edited. To disable the original just change the extension to .bgh so you can restore it if necessary. Start FS and let it reindex. Be sure your new .bgl has priority. Airport Design Editor is freeware from: http://www.scruffyduck.org/ Be sure to also check out the tutorial download section. To open the specific af type file Use File Open Direct from .bgl. In the rare chance that UK2000 is using the stock default afcad, then use Open Stock Airport and edit that which will create a new af type bgl. To see which af type file UK2000 is using try this free tool: http://www.scruffyduck.org/simple-airport-scanner/4584282795 which will search all of your active scenery to create its database. I think it leaves out defaults. After the database is complete enter EGJB into the filter and check the entries left. Most likely there will be one in the UK2000 EGJB folder and that is the one you should edit. When you open it it should have the runways and taxiways. The file that has priority is the last in the list for that airport.
  12. Since you are doing everything your self, have RC set to auto-tune your com radios. Then for that function you can use the combination ack and contact, forgot the menu key at the moment,
  13. You enable the debug log before you hit the Start button in RC. After the problem occurs use the alt-tab method to bring up the full RC window and press the Quit button. You now can shut down FS and follow the instructions I gave about sending it in.
  14. Does this happen with any flight plan? Does it happen with any of the tutorial flights? What flight planner are you using. What version of Windows, FS, are you using. Paste your flight plan into a reply here. To force RC to Quit, alt-tab until the RC window opens. If RC is running, the Start button now is labeled Quit. Do this if you wish to create a log to end in for analysis. Using the task manager to force RC to quit will not save a log to send in. To create a log to send in, load up RC with your aircraft loaded in FS. Click the Debug button. Load your plan. Go through the procedures until you encounter the delivery problem. When the delivery looping begins, wait a couple of cycles, then alt-tab to get to the full RC screen and then press the Quit button. (This is the only way to stop RC and save a log.) You can then stop FS. Go into your your rc folder, Right click on rcv4.log and check that its modified date-time is current. Rename your rcv4.log file to something else so it does not get over written.Zip it up and send it as an attachment to an e-mail explaining the problem to jd@jdtllc.com. jd can then analyze what is going on and perhaps find a solution. See the if you need help topic for other contacts. Be sure you have run the current makerwys.exe from; http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66136-useful-additional-programs/ which is used in the scenery rebuild function. Also be sure you are using the current fsuipc.exe from: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/80977-updated-modules/
  15. First check that your key assignments are correct by looking at the keyboard table in RC. Next check just running RC with a simple default aircraft and FS with no other add-on running to see if there is a key assignment conflict. "Spamming" a key to RC could get things out of order. What I do during clearance delivery is have a piece of notepaper handy ready to jot down just the numbers such as altitude and in abbreviated fashion first waypoint or vector, speed, etc., and then acknowledge. Remember that with the pilot wav option on you will hear the pilot read back the clearance to ATC. Do not use co-pilot auto-reply/comms In RC until you are proficient. it is important to acknowledge in order each instruction. Waiting too long can cause RC to hang. Also be sure you are not holding down any key too long so that it is not repeated (a setting in your PC).
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