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About nam1394

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  1. It depends on the winds at the time of clearance. So if you were assigned a runway and the wind changes, it will assign other planes to the opposite runway but won’t change yours unless you ask for it. So you might find yourself and other ai planes cleared for one runway and the rest of ai to another.
  2. Some AI poanes will produce smoke while taxing and causes FOS to plummet for 10 to 15 seconds. E190 in particular. Even when they are not in view. EHAM is a good place to test it.
  3. Yes, exactly the same issue I had and I solved it by doing that. I was found at MFS forum. So let's double check together. Let's follow this steps. You open folder of your sim at this path: disk:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore There find folder fs-base-effects\VisualEffectLibs\Asobo\Base At this folder make sure files : SmokeLanding.spb mokeLanding_LG.spb SmokeLanding_MD.spb WetLanding.spb WetLanding_LG.spb WetLanding_MD.spb SnowLanding.spb SnowLanding_LG.spb WaterLanding.spb GrassLanding.spb DustLanding.spb are all rename to OFF In front of the files, for example as was shown at picture (OFFSmokeLanding.spb) 3. Then we going back to folder disk:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore and find now folder fs-base-effects-legacy\effects At \effects folder do the same with this files: x_ASOBO_tchdwn_Dirt_S.fx x_ASOBO_tchdwn_Ground_B.fx X_ASOBO_TOUCHCONCRETE_BIG.fx X_ASOBO_TOUCHCONCRETE_SMALL.fx X_ASOBO_TOUCHDIRT_BIG.fx X_ASOBO_TouchDirt_Small.fx x_ASOBO_TouchDown_Big.fx X_ASOBO_TouchDown_Small.fx x_taxi.fx x_tchdrt.fx x_tchdwn.fx x_tchdwn_m.fx x_tchdwn_s.fx Make sure they all rename to OFF in front of the file (OFFfx_ASOBO_tchdwn_Dirt_S.fx) Sim of course should be closed before. Then launch it and try, for me it's working!
  4. Have a look at this thread it might help you. https://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=66964&title=fps-plummets-for-10-seconds
  5. No, it has most european and American centers.
  6. Sorry, my bad. It seems it has been moved to another menu in the new program. Regrds
  7. Ther is no such box in PF3, there is in PFE(the older) program though. So, I think you were given the wrong advice. As for not hearing AI chatter, it is strange. There must be something preventing it from happening. My advice is to wait until you get an answer from the developer. They usually ask you to send a log to figure out the problem.
  8. From personal experience, you need to run the indexer everytime you modify fsx, whether it is scenery or new aircraft even if you change the flight number or airline callsign from the aircraft selection menu. Also, run it after you change voxatc joystick setup, voice recognition or traffic density.
  9. When you install my traffic, it adds a line in the cfg that shows which directory it located. Vox will read that line and will know ehre to find it.
  10. Level-d It has a demo limited to a week
  11. Jeroen, I think VOXATC is what you are looking for it uses navdata and you don't have to talk, you can have the FO do it for you.
  12. VOXATC does control traffic but it is far from perfect in doing so. At some airports, traffic would sit on the runway and wouldn't takeoff until it disappear and it won't use more than one runway at an airport. Also, on approach its idea of seperating traffic is by having planes infront of you disappear.
  13. I will be doing a video of PF3 with oceanic procedure as well this weekend.
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