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About Polymerman

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  1. Nice job! I wasn't able to watch it for 3.5 hours but very interesting. Thanks for sharing.



  2. My two cents it doesn't work as a flight controller if it doesn't fly the flightplan. Why'd i buy this? The reality GPN750 works great but this stinks!
  3. Thanks again Jean-Luc for your informative reply!
  4. Thank you for the links to the information. Normally with a Garmin autopilot you have a VNAV button. I just wanted to confirm that this will work with the touch screen 750/650. For non Garmin autopilot aircraft one has to essentially manually adjust the verticle speed using VNAV but with Garmin autopilots you hit the VNAV button and set your altitude to the loiwest point and your good to go. Thanks again for your replies.
  5. Any time frame for this release? Will it compliment the 750/650 touch screen with VNAV button?
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