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    Lost in Iowa
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    Aviation, computers, graphics

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    Lost in Iowa (see more in the "About Me" tab).

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  1. Wish there was a video on how to use this. There are some gray areas that need more explanation. Command lines can be tricky and if your not used to using them, daunting.
  2. So I am doing these one at a time using paint.net for resize - when saving there is a box to check called "generate mipmaps" should I check it ?
  3. Interesting, so instead of after selecting the optimizer in the cmd line I try to open it with the texture optimizer exe but instead open it with a cmd ?
  4. Not working, installed texture optimizer twice now and both times when I click on the exe a small window opens but immediately closes. Not sure why but hope there is a fix for this. Windows 10 with latest update.
  5. Capt Sim 707
  6. Has anyone got this to work with addonlinker yet ? I mean have it start automatically when msfs starts using the addonlinker app.
  7. Found one locally used for 50 bucks so I had to get it. One word "amazing". I had several of the older Xbox controllers and this one is worlds apart - all buttons switches and gimbles (sticks) are soooo smooooth compared to those older units. It even works better and more seamlessly in MSFS than the older units did. Bluetooth was a snap to setup and a very solid link. I fly RC so I set my controller so the right stick is aileron and elevator. The rest is setup custom - left stick is look around, right buttons throttle up and down and flaps up and down, D pad is elevator and aileron trim, two top front buttons are right and left brakes and two bottom front levers are rudder right and left. I have not tried to use the other bottom levers and have to look more into the three light system for selecting three setups. This controller is a Cadillac for sure.
  8. Thanks, can all the levers, switches and buttons be assigned in MSFS or are some left out?
  9. Thanks, can all the levers, switches and buttons be assigned in MSFS or are some left out?
  10. Thinking of getting this and have a few questions from those that use it. The two front edge paddles or triggers - can they be set individually in MSFS. one for right rudder and one for left rudder? The to front edge buttons (above the triggers) - can they also be set individually, one for right brake and one for left break. I ask because my older Xbox controller can do that and I need to make sure the newest ones can.
  11. That is why Microsoft wanted this to be a civil sim - but the xbox kids have to have their warbirds.
  12. Where do you have it located, under the screen or above ? Pics ?
  13. But they do not have ground vibration when rolling fast down the runway. Only the B-377 does this.
  14. The best use of vibration to date was the A2A B-377. When taking off down the runway there was vibration in the cockpit - no other dev has used this to my knowledge and it did add great realism.
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