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About pty1973cm

  • Birthday 01/10/1973

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  1. The enthusiasts community is always a fraction of the mainstream. Anyway, thank you for your product, especially now that I was able to bind encoders to the Garmin knobs flying the autopilot of the small planes is so much fun!
  2. Gotcha, I was able to reproduce the invalid result on first poll. I also noticed at least one instance where I had to restart AAO because the API was returning zero values. About the "UNIT_KNOTS", I hear you it is not a valid unit, i used it because thats how its being reported from RPN editor . Anyway, for the benefit of the forum here's the code I am using to poll a sample group of variables. Some of these actually are not returning the expected results, I havent investigated why. ########################################################## # Query Sim Vars via Lorby Axis and Ohs Web API # by https://github.com/ElSrJuez # Polling interval (in seconds) $Interval = 2 # Get Local NIC IP Addr $Ip = (Get-NetIPAddress -PrefixOrigin Dhcp -AddressFamily IPv4).IPv4Address # Add or remove variables as needed $myvars = @( '(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE SLOT INDEX, Number)', '(A:AUTOPILOT SPEED SLOT INDEX, Number)', '(A:AUTOPILOT HEADING SLOT INDEX, Number)', '(H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_MANAGED_HEADING, Number)', '(A:PLANE LATITUDE, Degrees)', '(A:AUTOPILOT SPEED SETTING, Knots)', '(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR, Feet)', '(H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_MANAGED_ALTITUDE, Number)' ) $vartemplate = '"getvars": [{"var": "<simvar>","value": 0.0}],' # Alternate JSON variable template syntax (?) #$vartemplate = '"getvars": [{"var": "<simvar>"}],' # Build JSON request substring $url = "http://$($ip):9080/webapi?json={<json>}" $json = $myVars | foreach { $vartemplate -replace '<simvar>',$_ } $myUrl = $url -replace '<json>',"$json" # Poll Variables Loop while ($true) { cls Write-Host "Press Control-C to stop..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $myUrl -UseBasicParsing ($result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).getvars | ft -AutoSize | Out-Host Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval }
  3. Thanks, yes I was/am trying to use section 14.3 from your docs as ref. I am for some cases able to get a result by removing the "value" property from the JSON request. Still im not getting consistent results, evidently im still missing something. For exampe, these work: http://x.y.z.79:9080/webapi?json={"getvars": [{"var": "(A:PLANE LATITUDE, Degrees)"}]} -> {"buttons":null,"triggers":null,"getvars":[{"var":"(A:PLANE LATITUDE, Degrees)","value":8.925546960368381}],"setvars":null} http://x.y.z.79:9080/webapi?json={"getvars": [{"var": "(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR, Feet)","value": 0.0}]} -> {"buttons":null,"triggers":null,"getvars":[{"var":"(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR, Feet)","value":5000.0}],"setvars":null} But these don't: http://x.y.z.79:9080/webapi?json={"getvars": [{"var": "(A:AUTOPILOT SPEED SETTING, UNITS_KNOTS)"}]} -> {"buttons":null,"triggers":null,"getvars":[{"var":"(A:AUTOPILOT SPEED SETTING, UNITS_KNOTS)","value":0.0}],"setvars":null} http://x.y.z.79:9080/webapi?json={"getvars": [{"var": "(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR, Feet)"}]} -> {"buttons":null,"triggers":null,"getvars":[{"var":"(A:AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR, Feet)","value":0.0}],"setvars":null}
  4. Hi! To better understand whats going on especially with the new LVARS and XML Gauges, I am trying to do a basic variable interrogation loop. (I am using Powershell for now, I may switch to something fancier later if needed). This is the request I am trying initially: http://x.y.z.79:9080/webapi?json={"getvars": [{"var": "AUTOPILOT_AIRSPEED_HOLD_VAR","value": 0.0}]} And this is the response I am getting: $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($myUrl)" -UseBasicParsing $result.Content {"buttons":null,"triggers":null,"getvars":[{"var":"AUTOPILOT_AIRSPEED_HOLD_VAR","value":0.0}],"setvars":null} I have tried with various syntax on the JSON request object... with '_' instead of spaces, and even "(A:AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR, Knots)" without much success. Two questions: 1. Is there a sub-status for the request reflecting wether the sim query itself was hit or miss, and if miss the reason (i.e., var not found)? 2. Do you have a mechanism for querying events getting triggered in the sim?
  5. Vielen Dank Oliver for this! The good news is that this works!! its a huge step forward, congrats on your LVAR/HVAR .wasm module! The not so good news are that I will have to rewire my entire AAO A320Neo logic and that with power now comes responsability. Anyway, Since the X-Touch Mini only has "press" (and not "pull"), the first thing that I tried was enabling SPEED_MODE_SELECTED on the Neo at the same time with INC/DEC MCP speed change via an encoder. Initially I tried by creating an additional binding for H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_SELECTED_SPEED to the same INC/DEC encoder event. This seemed to work but only if I enable the SPEED_SELECTED mode on its own first (which beats the purpose), otherwise it resets the speed value to zero every time I rotate the encoder. So i tried instead creating an RPN script that will enable MODE SELECTED only if it is not already on, but this doesnt seem to work. (>H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_SELECTED_SPEED,·Number)·0·==·if{1·(>H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_SELECTED_SPEED,·Number)·}·els{·0·(>H:A320_Neo_CDU_MODE_SELECTED_SPEED,·Number)·} I guess I may be getting wrong the expected value for the variable to feed the if{ ?
  6. Thanks for this, agree this is likely not to work, it is/was just an idea. Regardless if this is a dead end or not... could you give me a nudge in the right direction on how to try this with RPN scripts? For example: Trying something really simple just for learning, I wanted to set the UNICOM 122.800 absolute value via COM_RADIO_SET_HZ and COM_SBY_RADIO_SET_HZ but failed miserably. I tried a number of variations of (122800000,·Frequency·BCD16)·(>K:COM_STBY_RADIO_SET) but I am evidently shooting in the dark. Also, is there a way to create a RPN variable to temporarily hold a value to be written using the SET events above? Thanks one more time.
  7. Hello! One of the issues that I have with the A320Neo and AAO is that when I change the COM frequency using COM_RADIO_WHOLE_INC and COM_RADIO_WHOLE_DEC (as well as COM_RADIO_FRAC using a AAO Toggle). This increments the SimConnect variables (i can see for example on vPilot) but it doesn’t reflect on the Neo Virtual Cockpit Avionics. I just discovered (via another tool that captures this) that the COM rotary buttons on the VC actually trigger the COM_STBY_RADIO_SET_HZ event instead. Also, that the Active/Standby switch button on the VC actually trigger the COM_RADIO_SET_HZ and COM_SBY_RADIO_SET_HZ events in sequence (copying the value via Gauge JavaScript code, I suppose). This is either poor programming or reinventing the wheel (or both). But it is what it is. I was wondering if via an RPN script I could emulate either of these mechanisms, hoping that those would indeed reflect on the Neo? If anybody could provide with some pointers how to get started on either? Thanks!
  8. When taxiing and flying, LittleNavMap sometimes autozooms/autocenters which is quite disconcerting when you were trying to see something else on the map or at a diff zoom; I am sure this is configurable but I haven't been able to see where?
  9. It has been a few months already and MPTO on the new sim is still not much more than a half-built, mountain-buried terminal building with disconnected runway and taxiways fragments. Don't forget to upvote the request thread on the official MS Wishlist forums!
  10. Many thanks for this, I was able to use the export/import function without issues, this is awesome to move settings between different Sims even on the same PC! (MFSFS -> P3D).
  11. Hi, thanks for creating awesome software. The Fuel at Destination number on the Fuel Report, when is it calculated? Is it recalculated during flight based on the fuel flow from the aircraft? And if not, is there a way to estimate the remaining fuel at the destination based on LNM data? Thx again.
  12. Thanks, I figured that the feature imports templates and not actual A/C config after I already shut down my PC. BTW, this is also useful if you want to reorganize buttons and encoders on an existing template. About the Event Template drop-down horizontal size, I renamed only a few most are default. I think that even renaming the events will probably result in some truncated descriptions because they are concatenated; many descriptions are verbose (which is a good thing). If you're familiar with the events it doesn't matter as much, but a newcomer or when importing somebody else's template this will be significant. Another thing: When following the template events during import, sometimes the encoders and buttons do not seem to show the MIDI actions for a random short while, sometimes it shows a different event and immediately changes to the right one on subsequent trigger. I could almost swear this happens more on the template import than when configuring single events. I know that it is not the controller because this is my second (i returned the first one) and because this doesn't seem to happen when I am actually flying/using; buttons and encoders trigger pretty much flawlessly.
  13. Oh, wow, thanks for this! I just ran through the Import Template "wizard" using this template and respective X-Touch Mini Layer A bin file and these button positions. 1. When "saving" each of the assignment prompts... should they start appearing on the Assigned Buttons column immediately or at the end? 2. I ask #1 above because I finished all assignments and I ended up with an empty list. : / I did it twice with same result. 3. Some UI element (i.e, Key Down Event drop down in particular) don't seem to scale horizontally when resizing the prompt window, the problem with this is that the fixed width of the dropdown crops the full description of the event which makes it more difficult to understand each prompt. 4. The size of the assignment prompt window resets after each prompt : P Anyway, thanks again for taking care of this!
  14. I do not agree that a guided setup "just isn't possible" but thanks for the direct response. Mine was just a suggestion, it doesn't even apply to my anymore because I already went through the pain of learning and configuring (until I suppose, I need to move to a new PC).
  15. Interesting! I know nothing about this so for science, I compared the Xtouch mini MIDI output of the same actions with my laptop and my desktop via Midimonitor.com (results @ end of post) and indeed they came out different. This was suprising to me because the Xtouch utility template appears to be made so that you can standardize the configuration (?). I cannot imagine being on the music business and buying a controller where every customer needs to reprogram the whole thing... i guess they can get away with that because all musicians are all trying to be unique? : P But i digress... if I dare suggesting : D One thing that makes a good app great is great defaults, or in this case an easy way to set them up. The app could have a guided process where you are prompted one by one the entries present in a pre-made template and a new user would just rotate/push his way through it. Like those speech recognition training wizards. The cherry on top would be a great generic printable template ? ------------------------------ Timestamp Device Type Data Channel 09:26 43:586 X-TOUCH MINI Note On Note #16 Velocity 127 11 09:26 42:625 X-TOUCH MINI Note On Note #8 Velocity 127 11 09:26 40:787 X-TOUCH MINI Control Change CC#0 Value 0 11 09:26 40:227 X-TOUCH MINI Control Change CC#0 Value 1 11 Timestamp Device Type Data Channel 09:30 31:561 X-TOUCH MINI Note Off Note #16 Velocity 0 11 09:30 30:859 X-TOUCH MINI Note Off Note #8 Velocity 0 11 09:30 25:428 X-TOUCH MINI Control Change CC#0 Value 1 11 09:30 20:438 X-TOUCH MINI Control Change CC#0 Value 2 11
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