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About Xsocto19

  • Birthday 11/09/1992

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  1. After takeoff and when i try to take up the gear the aircraft and all instrument stopping...but when i take out the gear it work fine....
  2. Xsocto19


    correct Byork:) but just unistall fs2crew and waiting for V1.4 Insted
  3. Xsocto19


    No i dont use migration tool just located P3DV2 insted for FSX folder when they ask where i want to install it
  4. Xsocto19


    I got it too work wiht P3DV2 now:)!When they ask for installation folder i root too FSX-then P3DV2 and wholaaaa!
  5. Xsocto19


    how can i install FS2CREW 777 too P3DV2 ? installer have only FSX and steam version.
  6. I test out and it work! Thx
  7. Aha Amazing Byork! Thx u
  8. Thx Byork my packs settings was set to OFF,,,he turn it off before takeoff but not on again under CLB
  9. Just install 1.2 for Fs2crew,,,today i choose to trun the packs off for takeoff,,but after takeoff he not turn on packs again ? bug or what?
  10. Yeah my version was 1655 but then i update it to 6320 and now it work again
  11. NVM PMDG 777 was not up to date ^^ work now!
  12. Some problem with fs2crew after PMDG released the new service pack....after FO has going trough Electrical startup and he says he is ready for pre flight checks,all doors in PMDG get stuckt,,cant close it or open it...
  13. aha will try get stuck when i try to say off
  14. Hi! When i say off the FO say ALT hole time-.- but if i sa MIN OFF it work...butt only saying off not working,,have do say off many many time before he go to next step..please help me asap. )
  15. Aaha i see ! looking forward to V1.2 and the new voices
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