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  1. Hey guys, I hope it's OK to post this here. Until 12:00 o'clock PM middle-european time you can vote for your favourite freeware product and honor the developer: http://www.flusinews.de/freeware-award-2014-die-abstimmung/
  2. Aerosoft ist quite the opposite of a small business
  3. Sure, vololiberista. When you buy physical good, this is the case. But not for digital sales (can be seen on the EU commission page linked in the article).
  4. There is no EU-VAT charged for customers outside the EU if you buy from stores in the European Union, so this won't change.
  5. "On 1 January 2015, a new EU ruling concerning value-added tax (VAT) on telecommunications, broadcasting & electronic services comes into force. It should ensure more fairness in the EU-wide VAT distribution but tremendously affects small one-man-businesses or startups as they commonly exist in the flightsim community. Francois Dumas effectively closed his FSAddon online store yesterday facing the expenditure connected with the new regulation. What you need to know about regulation number 1042 /2013 can be found over at flusinews.de".
  6. Hey there, you already saw the new Metal2Mesh product? New textures, sounds and systems for the Iris F15E. It looks much better now and you're also able to look a target using the radar, AA refueling and much more. But have a look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-ncq4E-TTw0 And some more information.
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