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Everything posted by Lerbech

  1. Solved. It was my Ezdok settings causing this strange behaviour. Everything is now fine and I just made a great landing at CYYZ. Thanks @MammyJammy for bringing this plane back in the air. Your work really increased the "flight fun factor". Jan
  2. Thanks @krisJ. I was thinking that it could be the yaw damper, but I can't see any deflection on the rudder from the outside view. I don't think it's a bug in the AP as this wasn't engaged. Can be I'm not inside the flight envelope - TOW could be the issue, but she climbed nicely. I'll recheck my parameters and give it another go. Thank you for the input. Jan
  3. Dear @MammyJammy I dropped this lady many years ago (I was disappointed), but this tread caught my attention and I found your mod. What a game changer. Now installed in P3Dv5 and with button clicks etc. Great job. THANKS. I took her out for a spin today. Everything seems fine. I only had one thing which is perhaps just on my flying skills. The plane is sliding from right to left during climb. Perhaps @KrisJ has an idea about what it can be that cause this. Can't recall to have meet this behavior before in my long time as a simmer. @KrisJ thank you for the flap settings. Will try this later tonight. Jan
  4. I fully agree with Graham. I had similar problems after updating from p3d v2.5 to v3.1. Delete and reassign the axes in P3D and make your selection in FSUIPC afterwards. My Saitek Mad Catz V1 is now working again after being grounded for a few days.
  5. I did not have this problem before I installed the mega airport EHAM scenary from Aerosoft. I'm generating my flightplans in Flight Commander and the guideline from phmcr works. Let us all hope Aerosoft fix this small issue in the next update for EHAM.
  6. I have the exact same problem. From the different fora I got all kind of good ideas. The most promissing was to check for old FS9 aircrafts and traffic files. I found some (not sure how they ended up in my FSX installation). But this didn't help. I repaired the Aerosoft mega Airports, but again without any effect. I'm considering a fresh FSX installation.
  7. You are right and it cannot be done on ground. You have to do it in air. I normally change livery while cruising.
  8. I have exactly the same problem and have tried everything. It works in most cases but especially under bad weather condition reverse trust and autobreake fail. Plbne continue with 150+kts. One example is Tokyo, RJAA 081405Z, were I fail several times, but under good weather conditions reverse trust and auto breake work well. I was suspecting this to be the rod cause. But I think we have to wait for the sp1 to get this fixed. Anyway: T7 is a great plane to fly. Jan
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