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About john1383

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  • Birthday 03/20/1947

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    Engineering and Classic cars

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    Retired Mechanical Engineer- Rolls-Royce Aero engines production engineering.

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  1. It's not satisfactory is it? Although I have vox working OK in P3d v35, I am not happy with it being a bit of a bodge to get it to work, and the mig tool is not ideal by any means. At the moment I am using one of the other "voice" atc offerings which is being developed currently, and will continue to use it until "7" comes out and if it does I will reassess the situation. i'm getting a bit old for waiting around with no communication other than rumours. "Moving on" might be a good idea in the meantime.
  2. They can pause for a long time sometimes! But if it does not continue at a bgl file you could move the file somewhere else and see if the indexer progresses any further without that file stopping it. Make sure you give it plenty of time to work though.
  3. I can't help exactly as I use the "copilot" function which tunes the radios and saves having to use the speech recognition feature and I have never had any trouble with Vox using it that way, although I do intend to try to use voice commands at some point in the future. Anyway. all I can think of is for you to do a reinstall of Vox atc and make sure the indexer completes completely, and then go to the start menu and configure the various option menus that are available such as voice setup, and settings. Remember too that the traffic should be set to zero in FSX as Vox generates its own traffic. When I used FSX, long ago, Vox always worked fine.
  4. Bob, it looks like you have buy one of the Ivona "partner" applications which then allow you to install the voices in Windows. Once installed Vox seems to know they are there and they appear in the voice configuration thingy for you to choose if you want. These partner things are not cheap from what I can see, but you can try the voices before buying which helps. I am actually 69, so I am hanging on by a thread! John
  5. Glad you fixed it! Like Mike I use Ivona voices with Vox, and the MCE (Multicrew Experience) application. When I bought them some years ago there was an offer of three voices at a reduced price, which is what I went for. Their installation into windows is straightforward, once you have bought them(!), then you can choose which to use in the Vox voice configuration option. Once installed you can use Ivona voices with any application that allows voices to be imported. Update to the Ivona thing: I had a look on the Ivona website and I came away totally confused, and I have no idea how an individual user can now buy some voices to use in Vox. It must be possible but I must be getting old because I couldn't see how to buy anything!
  6. If the Vox atc box, with the enable/disable option, doesn't appear when an aircraft is loaded in P3d, the first thing I would do is press "alt" if the P3d menu bar is not showing, then open the "vehicle" drop down menu, go down to the "instrument panel" option, open it and see if there are two Voxatc entries in it. If so, click on the voxatc option and the box you need should appear on screen. For some reason I have to do this with some aircraft in P3dv3. This is assuming the voxatc lines have been added to the panel.cfg for the aircraft when vox was installed, or later by running the "voxatc panel setup", from the voxatc start menu. You can check if the lines have been added to the panel.cfg file for each aircraft by going to sim objects/aircraft choose your aircraft, open the "panel" folder the open panel.cfg and you should see two new "voxatc" windows added to the windows list. If the new vox entries are not there then vox installer has not modified the panel.cfg file. I have nothing networked in my setup , I suppose that could cause differences in your and my success in running vox in P3d, but it shouldn't! If the box does appear then don't forget to load a flight plan and be at that flight plans start airport before you click on "enable" or you may get an error message. Good luck, hope that helps! By the way I have never had to copy "gauges" anywhere or move "simobjects" (misc?) either. I don't know why that is needed. I just run the voxatc 6.52 installer after enabling the migration tool, and it does everything.
  7. Yes, the last time I installed it the indexer took a while but did finish ultimately. I have tried to install it previously in other P3d versions and it has stopped at the indexer stage but I don't know why. If it stops at the airbus 321 and you don't intend to use that aircraft, you could move it out of the P3d/simobjects folder so the indexer doesn't try to scan it, and see if it goes further. Or, when asked which sim you are using, say P3d and not FSX, and see what happens. My Voxatc is within the P3dv3 folder, if that makes any difference, and I run it as an administrator. Or wait for version 7! I promise mine does work, but not everyone who has tried it has been successful, probably due to minor differences in computer setups etc.
  8. Sorry, I am not Samster, but I read your post and have a few minutes spare...! We are hoping for version 7 in the near future which will install into pd3 v3 without needing the migration tool. In the meantime you should download Vox atc version 6.52 from its website unless that is the version on your CD. You must also have the latest version of the Migration tool. Once you have it and have bought a registration key for it, run it's installer and follow the onscreen instructions, putting in the registration key when requested. Once it is installed, enable it, by clicking the appropriate onscreen box. Then run the Voxatc installer voxATCinstall.exe , version 6.52 At a point in the process you will be asked which simulator you are using, Although I am using P3D someone else said click the FSX box at this point, which I did, and it has worked OK since. Give the installer plenty of time to run through the indexing stage, it may seem to hang but it probably will eventually finish OK unless something else is not quite right. Then you have to configure the Vox options and apply the registration code which I presume is on the CD. I keep the migration tool active but I will remove it completely if version 7 does what it is supposed to. Once version 7 is out most of that will be unnecessary I hope! Hope that helps, but I may have missed something, or made a mistake in which case I am open to correction by anyone, if required.
  9. I'm glad it worked, but what we need now is a proper Vox installer for P3d v3. Hoping for good news in the near future! Fingers crossed.
  10. Have you tried installing Vox using the latest Flightsim Estonia Migration Tool? It seems to make Vox work in P3d for those who have tried it. It is not a free utility, unfortunately.
  11. Probably a daft suggestion, but have you loaded a flightplan and is the aircraft positioned at the departure airport of the flight plan, before you click on enable?
  12. I have experimented with the other atc offerings, and reinstalled Vox into P3dv3 using the migration tool, and it is the easiest and so far the "best" one for me. I think I will stick with it for now. It seems to work fine in P3d.
  13. Thanks, Dave, 20010 stopped that error. Another thing, which doesn't seem to affect anything else, is that after I have been given clearance to takeoff, the yellow text appears with the ~ in front of it, and I press the sayit button as normal to acknowledge the instruction..but this time the green text does not appear after the instruction has been repeated. The green text always appears in every other case when an instruction is repeated. I am not sure whether to keep "saying it" hoping the green text will pop-up or just assume all is ok! John
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