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Everything posted by Simmuel

  1. Still not found a solution to this problem. I think it happened after I update windows 7 with all the security updates and sp1 a few days ago. Unfortunately I don't have a restore point before this for some unknown reason. I cannot find anything anywhere on the web related to this issue which seems to indicate I am the only one with this problem. This leads me to think that something in windows has faulted with no way of identifying what. I have tried re-installing both drivers separately. Also deleted the usb info file and let it rebuild itself. Trying at presnt a wind 7 repair install which is tedious as althought I have a win 7 install retail disc, it won't work if you have installed sp1 so I have to uninstall all the updates including sp1 which is much easier said than done. Looks like I am going to have to start afresh and reinstall everything. I have so much fsx add Ons and gear this is going to take weeks!
  2. I had my PC setup with 3D vision along with the Saitek pro flight yoke, pedals, multipanel, switch panel, two instrument panels and radio panel. Flight planner on another PC tracking my flight. It all worked beautifully with fsx retail deluxe version cd. All the drivers and software were on an ssd along with win7 as a primary boot disk. Then after a couple of months of using another ssd for work I reconnected the fsx ssd withnto do some flying and for no apparent reason the Nvidia usb 3d emitter no longer is recognised resulting in fsx without Nvidia 3d. I reinstalled the latest Nvidia driver but still no joy. If I disconnect the pro flight yoke, 3d vision works ok but when I reconnect the yoke the light on the 3d vision usb emitter goes out and 3d vison fails to work. I tried reinstalling the Nvidia drivers with no result. Can anyone advise what might have happened and how I can fix this?
  3. I have one two. I bought it a few yrs ago. I use it for ATC communication up to now and the display for stopwatch to time flights etc. this thread however has reminded me I can assign multiple key strokes to it so will be setting that up shortly
  4. Have you considered trackiIR 5 and NVIDIA 3D Vision as a bit of a change and upgrade? Check out the recent review of trackIR on this avsim site and with 3d vision you can look around a 3d cockpit and move your up head in and out if you need to see a bit of the cockpit up close such as the overhead panel etc. you can also check your 6, 9 and 3 oc locks for traffic jus as you would in the real cockpit. It is literally an amazing experience once it is set up and running. I have the saitek instrument, radio, 2 x multipanel and autopilot panels with yoke, throttle and pedals. I also have 3 monitors, a 3d vision panel and 2 d panels. The 3d is used for the cockpit and window views where the FOV is controlled by my head movement with trackIR. One 2d panel is used for the captains cdu and over panel switches. The other is used for a tracking map so I know exactly where I am in the world and it relation to the runway on ils approaches. Love this setup and don't feel any need to buy anything else
  5. i know quite a basic aircraft but is popular and I enjoy flying it, the Just Flight MD-81/82. If that was compatible I would cetainly buy MCE.
  6. Fairly new to FSX so after flying the defauls airliners I picked up the CS MD-80, 727, 757 & 767. mainly flying the MD-80 around the states at the moment. Currently in Miami from the west coast and deciding now whether to go north or east to Europe.
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